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Indian suit sellers they are asking for it!

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But as far as them calling me names, if I ever suspect they called me anything I'd get in their face and possibly whip that ass. What the fuck could they possibly do about it? They are not Thai and will not have Thai men rushing to their aid. lavista4u thanks for the phrases, they'll come in useful if I ever need it. Although I prefer to use my fists. lol


They still have connections with the police they are probably paying off already. Read a few cases of foreigners getting into altercations with them and the foreigners seem to always come out on the bottom. Best to just ignore them, and if they swear at you so what? they are sitting in front of a store all day in a city where all the hot girls won't take a second look at them and you are on vacation fucking all those hot girls.

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Who wears suits anymore except for weddings and funerals? In London?


This reminds me on soi lk there is a tailor shop the guys are from Bangladesh. Some farang got pissed off and broke the window in front of the shop. Was funny until he had to pay


Ask to see their work permits, they don't have them or they are registered as 'Interpreters.'


The Thais are never going to give a foreigner a work permit as a tailor,there is no shortage of tailors in Thailand.


Either way you can put them on the back foot,try mentioning work permits and Police in the same sentence that can have an effect.

  • 2 weeks later...

Guess from reading this thread (and others) I won't bother about getting any suits made when I'm in town - I do wear suits for work but can get v good quality ones from TM Lewin for about £150-£175 and would prefer to pay that and know its good workmanship than take a punt on suit being made by someone not really skilled enough in that trade.

If anyone does know of a reliable tailor that they have used and can recommend then I would appreciate them letting me know otherwise I'll stick to fun time when in town involving women and drink...well I am on holiday :)


When I was on holiday in Patong in stayed in a hotel that had a tailor shop at the entrance.... Every single time I walked past, 10 times a day, he would ask me "big boss you want suit I make for you" I tried saying no nicely, nasty, rude, insulting, aggressive.... Nothing worked. So after day 5 of a 21 day holiday I spoke to the hotel manger, a very nice lady called Parn, I said he was killing my holiday and I would have to change hotels. She promised me that she would speak to him and I would not have any more problems... Well that evening I was walking back to the hotel, we made eye contact and he looked like he had seen the devil himself, he turned and ran back into his shop.....5555555 you had the be there to see the look on his face...still makes me laugh today... I am not sure what she said but he didn't even look at me again let alone talk to me :WinkGrin1:


As the for the wankers on beach road.... One day one of them is going to come to a nasty end and I will just accept the consequences of my actions....


The guys in the last tailor shop on the right just before the entrance to Walking Street are good. I wear a suit to work evey day and they make a nice quality outfit for a good price (2 trousers, 1 waistcoat,1 jacket all silk lined for about 6k) and I am a very odd size and difficult to fit. When I come to Pattaya I always get 20 shirts and 4 suits.... So far I have had no issues other than the odd button falling off.


If you spend 2500 on a suit, you will get a piece of shit.... They only advertise those prices to get you in the shop... If you only need it for a wedding or funeral then you will probably be ok, but anything you need to wear more than once needs to be good quality and well made....


Was walking down soi 7 towards the beach and on the left there was an Indian bloke :Sir you need a suit?


ill give you a good price.Over few years i learned best thing is to just ignore them if you


speak just one word you are dragged in and measured.I completely ignored him he says in Italian 'La fenkulo'(spelling?)


(i believe it means F you or go F yourself).Two days later same place and this guy goes off again this time in german(du bist ein vixer) meaning you


are a wanker.Honestly this guy was pushing his luck.Good thing none of my friends were there this would have ended badly.


One day he will piss off the wrong people but for me it was a good laugh.Anyone had a similar experience with the suit sellers??

Posted (edited)

Go to IT COM..follow the street that runs to the left..walk down about 30 metres and make a left. You will come to the street that is full of Thai tailors.

As you walk down the street, you can go left or straight which is a dead end....you will hear the buzz of sewing machines.There are 10/15 shops there...

I don't like to deal with Indian suit sellers..and would rather go direct to the Thai's themselves.. I don't speak a word of Thai ...but I brought a sample shirt/pants ..which made things easy.

Edited by flying_guitars

"You only get two pieces of ass in your life. Your first and your last." Everything in between is extra gravy and I love extra gravy.


headphones works like a charm...


The tailors are the only sellers that I have problems with in Thailand. They just don't take no for an answer. I get it that they try to make money, but when I say that I am not interested - I just want them to leave me alone. One day I even had my good suit on, a very expencive and nice looking suit... and when we walked passed by one of the worst of 'em, I was thinking that maybe this was going to make him see that I already have what I needed suit-wise.


