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At the end of a sideroad that goes out to Bali Heir Pier a lot of boats are parked there, is a lighthouse alongside a small beachside restaurant. Mounted on top of the lighthouse and surrounding structures are about 20 to 25 light sky scanners that obviously were used once upon a year for lightshow beautification. Today they are still there none work all rusty and power lines to them cut .They are big lights very hard to miss or not see. Visiting there once was a friend of mine who back home either sells them or services them I,m not exactly sure,but he was in absolute awe! I asked him whats the big deal? He replied Do you have any idea what these were worth? The bulbs alone …do you have any idea how much these cost???? I had no idea….BIG BIG BUCKS was his reply!!! Whoever was allowed to wastes this amount of public money!!!!! I laughed.


“Look at this!” he futher commented” stainless steel railings” which run alongside the whole pier” inferior grade stainless all going to rust ultimately cause of the salt air”.”Who pays for this????”

Later over time I hear of the monorail project which later got scrapped ..What amount of time and money was wasted over that.

Street crossings now with traffic lights some are in the most dangerous positions like the road that goes up to big C Sth Pattaya ,theres an intersection there badly in need of lights because everyone just comes out from all intersections at once only the strongest of minds gets through as everyone plays bluff & Dare to get across. The council installed a street crossing complete with lights only about 3 meters up from the badly needed intersection. WHO PAYS FOR THAT STUFF UP. I’ve only ever seen few actually stop at the red light of the new crossings anyhow .Unfortunately most people don’t know how to use the brake pedal let alone read a red light or know what to do ,the law enforcement don’t know either let alone wear a helmet themselves as I ‘ve witnessed . OK Lets look further. Ever noticed the lack of Bins, Street electric poles on a severe lean,or electric wires in easy reach, ever seen a hole so big in the footpath that if walking intoxicated at night could easily fall down, Ever stabbed your foot or leg on a protruding stake or metal on the public footpath. From below or above. Driven over a badly pot holed road in a built up area, or noticed how long it took to complete the still not complete road from pattaya to jomtien??


What I’m trying to show here is HOW CAN AND DOES public money get to be actually approved and spent and wasted on and only some simple few examples here,yet when more pressing and urgent issues relating to public health and safety and sanitary issues get ignored. I just can’t get my head around this? How do the authorities of public expenditure get away with this? How can structures of significant value which in several instances eventually deteriorate to nothing like the lights or the public beachside structures that were finally removed after public outcry at Jomtien be prioritized and placed above Human life of the Health or Safety factor of the Community. The city doesn’t even have proper wastage disposal facilities let alone street cleaning machines or regular supply of water supply ,I watched about 40 Rats chasing themselves late one night on beachside Walking Street ,see scores of feral sick dogs and cats but I won’t venture there.

The Example is It doesn’t make sense ….does it but what does in the L.O.S


welcome to the third world

Posted (edited)

Well, thru history crusades have been the answer when situation in foreign countries had become unbearable or you may consider to start a volunteer organization and clean up. Selling the sky scanners could finance the project.

BTW, who cares?

Edited by Kandinski

Reminds me of England.. millions of pounds wasted on pointless projects. It never ceases to amaze me that England is considered a "super power" a member of the G8 If you take a closer look.. its rather run down and squalid. And even though we are in a recession caused by greed, and unemployment is at an all time high us good old Brits still show adverts on the TV asking us to send money to another country in hardship, or project to save some rare f*cking butterfly that is in danger of dying out.


Every night we sort these problems out in the pub. Stop helping out for others, and get our own countries problems sorted out first. If any visits Pattaya and is concerned about the rubbish on the floor, they could always pick it up!! Problem solved

  • 3 months later...

Well thats true. And actually i think many people cares. Few months ago when i sat on the beach with my parents i have seen many times when farangs couldnt look at the garbage on the beach and start to clean all this shit out.


But if oyu not teach people then you will never get it clean. I saw yesterday one guy on the traffic light throwing away a empty box of cigarets on the street ! its not acceptable in europe ! btw i saw also so many rubbish on the street in Sydney....


Big projects here are created to make the people who organise and get the contracts rich. They are not really designed to be successful or effective in any way. The pedestrian lights are a classic example, they turned them all off, but the contractors (and the politicians) made money out of it. If they hadnt turned them off the bulbs would eventually blow out, not be replaced and they would be out of service anyway. Have you heard the one about the Monorail for Pattaya, now that is really big money!!


maybe they need No Win No Fee compensation lawyers


get a grip, nimrod, this is Thailand, not your home country.

Yep, not look where your walking and you can break a leg, not like that, go HOME.

We like it here as the PC sniviling pukes have not run amouq here yet.

Just my 2 satang


Improving one Issan girls cash flow , one cash grant at a time !


