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Why, why, why old posts are kept alive?


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Hey mods --- I'm a newbie, and I love this board, except for one really big frustration --- the ability

of people to keep old posts alive.


Back in the states there are several similar boards for Reviewing p4p ladies and most of those boards have

one thing in common, if you revive a post that has had no active posts for three months, the mods ad a post

of their own reminding you not to revive old, dead posts, and then they immediately close that section for

further posting.


I am fortunate I took the time to read so many posts, so I have learned a lot of stuff, but there have been

times when I felt sorry for the newbies, just starting out, because there have been literally days when

90 percent of the posts are old, old, old.


Example-- there is a Do you expect sex poll, prominently displaed on the first page of Barstool banner today--- this

post started in 2007. -- doubt there is any new points of view in four years.


Under bars and go-go's there's a "is the Devil's Den worth the money post" with 57 pages, starting in Aug 2009.

While I very much am interested in the Deveils Den, (and in fact I wish there were a section devoted only to the

Den) 90 percent of these posts refer to girls that are long, long gone from the Den. New posts about new girls,

should, in my opinion, be made in new posts, and the board should encourage new news over old --- although

some of the pinned subjects such as Dr. Winston's vetting guide are essentials.


Trip reports, same thing, --- New ones shoudl be prominently displayed, --- old ones, four, five months only,

a year old, two years old, should go to the bottom.


Again, sorry to be be whiner, but at the very least, can you not color code posts that are old, or instead

of displaying date of the last post, display the date of the first post --- yes I know it shows up in the

pop up preview box, but that isn't instant.


But anyway, feel the board would be so much newer and fresher if you cut off a post after say a month or

two of activity.


Particularly the posts with headlines like: Problem with such and such a go-go last night, and then you

find that (last night was two years ago.)


Anything you can do to make the new things first, and the rehashed stuff buried further down the board

would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks for listening.


Seeking attractive Thai girls with high morals, scruples,and

redeeming social values --- however fuzzy on the morals and redeeming

social values if she's really hot and a nyphomanic."









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I can totally see the point in your comments, and indeed many's the time I've clicked into a Post only to find it's incredibly out of date and has been bumped by someone, usually with a very intelligent comment like "thanks".


There is a flipside to leaving the OP's running though. There are a lot of gems hidden away beneath the ever growing number of new Posts, and so often I've discovered a great TR or stimulating piece of information because some kind person has brought them back to life for me.


In general, I'd rather waste two clicks of my mouse jumping in and out of an old dead OP now and again than miss the pearls that rise to the surface. The unmemorable Posts soon sink back beneath the surface as most BM's will not continue to bump old threads.


Just my thoughts on the subjectbiggrin.gif.





Perthie's PA Bash and Bikini/Glow Party 19th May 2017.  Bikini clad girls in body paint, great food including pig roast, free shots, games and prizes for the lads and lasses.

 6pm onwards at Sexy In The City (Soi 6) under the hosting expertise of the magnificent Xylanic.

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This makes sense to me, I don't know what the technical limitations are with the forum software, but I have to say that you do have a very valid point, IMHO. I like the color coding (or displaying age of thread since start) idea over cutting off a topic, as I think any topic should be open for discussion, even though that are aged somewhat.

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fair point, although I do think there are some older posts that give many of us further insights into this wonderful city


just think this will be yesterdays news tomorrow



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The moderators can close posts making them still viewable but no one can add a comment so when you click on view new content, they simply don't show up.


I hate it myself when i view a post from say 2008 and don't realise it until i am half way through an 8 page thread.

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If a subject is of interest it will attract attention for a long time so to close it just because it's old is denying others of the pleasure of reading about it. Eventually they all die a natural death anyway.

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Hey mods --- I'm a newbie, and I love this board, except for one really big frustration --- the ability

of people to keep old posts alive.


Back in the states there are several similar boards for Reviewing p4p ladies ..............


This board is about a lot more than reviewing P4P ladies, or as you infer, their mothers, but never mind.

I do understand that it can be ferkin annoying when you don't notice the date and also when some other numpty doesn't and revives the thread by going straight from OP to Reply without noticing that all matters have been resolved long long ago.


