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Pic's on SD Card


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I have a collection of pic's stored on 2 separate memory cards, both 2mg SD cards. I can view them on the camera view finder and also on my TV( (card reader slot). I am affraid to load them on to the family computer to edit them because it is the family computer and the images are not for family viewing if you know what I mean.

How can I get these images on to one card or another storage device without loading on to the computer. I know I can delete them after editing and hiding faces before posting a couple but I fear they will be sat in some hidden area of the computer and will be found by someone. Any idea's?

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I have a collection of pic's stored on 2 separate memory cards, both 2mg SD cards. I can view them on the camera view finder and also on my TV( (card reader slot). I am affraid to load them on to the family computer to edit them because it is the family computer and the images are not for family viewing if you know what I mean.

How can I get these images on to one card or another storage device without loading on to the computer. I know I can delete them after editing and hiding faces before posting a couple but I fear they will be sat in some hidden area of the computer and will be found by someone. Any idea's?


I not sure either , but like you I am paranoid about that stuff haha, I have a guest book account on my computer that other people can use, anyway I uploaded pics from a folder on my own account on to PA or hotmail, but one pic went to this Guest Account and my sister said ahem mmmm, I think you sent something to me by mistake (lol) lucky the Thai Girl had clothes own haahahaha,

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put on to the copmuter then move to the other card then they are not there for them to see thats about it.

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Send both cards to me and say which pictures and faces you want blacked out. I will do it all for nothing :GoldenSmile1:


On a serious note your going to need to load one set on to a PC before you can then transfer them back to another card. You would be better buying a memory stick and transferring them all on to that and then deleting the cards images with your camera. If you buy a USB memory stick and put it in the computer, then attach the camera you can transfer directly to the memory stick without putting anything on the PC. Or you could just burn them to CD but it's more likely to be found, lost etc and is on there for good unless you smash the CD.

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go into a internet cafe.

Load both 2 gig card onto a computer, then move all the pics onto a 4.6g dvd, or from the computer transfer onto a larger memory card.

Best thing would be to, buy yourself a small 250g portable hard drive, get a good with with a security password, then your pics will be safe.

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You can buy an adapter which turns an SD memory card into a USB memory stick. (Costs $5 US in American store Target, I assume something equivalent is available in your part of the world.)

You can plug that into a USB port on a computer. Plug an empty USB memory stick into another port.

You can then open your card and drag the photos of interest to the memory stick. You will not have to worry that the photos will remain on the computer, because they were never on the computer hard drive at any time.

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Well thankyou all for the advice. I think I will pick up a memory stick and transfer them on to it using the methods you have instructed. Thanks again for your help.

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Well thankyou all for the advice. I think I will pick up a memory stick and transfer them on to it using the methods you have instructed. Thanks again for your help.


Yes, a memory stick or external hard drive of some kind would be perfect. If you going to be collecting tons of pics on your 'adventures' I would go with the external hard drive so you don't run out of space as pics right out of the camera can be quite large. I use Western Digital externals and they have been great for me. I just picked up a 500 gig for 2,200 baht at Central Festival.

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