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Had A Little Visitor Today - Lost Her Head I'm Afraid

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I've seen quite a few of these but I don't know what their name is.


The GF(sort of) says if they bite me I have to go to Hospital.


I reckon it's not worth finding out.



Anyway, here's the before:-





Here's the after :-








Here's the hereafter :- MVI_3065_mpeg2video.mpg

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That looks like a lot of blood for a snake.


How long is was it?



That looks like a lot of blood for a snake.


How long is was it?


92 cm.


Anyone know whether they are poisonous - might make soup. :Circle_Sharks:


Golden tree snake. Mildly venomous.


Looks a bit like a Pit Viper.


The GF ( God father :GoldenSmile1: ) say's they make you go to hospital who's to argue.


Good shot if it is a Pit Viper I think they strike at body heat...........


Would be interested to know what it is....


Golden tree snake. Mildly venomous.


Bugger the truth got in the way of a good story :GoldenSmile1:


The Pit viper was exciting :Brain_Fart:

Posted (edited)

This looks like a Golden Tree Snake.


It can be found in forests, on plantations, in gardens and in houses.

This snake is regularly found in the inner city areas of Bangkok and Pattaya. As they enjoy eating rodents, geckos and other lizards, they are often found on and in houses. These snakes are active during the day, can climb walls and are very fast.


If they feel threatened and cannot flee, they bite straight away. The Golden Tree Snake belongs to the viper family. However, the poison is so mild that it does not have much of an effect on humans.


Had quite a few in my garden.

I found it not too difficult to catch them with the help of a broom stick and a garbage bin and released them in the forest.

Edited by Benny10



Golden tree snake. Mildly venomous.


Looks a bit like a Pit Viper.


The GF ( God father :GoldenSmile1: ) say's they make you go to hospital who's to argue.


Good shot if it is a Pit Viper I think they strike at body heat...........


Would be interested to know what it is....



Golden Tree Snake aka 'Flying' Snake it is and I have seen one fly off the top of my water tanks.


As Gogo says :-


Golden Tree Snake - Venomous - Little Danger to Humans

These Golden Tree Snakes are also known as Flying Snakes. They glide very well, perhaps the best of any snake in the world, and even better than some squirrels and lizards. Golden Tree Snakes are a lime green and black checkered type patterned snake. They are tree dwellers but can climb anything, even walls. They appear to have a favorite food – the Tokay Geckos that reach sizes of 12 inches long in adulthood. They are frequently seen eating Tokays.


The GF(sort of - Ex) did tell me she'd seen a snake and a Tokay on the roof and she did seem to think the Tokay was more of a worry as they alledgedly go for your throat and lock their jaw. All I know is that the bastard wakes me up some nights by sitting on my window shouting.......you guessed it - "Tokay!"

I've got some pics of my Tokay somewhere.


Here's the Golden Tree Snake fom tintanet.




92 cm.


Sh*t, that is long enough!


I will never forget the time I was speaking on the phone to a girl from Pitchit. She suddenly started screaming and then the phone went dead. I tried to call back and only got through on the third or fourth attempt about five minutes later. It turned out that a snake had slithered into her house as she was talking to me on the phone. She is petrified of the things so promptly screamed her head off until her father came in and killed it. I could hear her brother and father still laughing in the background five minutes later.


Bugger the truth got in the way of a good story :GoldenSmile1:


The Pit viper was exciting :Brain_Fart:


Yes, that sounded exciting, a heat seeking viper!



Bugger the truth got in the way of a good story :GoldenSmile1:


The Pit viper was exciting :Brain_Fart:



Sorry about that.


I'd tell you about the full grown black Cobra I almost tripped over when it was sunbathing one day,

but I didn't manage to get any pics and I had some laundry to do. :ShitHappens1:


BTW - Didn't shoot it :Attitude: I decapitated it with a special Golden Tree Snake Exterminator - bit of wood stuck in the end of a length of plastic water pipe and a very good aim. :IdHitIt2::MonkeyFight:



I found it not too difficult to catch them with the help of a broom stick and a garbage bin and released them in the forest.



Hadn't thought of that. It really should have stayed in the Jungle I'm afraid.


That's the fourth one I've failed to catch and release - oops.


Was at a guesthouse once... Heard the sound of something falling to the floor in the bathroom... went to investigate and there was a snake coming out of the drain... Scared the crap out of me. I went downstairs to get some of the cleaning staff to eliminate the reptile. Naturally, when we returned we could not find it.


I checked out the same day. :Think1:





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The GF(sort of - Ex) did tell me she'd seen a snake and a Tokay on the roof and she did seem to think the Tokay was more of a worry as they alledgedly go for your throat and lock their jaw. All I know is that the bastard wakes me up some nights by sitting on my window shouting.......you guessed it - "Tokay!"