There are some valid points you make, but the assessment of which threads should be archived, closed, colour coded or pinned would have to be a subjective post by post exercise and that would involve a lot of work for our unpaid Mods, so I doubt that will happen. If you'd like to introduce subscription charges so that they could be paid a salary, then everything might be perfect (or not) but that's somewhat unlikely. :GoldenSmile1:


Personally I agree with you that DD should be a sub forum for those who wish to see all the many threads in one place (or not) but I understand that is not the wish of the proprietor. I stand to be corrected ..............as usual. :Circle_Sharks:

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I think some of it has to do with the way other message boards are run by not only the moderators but also by frequent posters. 'Cultural differences' if you will.


Some message boards totally frown on people reviving older threads, instead wanting people to start new ones.


Other boards want you to revive an old thread if it has relevant current updates, instead of starting a brand new one. Some moderators will automatically do this or other board members will call this out.


And then you have boards where you have both going on, and something in between.

GFE: Gull Friend Experience


Official Pattaya Song

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Just saying this board would be a lot fresher and more functional if newer threads were being encouraged and old threads were pushed way, way down in prominence.


If you went on Google and did a search for Egyptian riots, you'd probably be disappointed if it turned out the first article you pulled up was about some small riot in 1992, instead of today's news.


Just today, An old thread about a super hot chick named Jay showed up in Barstool Banter today.


Good picture, she's cute, suppose she's a stunner, but my God, the thread started in 2009, and most of the last three months revivals seem to to be abouthow she's spending her time in Switzerland now.


This is one chick, who's apparently not in Patts anymore, bumping out other threads. Its no different than if looking for info on the news today, and getting a several year old article.


What a waste of bandwith. Imagine if you were a brand new person, just heard about the board, and you took the trouble to become a member, chose a screen name and password etc, and then the first

couple or half dozen threads you read were two or three years old. --- Chances are you'd never come back thinking this is just some used, has been board.


Don't know if its technologically easy to do or not but another thing I'd love is a link to push so that if you choose to do so, you only would see the original posters comments and sub comments. I hate it

when somebody starts a good trip report, and then you have to wade through 5 pages of "great trip report" comments before you get to their next commments. ---Sometimes the additonal comment are nice, or contain good information or encouragement, but there are dozens of times when I sure wish I could

skip them and follow the original commentors report.


Lastly, because I am on a roll (which I hope is not taken by the mods as a rant, because I do love many features of this board) is I wish there were an intelligence test where they could weed out the mentally challenged (little boys.)


Again, how many new readers drop this board in a heart beat

when they see the silly polls like --- how big is your dick? Oh my Buddha, I gave up being worried how big the other guy is in the fourth grade--- and here supposedly grown men are worring who has the biggest or smallest manhood?


Or my favorite-- I barebacked a girl in Patts --- what could possibly happen?


If you are too stupid to know that you can catch serious STD's or HIV, or alternatively get a gal pregnant, perhaps you deserve

to have your dick fall off with some kind of Asian Jungle Rot.


But of course, they know the answer already, this is just their stupid little boys trick at getting attention. Just part of more of the internet ages drivel.


(By the way if its true as some conspriacy theorists believe that someone such as the CIA or others intentionally or created the life threating STD's, thanks alot for making my vasectomy non-functional for pleasure in the

age of life threatening diseases.--- Thanks CIA, thanks Ben Ladin, Thanks to the International Condom Cabal or the fun police.)


Well enough. I'll Finish my "commentary" by saying, I may be a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.


Here's wishing someday, maybe Santa Claus or the Easter bunny, or the genuine Thai girl with the heart of gold who doesn't want any money from me -- just wants to hang out with a handsum man-- will bring out a sleeker, sexier

Ferrari version of Pattaya Addicts.


As comic Judy Tenuda used to say, "Hey, it could happen!"

Edited by eclectic7


Seeking attractive Thai girls with high morals, scruples,and

redeeming social values --- however fuzzy on the morals and redeeming

social values if she's really hot and a nyphomanic."









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Just saying this board would be a lot fresher and more functional if .....................


Are you planning to stay long? :Think1:


You're talking about a job creation scheme (unpaid!). :DeadHorse2:

You're clearly on transmit not receive so I'll give up. :Bye5:


Edit :- I knew I should know the name - 40 Baht for her time and dodge the LDs, but you don't know how to BF.

