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Thai Hot Help me out please ?

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My lap top has crashed & it has all my 2010 pics on the Hard drive.


I have taken it to my Lap top doctor but with all the recovery programs he has told me he can not recover my pics of the hard drive.


I am fucking pissed of & there is other private pics there also of family etc.


Can any of you guys help me here with advice or is there some great tec shop in Thailand that can recover pics from dead hard drives ????



dont lose hope ... the right guy with the right programme will do it!


ouch, is this an external or internal hard drive ? there are a few companies that specialise in software recovery not sure of any based in thailand but all is not completley lost, you might have to find someone who can strip out the actual components from the hard drive and swap them with a healthy hard drive.


either way best of luck to you


My lap top has crashed & it has all my 2010 pics on the Hard drive.


I have taken it to my Lap top doctor but with all the recovery programs he has told me he can not recover my pics of the hard drive.


I am fucking pissed of & there is other private pics there also of family etc.


Can any of you guys help me here with advice or is there some great tec shop in Thailand that can recover pics from dead hard drives ????



If your laptop is relatively new, it probably has a SATA drive in it. Laptop SATA drives have the same interface as desktop SATA drives, so conceivably, if the hard disk did not crash--you did not specify what happened to your computer, you should be able to plug in the laptop drive into the SATA interface of a desktop and read data files (i.e., pictures, etc). Another route, with same understanding, drive did not crash, would to put the disk in an external disk enclosure, many of the PC shops in Thailand sell these cheap, and then you would be able to read the files via a USB connection.


But, if the disk crashed, some of the control structures may have been destroyed so you would generally need specialized software to understand what is on the disk, assuming it will spin up. If it does not spin up, it can still be salvaged but it will be expensive...I don't personally know of shops that do this in Thailand, but there have to be some to service the large businesses (banks, airlines, etc)...they may be in BKK.

Posted (edited)

Thaihot has his location showing as UK it may help if he stated where he is at the moment then it's just possible somebody may know where he could go for help


I would take the hard drive out and try it in an external disk enclosure first though.


A reminder to us all to back up any important files and photos we may have.





Edit; I would just add to that to back up your phone numbers as well. I lost all mine when I fell in the swimming pool with the phone in my pocket.



Edited by Al.

I think I should explain something I said in my earlier post. If you have a friend with a desktop, a relatively new one (at least up to about 3-4 years old, it will have additional interfaces inside the case for additional drives (either SATA or IDE) including internal signal and power cables. You simple connect your laptop drive to these cables and boot the desktop normally. If the laptop drive spins up, the drive will be recognized in the BIOS and you will have a new drive letter. You might have to play around a little to get it to be recognized, but if it spins up, you are almost there. You do NOT have to install the drive in the casing or slots, simply lay it out on the table connected to the cable (with the side of the desktop open). I say all this because I don't know your familiarity with computers, this might be old hat to you. Don't worry about any of the OS aspect of your laptop drive, the desktop will ignore it and only allow access to "files". If you have protected them or hidden them with any external program (like Unlocker or Universal Shield) you will probably have to install that program on the desktop and give it the proper password to access the files, same with Truecrypt. I have strapped things on like this many times either just reading old data from a broken PC or cloning PC drives.


To go back to my enclosure solution, if you get one, make sure it has the interfaces you need (either SATA or IDE, if you had an older laptop).


Finally, as AI mentioned, always back up or make multiple copies. Personally,I shoot a lot of photos and videos in LOS, and always (and as soon as possible) move a copy to a portable external disk (or flash drive if it is only photos). Portable disks are cheap as shit now and will save you a lot of grief in the long run. You can always encrypt the copies or put them in a encrypted shell like Truecrypt. Either that or send them up to some storage server service for later access, but I would encrypt them there as well to keep them from prying eyes and stealing fingers. Of course, when you delete these files from the portable disks, do not just delete them but use some sort of "eraser" program and will rewrite data over the disk some number of times. If the portable or your laptop drive is a throwaway, or you have recovered it and want to get rid of it, either "degauss" it with a degausser or destroy it (fire and hammers work pretty well, so that it can't be read).


