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Bangkok To Bucuresti

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Can anyone advise on a good price and airline for flights from Bankgok to Bucuresti,ive previously used Air Austria and Turkish but their prices seem to have shot up



Any help would be appreciated,looking to fly in December for 6 weeks approx


orbitz.com you can search for the cheapest flights and what dates are cheapest to fly on.

Good luck


Can anyone advise on a good price and airline for flights from Bankgok to Bucuresti,ive previously used Air Austria and Turkish but their prices seem to have shot up



Any help would be appreciated,looking to fly in December for 6 weeks approx



Sign up with www.kayak.com and make a price alert (they send you email every day with prices) and wait...I did it and got Vienna-Bkk for 570€ with Qatar...








Is an excellent search engine - you cannot book with them, though you can easily take the output to an agent, or go direct to the airline web site.




Flights from bkk to otp were from 850 euros to 1500 i found a flight to budapest on kaya for 658 usd and will get the train down to Bucuresti for 37 euros,i like budapest is a good city to have a few days in


Thanks for your help

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