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How to talk to a female and not seem like an obsessed person



If you've just surfaced from your parents' basement and want to dive to the love life, cool your jets. Learning how you can speak with a female means you need to be casual and real. Here are some pointers for numerous life scenarios. Source for this article:

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[b]Walking down the road to see a female[/b]

It all begins with paying attention to whether or not she wants to engage in conversation with you in the first place. If she is walking fast, focused on her phone and avoiding eye contact, don't force your way into her bubble. Also, don't bet [url="https://personalmoneynetwork.com/cash-advance"]all your chips[/url] on one-on-one road conversation after dark. Nobody owes you conversation. However, if you make eye contact and she gives you a small smile, that's an invitation to say hello. Start with small talk and see where it goes. Try to work in a compliment that isn't about something physical or sexual. Perhaps you can complement a colorful necklace? Could possibly be a history there, which in turn could spark additional conversation!

[b]Walk by a woman at a café[/b]

If you see a female at a café and she is smiling at you, you can walk up and ask to sit with her. You may have stuff to talk about already if you have seen each other before. Do not get upset if she says no, and walk away to your own table. Never speak with a girl who is studying or on the phone because it is rude.

[b]Female on public transportation[/b]

Women who ride public transportation are always worried about what will take place if they talk to someone. Creepy people ride the bus occasionally, so you may not be able to talk to her in the circumstance anyway. If you do, make sure you only give her non-sexual compliments, and be very careful about it. You should try to make eye contact and smile, obviously. If she is busy texting or reading, do not speak with her. She most likely does not want to be disturbed.

[b]Flirting with a waitress[/b]

Servers work for recommendations, so do not immediately mistake hospitality and a smile for an invitation into her dating life. Occasionally, there may be a few flirting signs that make it through - a whole tough wink, discreet lip-licking, et al - and if such is the case, extend yourself just a little. Do not make her feel like her tip is dependent upon accepting a date with you. In fact, settle the bill early and linger for that last cup of coffee or water. Then, if things aren't too busy in the restaurant and you can catch her eye, tell her you'd like to meet her for a non-threatening cup of coffee, and ask if she'd be interested. Assuming nothing, risk a little and if things do not take off, do not take it personally. Of course, if she writes her number on your receipt, the path is open. But that almost never happens.

[b]Flight passengers[/b]

Many people will speak with those sitting next to them when on a flight. It is a good way to pass the time. Make sure you are a really careful though not to bother a passenger who is reading a book or has headphones on. You might be going to different cities. Get social media data or a phone number if you like each other. You can tell she is interested if she is laughing and flirting a bit.

[b]The Wing Girls - How to tell if she likes you[/b]

Watch: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NNpyqY5f08"]VIDEO[/url]

[url="http://www.askmen.com/top_10/dating/top-10-ways-to-start-talking-to-women.html"]Ask Men[/url]

1 Comment

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Love the topic, too bad others don't.......for me - don't drool or at least let them see you drool... 555.



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