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New 2011 Update - Hotel Hopping Guide


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Here is the latest hotel Hopping Guide to help a few newbies get some sort of idea where abouts these hotels are in our Town.

Again, I can't get all the hotels on to this small Guide. Hope this helps.


SMALL HOTEL MAP Jan 2011.jpg

  • 3 weeks later...
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thanks for putting that together, very handy


I made good use of this, as well as the restaurant and bar versions, on my first trip. But is it my imagination or is there a large section of town missing between Soi 8 and Mike mall?

  • 4 weeks later...

I made good use of this, as well as the restaurant and bar versions, on my first trip. But is it my imagination or is there a large section of town missing between Soi 8 and Mike mall?


For those who are interested, the (relatively new) Hilton is in that area between Soi 8 and Soi 12, literally on top of Central Festival Beach Road shopping mall.


The entrance to this Hilton is in a small soi without a number, parallel to Soi 9.


There are much better laid out hotels on Beach Road.


Awesome guide, this could come in handy whilst trying to navigate around town! Cheers mate!


Think there should be one marked for all the well known bars/agogo/soapies too.

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Only central Pattaya? Nothing for Naklua nor for Jomtien?


I made good use of this, as well as the restaurant and bar versions, on my first trip. But is it my imagination or is there a large section of town missing between Soi 8 and Mike mall?


Yes, you are right . I had to squeese the whole town onto a A4 sheet - which is big enough for you to read - Many maps try to get everything on and the printing is so small it`s impossable to read - So I took away a chunk in the middle where there wasn't many bars and hotels. ( Well spotted.)

  • 2 weeks later...

Planning my first trip now... thanks for the guide!


Thanks for the guide !!


Thats great, thanks for that....making a printout now... :GoldenSmile1:


Here is the latest Hotel Hopping Guide to help a few newbies get some sort of idea where abouts these Hotels are in our Town.

Again, I can't get all the Hotels on to this small Guide. Hope this helps.



Cartoon man, this map is awesome! I was going to ask if someone had something like this and then, boom!, you had this incredible map. Thanks so much. This will be extremely halpful for me.

  • 4 weeks later...

Great info man.thxs


yes cool map. it would be good if it had somw idea of prices or number of stars for each hotel though.

i want to know of a cheap 3 star hotel if known in or nr Walking Street in october 2011.


Here is the latest Hotel Hopping Guide to help a few newbies get some sort of idea where abouts these Hotels are in our Town.

Again, I can't get all the Hotels on to this small Guide. Hope this helps.


SMALL HOTEL MAP Jan 2011.jpg

great map are these hotels girl friendly as some i believe charge extra thanks in advance fo help



thanks very helpfull...

  • 2 weeks later...

Thank you for your working


September 2011 - Pattaya---- gogogogogogogogog


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yes cool map. it would be good if it had somw idea of prices or number of stars for each hotel though.

i want to know of a cheap 3 star hotel if known in or nr walking street in october 2011.


Glad you like my Map.


I am retired and I do this Map to Help and to give you some idea where everything is around town.


You will find the NAMES on my Map near where you want to stay.


Type the NAME into GOOGLE and these places should have a website so you can find out the prices and

how many stars they have.


I can't do everything for you.


Looking on agoda, anybody ever stayed at Peace Resort?


Planning first visit Nov 2011

  • 3 weeks later...

Can anyone tell me about approximate air distance between the hotel number 1 and 90.



anybody got any news on areca lodge (near lk metro)i hear good hotel but the reception girls are not that helpful???

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks. Great support..


Thank you for you time and effort.


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