"We like it here as the PC sniviling pukes have not run amouq here yet"


Not sure that the OP opening post would be classed as PC?

He was merely commenting on the obvious waste that occurs here and the lack of maintenance which is part of thai project work. amouq? did you mean amok, perhaps?


yep "amok" that was meant to be a bit humerous :)

Improving one Issan girls cash flow , one cash grant at a time !


......................................................... I just can’t get my head around this? ......................................


You don't need to.


You're a guest here and it's not for you to criticise the facilities your host provides.

If you don't like it you don't have to come back - simples. GoldenSmile1.gif


"You're a guest here and it's not for you to criticise the facilities your host provides"


Oh the old, "if you dont like it then go home response".....

One problem here is that many long-term residents, usually those with thai wives, defend everything bad that is ever said about thailand. Regardless of whether the point that is being made is a valid one or not, they always come up with the same old retort. Go along to an ex-pats meeting sometime, its like a mutual admiration society.


Surprisingly, some countries benefit from constructive criticism, they take notice, make changes and prosper from the input.


Thailand is planning to buy 6 U-Boat submarines for Germany. They are vital for the ongoing safety of the nation apparently.... no I am not making this up.

"You're a guest here and it's not for you to criticise the facilities your host provides"


Oh the old, "if you dont like it then go home response".....

One problem here is that many long-term residents, usually those with thai wives, defend everything bad that is ever said about thailand. Regardless of whether the point that is being made is a valid one or not, they always come up with the same old retort. Go along to an ex-pats meeting sometime, its like a mutual admiration society.


Surprisingly, some countries benefit from constructive criticism, they take notice, make changes and prosper from the input.


If you quote someone and you clip it, it's better if you leave the quotation text intact. That way they get a Notification and have the opportunity to respond, rather than leaving it to chance.


Why do you think Thailand is listening to you, here of all places?


Yes, it's an "old" response, to a tired old pointless thaivisa-like inclination to knock everything Thai. It's "old" but it's apt and you won't just get it from me.


Yes, "if you don't like it go home".


No, I don't have a Thai wife.


No, I've never been to an Expats Meeting as presumably you have and I don't plan to thanks.

To tell the truth I don't even think I am expatriated. I'm just a guest here on a temporary, year by year basis and when I get bored with it (or vice versa) it will be time to fuck off, as it sounds like you should do. GoldenSmile1.gif

Posted (edited)

Reminds me of England.. millions of pounds wasted on pointless projects. It never ceases to amaze me that England is considered a "super power" a member of the G8 If you take a closer look.. its rather run down and squalid. And even though we are in a recession caused by greed, and unemployment is at an all time high us good old Brits still show adverts on the TV asking us to send money to another country in hardship, or project to save some rare f*cking butterfly that is in danger of dying out.


Every night we sort these problems out in the pub. Stop helping out for others, and get our own countries problems sorted out first. If any visits Pattaya and is concerned about the rubbish on the floor, they could always pick it up!! Problem solved


Whilst I do like to berate the UK for some of it’s failing (PC fascism, Heath and Safety and New Labour) you can never truly appreciate how good we have got it until you see some other parts of the world.


I have travelled extensively and you would not believe some of things I have witnessed.


You will never appreciate living in the West until you have lived and travelled in truly third world nations. I have been to places where running water and waste disposal would be considered almost magic, where an uninterrupted power supply would be a miracle and free and easy access to heath care is beyond the reach of the ordinary man.


When you include the fact the UK does not suffer from serious droughts, earthquakes, civil wars, tidal waves, hurricanes, tornados, volcano’s or any of the other curses thrown down onto other nations it is a pretty sweet deal we have.


Now if we could only excute all the left wing liberals (or toss them into pits with hungry dogs) and seal our boarders we could get things under control……..

Edited by The Storm

Whilst I do like to berate the UK for some of it’s failing (PC fascism, Heath and Safety and New Labour) you can never truly appreciate how good we have got it until you see some other parts of the world.


I have travelled extensively and you would not believe some of things I have witnessed.


You will never appreciate living in the West until you have lived and travelled in truly third world nations. I have been to places where running water and waste disposal would be considered almost magic, where an interrupted power supply would be a miracle and free and easy access to heath care is beyond the reach of the ordinary man.


When you include the fact the UK does not suffer from serious droughts, earthquakes, civil wars, tidal waves, hurricanes, tornados, volcano’s or any of the other curses thrown down onto other nations it is a pretty sweet deal we have.


Now if we could only excute all the left wing liberals (or toss them into pits with hungry dogs) and seal our boarders we could get things under control……..

spot on, but the in charge wankers will not change :(

Improving one Issan girls cash flow , one cash grant at a time !

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