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I heard that in Bangkok Fast track is sold about 200 or 300 Baht.


Fast track is the ticket for airport.

If someone have this ticket there is no need to wait for departure.

Sometimes it is very long line.


Anyone know where can I buy the ticket in Pattaya??




I heard that in Bangkok Fast track is sold about 200 or 300 Baht.


Fast track is the ticket for airport.

If someone have this ticket there is no need to wait for departure.

Sometimes it is very long line.


Anyone know where can I buy the ticket in Pattaya??




Did you attempt Google at all ? There are at least 4 that range from 1200 THB to about 2500 with and without a golf cart and all require payment up front.


Of fly first or business class and the airline ( good ones anyway) will give you one on arrival and departure.


Did you attempt Google at all ? There are at least 4 that range from 1200 THB to about 2500 with and without a golf cart and all require payment up front.


Of fly first or business class and the airline ( good ones anyway) will give you one on arrival and departure.


Yeah I attempt Google.

I think that one (from 1200THB to 2500B) is including the price of pick up in the airport. right?


I mean the price of ticket ,not including pick up service.


I heard that in Bangkok the ticket is sold in some travel agency. 200Bath is the cheapest one.


I think you just need to check the website that forqalso kindly posted. The price is there for flight "meet and greet" service with fast track (either walking or with buggy service) and without limo transport.

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I think you just need to check the website that forqalso kindly posted. The price is there for flight "meet and greet" service with fast track (either walking or with buggy service) and without limo transport.


yeah Forqalso ,thank you for your post.

I checked the website.

But I think that I cannot buy only the ticket in this website.

I think in Pattaya I cannot buy this ticket ,right?


yeah Forqalso ,thank you for your post.

I checked the website.

But I think that I cannot buy only the ticket in this website.

I think in Pattaya I cannot buy this ticket ,right?


I think you can book it online and print the ticket right then. I've never used this service; hell, I'd never heard of it before the OP.

I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals.


Winston Churchill

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