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Well, one of my friends have aske me the following question , I couldn't gave her perfect answer , so I hope you can help me.

Is ancient Thai culture in any way influenced by Chinese culture? For example, were Thai kingdoms influenced by Chinese philosphies and political models at all? Did the Thai people use, or ever used, chopsticks?


Or is Thai culture mostly Indianized with aboriginal influences?


My friend also like to ask the same question about all continental South East Asian countries, such as Burma, Laos, Cambodia, and Malaysia, excluding Vietnam.


So much appreciated if you can answer it.


I used this handy tool and searched for “Chinese influence on Thai” with this result.


If you wish more in-depth information then I recommend to buy the book “A History of Thailand”.


  • 1 month later...

Certainly they are. Not to mention the chinese temples just take a look at Thai traditional massage. Finger-point part of it came from China

(as well as twisting of joints came from Yoga, India)

  • 4 months later...

Of course, also Indians have great influence on thai culture too....most thai name sound very similar to indians ... Surprised?

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