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Slipped in bare back !


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First night here- picked up bargirl in one of LK bars- back to hotel, good session with condom and then sleep. Woke up in the morning she was all over me, and ended up sort of 'dry humping' her (or her me), and it sort of slipped in. I pulled it straight out and put on a condom, but guess it's a bit late.


Bit paranoid now, checking my dick every 10 mins, but looks the same and no pain or anything when I pi**. I read on another thread, you cana buy some antibiotics (from Chemist?)or just wait and see- and for how long?


What a ************ start

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Slipped in and put condom after. Did you really read Instruction Manual carefully?


Your chances to contamination are next to zero.

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No worries mate, you'll find out soon.


STD 002.jpg


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If it is a bad case of the STDs it will show up in a few days but if you don't have any pain or discharge after a week you should be okay.


I know from experience. Next piss immediately after it happens and you will piss out any bacteria before it can clamp hold.

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That is why I sometimes be careful of taking the older BGs since they worry about being dry and don't condoms in my experience. Young girls give you that look if it just slip in to give you like what are you doing man LOl!!!

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She was young, and not planned by me or her- but thinking some more, I guess just if she had anything, I would have caught it rubbing against her (her me)


"Slipped in and put condom after. Did you really read Instruction Manual carefully?"


Just woke up, with her rubbing herself up against me- dry humping, but it slipped in after a minute or so, I was still half asleep, pulled it out/woke up and then put condom on




Guess I can't do anything for now- just had a massage and HJ and still in working order

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I feel for you. I did the exact thing with a girl in Manila last year. She was at the "model" level at the club and was a gift more or less from my mates. She was incredible and young so it did not bother me much that day, but the week following I kept a weathered eye on my johnson ;)

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Hiv takes upto 3 months to show on a test. This Mistake put you at risk, but id say low lisk.


If i was you id enjoy the rest of my trip. Cover up. And in 3 months get tested.

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Hiv takes upto 3 months to show on a test.


21 days, mate... 21 days for 99.98%...

About the 0,2% ? maybe 22 or 23 days.


The best thing to do is goind to see buddha once a day for 2 weeks. That should fix everything.

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21 days, mate... 21 days for 99.98%...

About the 0,2% ? maybe 22 or 23 days.


The best thing to do is goind to see buddha once a day for 2 weeks. That should fix everything.


Okay so we all have different sources.... Nhs -


'A blood test can usually pick up HIV within a few weeks of infection, however it can occasionally take longer and a test after three months is recommended to exclude HIV infection.,

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Okay so we all have different sources.... Nhs -


'A blood test can usually pick up HIV within a few weeks of infection, however it can occasionally take longer and a test after three months is recommended to exclude HIV infection.,


Very old HIV tests (more than 10 years ago) could detect it when antibodies where high enough, and 3 months seemed a good delay.

Nowadays, tests are very sensitives and HIV can be detected within 3 weeks.


And almost all countries are now doing the elisa+abbott test that search antibodies and antigenP24.

antigen P24 can be detected within 2 weeks.




So why people (including non-specialised doctors) keeps saying 3 months ? 2 main reasons :


1 - not updating their knowledge

2 - for doctor and politicals, minimum responsibilities is the best, lets keep a long delay in case...


So my reccomendations are :

You did someting that could give you HIV ? then go for a test 3 weeks later. 99% this test will be reliable. This might help you sleep better...

Then wait a few more weeks (let say 3 months to make everybody happy) and do an other test that will probably (99,98%) show same results as the first one.

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So my reccomendations are :

]You did someting that could give you HIV ? then go for a test 3 weeks later. 99% this test will be reliable. This might help you sleep better...

Then wait a few more weeks (let say 3 months to make everybody happy) and do an other test that will probably (99,98%) show same results as the first one.


That´s maybe true if you´ll do that PCR-test..Very expensive test, at least here in finland.


But normal antibody-test is not reliable before 3 months has elapsed. Every doctor/research says that, so better believe :rolleyes:

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That´s maybe true if you´ll do that PCR-test..Very expensive test, at least here in finland.


But normal antibody-test is not reliable before 3 months has elapsed. Every doctor/research says that, so better believe :rolleyes:


Ok, we're not going to make a full thread about 3 weeks or 3 months ...


Note the 4th generation test is more sensitive than the PCR test. This means your biggest risk is to be shown positive as you're not (0.5% false pos)


I quickly found this on the 3rd generation test (less efficient than the 4th).

Read chapter 3 and you will notice that years ago, period was already 3 weeks for most people.


Summary :

- Specific antibody to HIV is produced shortly after infection, but the exact time depends on several factors

- Using the early-generation tests, antibody could be detected in most individuals by 6 to 12 weeks

- third-generation antigen sandwich assays, can detect antibody at about 3-4 weeks after infection

- This window period before the detection of antibody can be shortened by several days using antigen tests

- the window period may be only 2-3 weeks if an all-inclusive testing strategy is used

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Risk of aids is virtually zero, it's about 1/1000 to 1/2000 for a full 15 min loving making shaggy-waggy, but since you pulled out after 1 push, the chance being killed by a car accident are higher.


Check the medhelp forum, which specialises in these kind calculations.


Getting Chlamydia is far easier, but then again: antibiotics will win the fight for you ;)

Edited by Tommy204

"Why are farangs so stupid?" she asked and I had no answer to that.

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Try the "do it yourself at home test"! Take a cotton swab, stick it in your urethra, twist, and pull. If it hurts you should then go to a doctor and get a test!


On a side note, I wonder how long of exposure you need to develop and STI like chlamydia.


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Try the "do it yourself at home test"! Take a cotton swab, stick it in your urethra, twist, and pull. If it hurts you should then go to a doctor and get a test!



Painfull ? Depends on how big the cotton is LMAO1.gif

A good girl gives you happiness and a bad girl gives you experience both are essential in life so enjoy every girlfriend!

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Dude you need to relax, this sort of thing happens every day!

You did the right thing by inertially pulling out,

Chances are she had nothing as being so young!


Just to be safe, have a check up in 3months time.




Always wear a helmet when riding motor bikes!!!!!!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Back in UK now and no obvious symptoms- although dick very sore- too much ************8


Was thinking of waiting a few week and going to clinic just to be sure- need to be fit for next trip in June !!!!!

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sure u'll be right mate


fortunately/unfortunately i have been in the same situation as u but a bit worse/deliberate


tests always been clear thank god.....

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i think anyone who isnt sensible to the extream is going to make a mistake or two in LOS. Dont worry about it just be happen keeping mistakes to a minimum

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these things happen,move on,theres more things to worry about like how many girls your gunna have in the next 24 hours


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This happened to me on my last holiday, slipped in and she was wet as hell, very very hot young thing from iron club, this mixed with her saying 'whoopsy' as it slipped in just lead to my failure to bother putting a condom on :(

3 days later my cock blew up like a big red balloon and started shedding skin :o

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If you got anything you would be the unluckiest guy alive, you have next to zero chance of getting anything.

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