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Russian Deceives Working Girls


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What a joke.

To me sounds like the BG did not get paid enough or was a useless shag, so decided to screw the guy.


In the past i had a few trying that on me(not the cam thing) but other threats of going to police.


As much as i understand it is her right not to want to be videotaped, that is not the reason to go to police to "fuck up" the guy


Clearly he was not making pro films to then sell it.

Edited by kuffki


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i wouldnt like to be in his shoes at the moment but wouldnt it have been easier for him to do this in his home country of russia instead of flyng to thailand and then having sex with a russian

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Ooops double post :(

Edited by Digsy
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Are you sure he's Russian?


this story says Bulgarian :/




That one has a pic of his passport and the top the girl in the pictures is wearing matches the above story pictures :/

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opps silly i think hes in deep shit


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It says he only paid her 300 Baht and then kicked her out the not-so-nice-way.

Som nam na!

The difference between sex for money and sex for free is that sex for money usually costs a lot less.

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a low thing to do---and what if he planned to post it on the net? That would make him scum

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I bet she went through his bags whilst he was in the shower looking for money and found the camera that way.

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I love how you can see in the picture that the defendants chair is sponsored by Pattaya People Newspaper

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