I had the same problem....except mine just just shouted "Oh, My".




If the pit viper bar fined the tokay and they went bareback, you could end up with heat seeking pit viper's with locking jaws. You would then welcome the black cobra's as protection.


Was at a guesthouse once... Heard the sound of something falling to the floor in the bathroom... went to investigate and there was a snake coming out of the drain... Scared the crap out of me. I went downstairs to get some of the cleaning staff to eliminate the reptile. Naturally, when we returned we could not find it.


I checked out the same day. :Think1:



One of those which I caught but did not release took up residence in my downstairs toilet while I was away.

I kept the fish food in there, so GF(sort of Ex) didn't feed the fish and accused me of laying a trap to kill her. :Think1: Good Idea!

Of course when I looked there was nothing there and, as she'd run off and left the door ajar I told her it must have gone.

A few days later I opened the door and spotted something disappear under the lid.

I fetched a pole and raised the seat but it made to swim through the S bend.

I pinned its tail before it got through and waited to see if it would drown, but I reckon it had its head the other side of the water trap.

Eventually, after much shouting, she appeared. I managed to get her to take over holding the pole while shrieking and I fetched a pair of garden shears, pulled it out and one more bit the dust.....


We then had to go through Mama's mime of what might have happened if she'd used the toilet.



Was it really necessary to kill this creature without even knowing what the hell it was? :unsure:


Looks like my cock :GoldenSmile1: before it got its head cut off hahaha, usually wheres theres one snake theres more??

<p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p><p>Quotable Quotes......












If Pamela Anderson and the rest of the PETA-activist saw this thread on this board they would probably be more upset by the death of a snake rather than the other content of this site :P

Johnny Wilde


CEO - Heavydrinking Hardcore Mongers Union of Pattaya




"You only pass through this life once, you never come back for encores!" - Elvis Presley




"You guys took "normal mongering" and shot it full of nitroglycerin and then set a match to it" - thumper63


Poor snake, if my buddy saw that he would flip (huge reptile enthusiast) but I guess it came down to you or the snake in a way! Never had any incounters with unwanted wildlife in Thailand yet, so don't know how I would act myself.


Was it really necessary to kill this creature without even knowing what the hell it was? :unsure:


Nope. Acting on info' from TGF(sort of)




Was it really necessary to kill this creature without even knowing what the hell it was? :unsure:

Looks like my cock :GoldenSmile1: before it got its head cut off hahaha, usually wheres theres one snake theres more??

If Pamela Anderson and the rest of the PETA-activist saw this thread on this board they would probably be more upset by the death of a snake rather than the other content of this site :P


I've no doubt Pamela has seen her share of Anacondas lol.


I do feel slightly guilty, or maybe just less concerned for my health, since I found out the GF(sort of Ex) was exaggerating how dangerous they are, but I still don't fancy finding out for myself and it would still be a trip to hospital, as she said.

I just read up on that Pit Viper and that's a very scary MF.

I've seen quite a few pythons and they're nice enough - at a distance.

I had one big snake I still haven't identified shoot up inside the engine compartment when the dogs chased it - bit of a worry for a while.

There are hornets which build pretty little nests in bushes here, but I've been stung several times and it hurts a lot so when I see a nest it gets destroyed pronto.

If one of the dogs round here starts attacking motorbikes or people or chickens it doesn't last long.


Maybe it depends where you live, though as a former pig farmer I confess I became de-sensitised about killing animals for a reason a long long time ago. You wouldn't want to know how many pigs and chickens I've terminated and maybe some of you wouldn't want to know how your food is produced.

Maybe some of you don't even want to know the reality behind why some of these girls are doing what they do.


Anyway, sorry to be boring, maybe if I meet the other little chap I met before I'll shake hands - or maybe not. :Circle_Sharks:monocled-baby-cobra3.jpg


The only snakes that should be out & about are ours. LOL. :GoldenSmile1:


Hope you & your girl are ok & in good health.



The only snakes that should be out & about are ours. LOL. :GoldenSmile1:


Hope you & your girl are ok & in good health.



I'm fine thanks. I just need to give the GF(sort of - Ex) the slip, hopefully at the end of the month and life's on the up.


Hope your run of problems is coming to an end. :GoldenSmile1:


Was at a guesthouse once... Heard the sound of something falling to the floor in the bathroom... went to investigate and there was a snake coming out of the drain... Scared the crap out of me. I went downstairs to get some of the cleaning staff to eliminate the reptile. Naturally, when we returned we could not find it.


I checked out the same day. :Think1:



What a fright. I would have done the same thing.

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