I don't think you've even got here yet and you want to rework the GoGo bars' business plan, DD website and now Pattaya Addicts right? :02:



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Lastly, because I am on a roll (which I hope is not taken by the mods as a rant, because I do love many features of this board) is I wish there were an intelligence test where they could weed out the mentally challenged (little boys.)



If that were the case, it would be a very quiet board. :GoldenSmile1:


Plus, I would have to find a new place post pictures like this:





I actually liked your rant and found it amusing. I have also commented on the unnecessary "need" for posts about ones personal anatomy. I put it in post a while back. you can look it up and comment on it.....Oh wait :Whistle:

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A few good points from the OP.


That said a old post can be well worth a look & they can come back to life as we have all seen with many threads & girls.


Archives are special & for the Pattaya Desk pots & Professors it acts as great research material & some old threads are so amazing with so much quality they must be kept available for members to view.


What I love about some old threads is you can find out about girls & update your knowledge so quickly.


Edge does hit on some good points also.


I was always told if it is not broke do not try & fix it ?????


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Just remember this:


You'll be well chuffed when someone resurrects an old post/thread of yours

and heaps praises on your insightful witty well written way.


Many angles to consider.

Member since Dec 06.

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The software for this Forum seems to have sorting by most recent post hardwired into it. I don't know if that is fixed or the option to sort by something else is just not being implemented.


Some forums let you sort by Thread Start Date. That would solve problems for people who don't want to see old threads. The forums with sorting options available often also let you sort by numbers of replies (to find popular posts) or ratings (the "rate topic" stars here which don't really seem to be used) or most recent post (as is done here), or by topic alphabetically, or by poster alphabetically.


Now that I've been a member of PA for a while, I usually just view new content or, if I've been busy posting, I view my own content to see how the threads I've posted to are going.

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"A book may lie dormant for fifty years or for two thousand years in a forgotten corner of a library, only to reveal, upon being opened, the marvels or the abysses that it contains, or the line that seems to have been written for me alone. In this respect the writer is not different from any other human being: whatever we say or do can have far-reaching consequences." ~ Marguerite Yourcenar



I think old posts/Topics should be kept because some of em are still very precious for the Newbies and to the others... Less importants ones will filter away well down to the bottom........

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This would create havoc, increase workload, increase complaints... we try to provide a relaxed, friendly forum with less RULES than other forums around the world. If we were to entertain this idea (which gets suggested often) how would we know what threads to close, or keep open?


Which mods want to spend their free time opening threads to let people comment? This means all of our well written threads from a few years ago, will never be seen again?


When I send a link out to a newly made friend, so he can catch up on something. Where is the benefit that he cant reply or ask questions?


What about people complaining or commenting on something? No one can update the thread later, or correct themselves.. this means that there will be closed threads which are spreading false information, because no one could update the thread to say that the problem or business has sorted itself out.


Who gives us the right to censor additional inputs to threads and that censorship encourages false information to lurk around?


What about business owners threads or hotel threads? does someone need to start up a new thread every few months and get us a flood of threads?


Can we not update news reports?


"Such and such is in intensive care and the court battle goes on, more updates coming"




How about people doing trip reports.. how will they feel when we close there thread and practically stop them getting any more views?


What about the girl that we seen in the missing girl section... can we not pass comment where we bumped into her... which mod is going to open it, lets ask 5 mods and they all waste 6 minutes each?


The mods and myself already delete useless comments that bump threads that are very old i.e "nice pics" most of the established members check the date before/during they start to read. Anyway, without going into further detail, this idea, makes it more complicated and will encourage complaints... especially those with trip reports.


Quite often people read the forum 3 months before they get to Thailand, when they get here and have seen whats been getting talked about, they wont be allowed to go back and have their say??? Wouldn't be a good forum.


In short, I think a forum, should remain one.

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The moderators can close posts making them still viewable but no one can add a comment so when you click on view new content, they simply don't show up.


I hate it myself when i view a post from say 2008 and don't realise it until i am half way through an 8 page thread.


I take what I said back now.


After reading LaaMoks explanation of why they keep the threads running is sound, I just never thought of it in that way.


It should also be noted that is say there was a recent complaint about a bar say on Soi 6, it would be good to look back to see if there is a trend in place.


I suppose i was just being lazy by not viewing the post date on the 1st page.


I happily stand corrected.

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