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'Where to find Farang Orientated............?

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I guess this is aimed at the BM's currently living in Patts.....(or anyone else who knows).


I am looking for a Farang orientated Karaoke Bar (not the Thai type knocking shop)..it may sound a bit lame to some of you but I enjoy singing and would like to participate on my next visit.


The bar would need to be where Farang would normally go for Karaoke (if there is such a place!) with a selection of English songs in the book and the place obviously packed with sad buggers like meself..but hey..each to their own. Any help appreciated guys.


Jukebox karaoke on 3rd road close to X-zyte disco has japanese styled private karaokerooms with food and drinks service.

Round up a few friends and some gals and make a night out of it!

Johnny Wilde


CEO - Heavydrinking Hardcore Mongers Union of Pattaya




"You only pass through this life once, you never come back for encores!" - Elvis Presley




"You guys took "normal mongering" and shot it full of nitroglycerin and then set a match to it" - thumper63


its not really a karaoke joint, but foxy lady in soi 7 has the band there and they do have a good selection of farang song. its not bad sometimes getting up and having a bit of a bash on the mike when ur pissd

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