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i am from the United State and i am wondering if i need to get any kind of vaccines to travel to Thailand ??

The Thousands Inc.


The only one you'll need is an anti-fall in love with lbfm vaccine.


The only one you'll need is an anti-fall in love with lbfm vaccine.



CRAP! I should've gotten THAT ONE before my last trip!


Yeah i missed out on the anti-fall in love vaccine as well, it cost me plenty. Seriously apart from the normal tetanus etc you should get a Hep B vaccination. It's much easier to catch than the dreaded HIV but can still be very bad news.


You won't need cholera or typhoid etc unless you plan on traveling into the countryside or bush. Hepatitis B shot lasts 30 years and will protect you but it is not essential if you bag up. I got one anyway (takes a course of 3 shots over 28 days). You can catch Hepatitis A from the water or food washed in local water, but it is not common. The major cities like Bangkok, Pattaya, Chiang Mai etc. should be fine. Thailand is a much cleaner country in that respect when compared to its neighbours or India for example.




Physically recommended:

Hep A/B


Physically recommended:

Anti-fall in love with lbfm vaccine (suggested by fellow BM beenthere)


If this fails, additionl vaccinations might help

Anti-white knight in the shining armor delusion

Anti-heal the water buffalo syndrome

Anti-sponsor disorder

Anti-mine is differnt illusion



Before my trip I had gotten the  anti-fall in love vaccine, but it's not working. Maybe cause are girls and a lot of beer.

Yes, of cause, next time I will get a anti-beer vaccine:)


Anti-fall in love!! (how could you think of this? hahaha) find 2 more for me though.Lol


lol thanks for the info

The Thousands Inc.


Does anyone know WHERE in Pattaya that I can get a vaccination such as HEP A/HEP B shots ?


I strongly suggest Hep A and B.


Got my Hep B shots a few years back. As I remember I had two or three shots in quick succession, over a period of a few weeks, then got the last one after a year to give full extended protection.


I didn't think you could get protection from the less harmful A or the quite serious C?



Being English I still remember being embarrassed when the doc asked me if I was planning to 'play with the natives', but silly not to get it when it's available.


I always make sure I am caught up on my vaccinations. I also get a tuberculin or PPD test before I travel then another one 3 months after I get back. I do all this through a pre-travel screening at a travel medicine clinic. I use a military travel clinic. But there are civilian versions. The doctor will ask you where you are going and what kind of activities you are planning such as tours in the Jungle, etc.





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