Thaihot has his location showing as UK it may help if he stated where he is at the moment then it's just possible somebody may know where he could go for help


I would take the hard drive out and try it in an external disk enclosure first though.


A reminder to us all to back up any important files and photos we may have.





Edit; I would just add to that to back up your phone numbers as well. I lost all mine when I fell in the swimming pool with the phone in my pocket.


Bloody good point & good advice.



Guys & i T clever people can you let me know if there is some place in Bangkok or Pattaya where I can get my lap top looked at where some shop may be able to recover the pics on my hard drive ?????


My guy in my town can not do it.


Thanks in advance.


Thailand has it all so there must be some where that has a little man ready to take my money & recover my pics for me ?????



If the hdd died due to a mechanical failure then you are screwed unless you want to pay the big bucks for a data recovery firm to disassemble the drive and try to recover data.

I looked into this a few years ago both for work and personal hdd's and the cost was going to run in the thousands of dollars.

A google search returned: http://www.savemydrive.com/ and http://www.datarecoverythailand.com/ (both appear to be in Bangkok)


If the hdd is still working but your data is missing then there are various software programs that have the potential to recover the data.


Good luck - I know how much it sucks to lose data (and i still don't back up data like I should)...


Guys & i T clever people can you let me know if there is some place in Bangkok or Pattaya where I can get my lap top looked at where some shop may be able to recover the pics on my hard drive ?????


My guy in my town can not do it.


Thanks in advance.


Thailand has it all so there must be some where that has a little man ready to take my money & recover my pics for me ?????




Any advice or help please ?????



Can any of you guys help me out here or point me in the direction of some Hard drive recovery specialist ?????????




Can any of you guys help me out here or point me in the direction of some Hard drive recovery specialist ?????????



Sorry mate, if you were in the UK, I could meet up with you as I have all the gear / programs.


Good advice above. :10of10Score:


Your best bet IMO is to buy an external hard drive enclosure; make sure it's a laptop one, something like this




You can easily take out the drive from the laptop. Then I would run a program called GetDataBack to recover the files.


That's what I did a few weeks ago when my HDD failed & I recovered 99.9% of my files, including tons of pictures. If you want a more detailed guide I can give you one; it's easier than you think!


Peace. :GoldenSmile1:

Posted (edited)


Edited by Vortex

"Weakness of attitude becomes weakness of character."


Sorry mate, if you were in the UK, I could meet up with you as I have all the gear / programs.


Good advice above. :10of10Score:


Your best bet IMO is to buy an external hard drive enclosure; make sure it's a laptop one, something like this




You can easily take out the drive from the laptop. Then I would run a program called GetDataBack to recover the files.


That's what I did a few weeks ago when my HDD failed & I recovered 99.9% of my files, including tons of pictures. If you want a more detailed guide I can give you one; it's easier than you think!


Peace. :GoldenSmile1:


Yes please. :001_Thank_You5:


Your best bet IMO is to buy an external hard drive enclosure; make sure it's a laptop one, something like this

That is the first thing you should try. One of our laptop's hard drive crashes from time to time. I just put it in a caddy, get all the data off it and reinstall the OS. You can just read the data off the drive as you can any external hard drive.

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My moto for 2017: Don't argue with an idiot. Don't argue with.....


Yes please. :001_Thank_You5:

Yes please which one?


Peace. :GoldenSmile1:


If you want a more detailed guide I can give you one; it's easier than you think!


Please help me to the max. :001_Thank_You5:


I will post them all here so the Forum will get some great pics believe me.




If you want a more detailed guide I can give you one; it's easier than you think!


Please help me to the max. :001_Thank_You5:


I will post them all here so the Forum will get some great pics believe me.



