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Pole Dancing at the Coffee Shop



[*]Who are these Guys?
[*]They can not be for real?
The following are the minutes of the nineteenth meeting of the Pattaya Reputation Improvement Collective (PRIC), a working group answerable only to a ‘higher power’ and held on the plastic stools in front of Khun Noi’s [i]somtam [/i]pushcart, at the corner of Pattaya Third Road and North Road:
[url="http://inpattayanow.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/New-rules-for-go-go-bars-herald-a-mirrorless-future-for-Pattaya.jpg"][img]http://inpattayanow.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/New-rules-for-go-go-bars-herald-a-mirrorless-future-for-Pattaya-300x153.jpg[/img][/url]Those in attendance were: Chairman-For-Life, Lieutenant-General Dr. Pirrate "bloody long name"., Senior Vice Chairman Khun Porn, Deputy Senior Vice Chairman Khun Meelike Terdsuk, Deputy Junior Vice Chairman Khun Prasad Waxinyourear, Chief Secretary Khun Pissit Upagainstawall, Senior Deputy Chief Secretary Khun Yai Dingdong, and Junior Deputy Chief Secretary Khun Poo Pingpong.
Chairman Pirrate called the PRIC’s to order and opened the meeting by commenting on the quality of Noi’s [i]somtam [/i]and suggesting such icons of indigenous culture should be encouraged to continue to proliferate, alongside other unique examples of cultural heritage such as karaoke bars and, well, other things he couldn’t think of right now.
When it was pointed out to Pirrate by Prasad that karaoke bars were not, in the strict sense, indigenous to Thailand, but were in fact filched from the Japanese, Pirrate passed a motion that all comments made by Prasad were to be struck from the record and he be demoted from his position as Deputy Junior Vice Chairman to Junior Executive Waste Retrieval Officer for the Banglamung sub-region 2. Pirrate commanded Prasad be issued with a yellow wheelie bin, as well as freshly-washed orange overalls, a new straw hat, and fashion scarf, to help him adjust to his new position.
The Chairman then announced a fresh, new, grand, strategic plan designed to facilitate the removal of offensive night entertainment places currently known as ‘go-go bars’.
[b]One[/b]: These dens of iniquity, a blight on the tourist landscape, will no longer be permitted to go by the epithet of ‘go-go’ as this phrase is so 1960s and therefore outdated it invites ridicule from the sort of sophisticated overseas visitors the resort now attracts from places such as Bognor Regis, Atlantic City, Costa del Sol, and Reykjavik. The only other places on earth where such arcane phrases are still in use are Bhutan, and some former British hill stations in the remoter parts of India. From now on, these establishments will be re-named ‘coffee houses’. The re-naming would be in line with accepted cultural precepts and hopefully fool the foreign press into writing about Pattaya as the ‘Paris of the East’ rather than dumping it into the same cesspool as the Hamburg Reeperbahn.
[b]Two[/b]: In order to discourage young maidens from the temptation of taking up employment in these coffee houses, a motion was moved and passed banning all chrome poles within a twenty-kilometre radius of Pattaya city centre except in the privacy of one’s home.
Exhaustive research by members of the Department of Intelligence for Properly Supervised Health & Independent Training Squad (DIPSHITS) has discovered if the girls have nothing to hang onto while shuffling, many are likely to fall down from the sheer exhaustion of having to remain on their feet for more than five minutes. This will discourage many of them from wanting a career in a coffee house.
[b]Three[/b]: It has been noted by members of the Pattaya Reputation Improvement Collectives Trained, Embedded And Specially Ensconced Review Section (PRICTEASERS) that some of the young impressionable maidens currently employed to dance in a number of coffee houses are, to quote Yai Dingdong, ‘quite enthusiastic and gyrate provocatively to the trance-inducing music while constantly preening and primping in the mirrors on the walls around these places.’
Junior Deputy Chief Secretary Poo Pingpong thereupon moved a motion recommending all mirrors be immediately removed and banned from a radius of twenty-kilometres of the city centre, except in the privacy of one’s home. The motion was passed.
It is the PRIC’s firm belief that by changing the names of the bars, removing and banning chrome poles, and removing and banning mirrors, the working girls will soon return to their home provinces to take up a rewarding cultural profession such as singing in karaoke bars to bring joy and gladness to the hearts of inebriated travelling salesmen, farmers, fishermen, and truck drivers.
The meeting adjourned and the members -minus Junior Executive Waste Retrieval Officer for the Banglamung sub-region 2 Khun Prasad Waxinyourear- were invited to relax at the Slimy Hands Restaurant and House of Jolly Good Fun karaoke bar, owned by Chairman Pirrate’s brother-in-law Khun Sumsuk.

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Sorry but couldn't resist nicking this and posting to FB.
Got knocked off me scooter 6 days ago and bust some ribs......reading this hasn't helped one bit!
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