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What's the one thing you never leave behind when you travel?

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Bose noise cancelling headphones, 12.5 hours of baby crying isn't cool.


What's yours? Remember we are talking about travel accessories.


A jacket.

I'm always cold in planes.


my headphone adaptor jack and quality headphones, the rubbish ones they give you on planes hurt my ears and you can hear the crying babies, whinging yanks, the token drunken aussie, ( which isnt a problem for me, if i am that token drunken aussie, but it shits me other wise) and excited kids that wont shut up, i also always bring a combination lock so if my hotel doesnt have a safe in room i just like my valuables up in my bag when the BG is in the shower, havent been ripped of yet touch wood, oh and some sleeping pills for the flight back to oz, which for me is always an overnighter, and they are a must!!

she asked "do you lub me?" i replied "i lub fucking you!"


A pen.

Always need to fill in the visa dicument.


My Brain


My Brain


What use it that for anyone in Pattaya? :GoldenSmile1:


• Pullover.(aircon)

• Pen & notebook.

• MP3 player & headphones.

• Inflatable neck pillow.

• Dick in good condition. :)


My Ebook.


What use it that for anyone in Pattaya? :GoldenSmile1:

:LMFAO: Maybe it is the lower brain he wouldn´t go to patts without :Laugh1:


Anyway - would not go without a very good headset (I am using SHURE for the time being) - noiseredution etc. as the OP mentioned. ,One thing i just cant stand on a plane is the babies crying. :68:

Everyone has the right to my opinion


Ipod - essential for music on the plane / by the pool and also carries my Thai language lesson audio files.


main thing i check that i have before i leave to get the plane is my babywipes and pen to fill in the arrival form.

babywipes are awesome to freshen up with on the plane, also like using them to wipe my arse when i get there.

and the pen is for obvious reasons (take not all you lovely people who forget to fill in the arrival form!!)


I always bring a handful of cheap pens to giveout. You know what for.

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