But nooo... first he said Uh ma Gad, what good suit..look handsome man! But then it started all over again, and he was following me telling me that he could make the same suit in different color at very good price. I tell him I already have a tailor, but nothing works. I have problems with just ignoring people, but guess I would just have to work on that part. I would rather have some bad words than indian tailors following me every time I walk passed them.


i use headphones that are not plugged in on the public transport here at home... works a treat


i use headphones that are not plugged in on the public transport here at home... works a treat


I would rather take some nagging from those freakin tailors then walking around with my headphones when I am on a holiday! :D But guess riding the bus, it would be an ok way to be left alone:)


Ignore the slimey twats!!

Has any one ever bought one of those hideous shirts they have in the window? The England /Ireland/Wales/ German etc etc, flag ones in your countries colours? Look like something Alex Higgins might have worn !






Some thing's baby i just can't swallow,

Momma told me that girls are hollow..

Uhuhh...whats inside a girl....?? Lux Interior





I just tell them I understand what they're trying to do, and it doesn't interest me. Surprising how often that stops the pitch.


I just tell them I understand what they're trying to do, and it doesn't interest me. Surprising how often that stops the pitch.


saying that 10 times a day might get tiring though.


If anyone does need a suit (to take home or whatever) take a walk down Soi Day-Night near Tukcom.

It's where the Indian 'Tailors' go to get them made at half the price.

Most of the cutting and sewing is done by **surprise** locally employed Thais. The Indian tailor is the store front but it creates honest jobs for Thai people.

You'll find many of their shops on the side sois between Soi Bhuakow and Third Road , roughly between Pattaya Klang and the Night Market. I've heard of people getting shirts and suits done directly but I would suspect you would need some Thai language skills to get it done.


Don't shake his hand, don't even break stride if you're not interested. That's not so very hard is it?


If what they might be saying is disturbing, you don't want to know what the Thai ladies are saying about you........... :rolleyes:

If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind. John Stuart Mill
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/john_stuart_mill

"If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person

than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."  John Stuart Mill


I can't understand why the tailors hassle people in the street because it's clearly a useless strategy for getting more customers. In fact, it has exactly the opposite effect. The same thing when you are looking at something in a shop and a sales assistant (probably on commission) comes up to you and asks if they can help and then stands watching you. That's my cue for leaving the shop.

Feel like a woman. Wear a dress.



You'll find many of their shops on the side sois between Soi Bhuakow and Third Road , roughly between Pattaya Klang and the Night Market. I've heard of people getting shirts and suits done directly but I would suspect you would need some Thai language skills to get it done.



I don't know about the shops you're talking about, but I haven't found language to be a problem at the two I've used in Soi Day & Night (or is it night & Day) near Tukcom.


The only tailors that piss me off the most are the ones that stand at the end of Soi 6 beach road end....what part of "NO" do they not understand...apparently all of it !!!


I don't know about the shops you're talking about, but I haven't found language to be a problem at the two I've used in Soi Day & Night (or is it night & Day) near Tukcom.


When I first posted I was referring to the small operators who do custom sewing for the Indian tailors only and work out of....anywhere. I'm sure there are many scattered all over town, but two that I walked past in the last couple hours on a small street off Soi 15:






Perhaps Bo Suit is more what you had in mind:








They have a half-dozen employees in a shophouse on Soi 13; that's the soi on the south side of LK Royale on Soi Bhuakow near Pattaya Klang. They always seem to be busy and I think they typically work for the Indian tailors but they will do work for walk-in customers as well. The number is on their sign if you are in Pattaya and happen to be interested.


I was on my way over to Pattaya Klang to do some shopping...............






...and check out the neighborhood. :)

If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind. John Stuart Mill
Read more at: https://www.brainyquote.com/authors/john_stuart_mill

"If all mankind minus one were of one opinion, mankind would be no more justified in silencing that one person

than he, if he had the power, would be justified in silencing mankind."  John Stuart Mill


Well why let it bother you.

I have been approached dozens of times and have always found a polite " No thank you" works well.

These guys are not crooks, or beggars, all they are doing is plying a trade and trying to earn a few bob in a very competitive market.

If you don't like it then don't come to Pattaya.

It is part and parcel of everyday life, and as for the thug who boasts( or lies ) about putting a few on the ground I really pray that one day you will mess with the wrong one and a couple of dozen of his mates give you the good hiding that you deserve.


I have to laugh when they put on their best Australian accent when I say im australian.




I think mocking them and laughing at them is best idea for me. I don't like getting uptight but it happens especially first day but usually it was worse for me on Walking st with all the people selling crap and touching you every 5 seconds until the second night or so when they realize you are no longer new that week. Good to see I am not the only person they are grabbing arms of.


Yes, I have to agree they are annoying and best ignored. I did have some fun with them and a friend in Chaweng Beach on Samui a few years back. As a newbie my mate was always walking way behind me with his mouth open as we walked along. I started to politely decline the offers from the sales guys but tell them my friend approaching would be interested. I'd do this in French at the first shop followed by Spanish, Dutch, German, Italian, etc. This confused the heck out of my pal who was a very nice guy but struggled with English at times.

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