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Healthcare Insurance


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O.K. Guys ( & Gals )


I'm 56, here for the long term, so I need to get Healthcare Insurance. ( If this Post is in the wrong place, would the Mods please relocate it ).


I've been offered cover from BUPA ( known to most people ) and LMG Pacific ( who I've not heard of until now ).


BUPA Platinum THB2m cover Premium of THB55k p.a. > age 60, then THB72k p.a.


LMG Pacific Maxi THB5m cover Premium of THB60.5k p.a. > age 60, then THB75k p.a.


Both offer "Guaranteed Renewability regardless of age or medical condition".


At the moment I'm leaning towards LMG Pacific, for a number of reasons 1) They include sports cover ( Skiing & SCUBA ) I'm a diver; 2) they offer a 20% discount if I opt out of Out Patient Department ( OPD )cover ( which appear to be excluded by the BUPA plan , unless I opt to pay an additional premium ) - which means that they're ( LMG ) offering more cover ( THB5m v THB2m ) for less money ( THB60.5k - 20% = THB48.4k v THB55k ).


There are 2 ( obvious ) questions :-


1) Am I missing something ?


2) What experiences have you had with these providers ?


Thanks in anticipation.................

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