OK you lucked out, I'm not at work tomorrow & have some free time. I said it was easy, but putting together a guide is not. Give me a few hours.


If however the hard drive has mechanically failed, i.e. it is making any noises like clicking, clunking, etc or anything that does not sound like the usual low hum of the hard drive spinning normally, then you should switch it off and give it to a professional, as every attempt you make could potentially damage the data surface and as the tracks on modern hard drives are now so close together, even a 1mm scratch in the wrong place can make the entire drive unrecoverable...

Mechanical failure (spindle / bearings gone) basically means that your totally screwed. It will be prohibitively expensive to recover the data, unless you have money to burn. FYI inside your HD is a 'metal' CD, which is read by a small spindle; analogous to a record needle. That said, My HD was clicking & clunking for over a year before it went, so all hope is not lost! :ThankGod1:


Peace. :GoldenSmile1:




Shut down your laptop, disconnect the power supply & turn it upside down. Have a small phillips screwdriver handy; then do the first half of this:


<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U23F8JuKKE?fs=1&hl=en_GB"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U23F8JuKKE?fs=1&hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8U23F8JuKKE?fs=1&hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>


Peace. :GoldenSmile1:

Posted (edited)



A HD enclosure is nothing more than an empty box, with some irrelevant electronics & a connector socket. It will convert the drive to a USB 'plug & play' external HD.


I've been building PCs for about 10 years now & I've learnt that 90% is the initial research. A difference of one letter or number in the component / model number can mean disaster; or at least a considerable additional cash outlay; so choose the CORRECT model first time. Two major details to note:


1. Laptop HDs are 2.5", as opposed to desktop HDs, which are 3.5".


2. Modern (<5 year old) HDs will have a SATA interface, as opposed to an IDE one.


Please PM all the details that you can regarding the laptop to me (make / model / serial no etc) before you proceed to the next step.


Peace. :GoldenSmile1:

Edited by El Cata

Too complicated?


Peace. :GoldenSmile1:


You could try opening up the computer and seeing if the hard drive is spinning. If not try lightly tapping it. You could also remove it, put it in the freezer take it out, quickly hook it up and you may get enough out of it to get your pics.




You could try opening up the computer and seeing if the hard drive is spinning. If not try lightly tapping it. You could also remove it, put it in the freezer take it out, quickly hook it up and you may get enough out of it to get your pics.



He has a laptop. If only he had a desktop, it would be infinitely easier!


Peace. :GoldenSmile1:




A HD enclosure is nothing more than an empty box, with some irrelevant electronics & a connector socket. It will convert the drive to a USB 'plug & play' external HD.


I've been building PCs for about 10 years now & I've learnt that 90% is the initial research. A difference of one letter or number in the component / model number can mean disaster; or at least a considerable additional cash outlay; so choose the CORRECT model first time. Two major details to note:


1. Laptop HDs are 2.5", as opposed to desktop HDs, which are 3.5".


2. Modern (<5 year old) HDs will have a SATA interface, as opposed to an IDE one.


Please PM all the details that you can regarding the laptop to me (make / model / serial no etc) before you proceed to the next step.


Peace. :GoldenSmile1:


Thanks for your help but as there is some work material there I will try & find myself some Hard drive recovery firm as if I do not get it back I will be in big shit in more ways than one.



Thaihot has his location showing as UK it may help if he stated where he is at the moment then it's just possible somebody may know where he could go for help


I would take the hard drive out and try it in an external disk enclosure first though.


A reminder to us all to back up any important files and photos we may have.





Edit; I would just add to that to back up your phone numbers as well. I lost all mine when I fell in the swimming pool with the phone in my pocket.


Windows 7 has an option to make a image from your complete HD , so from your COMPLETE PC or laptop , takes 15 min. to do that on a external HDisk, in case crash you can restore ALL in approx same 15 min. and you are complete as before again ...... :Chokdee:

   Non native English writing poster, not using a spell checker !! 

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