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the katesiree house hotel? soi buakhao!


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:D Staying in The Katesiree house, soi buakhao for 1 month! anyone got any 'bad' info??? :)


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I met a dude last week who was staying there says bar always full as beer cheap I looked across from witherspoons one night seemed a good crowd inside..in fact most hours when i passed no matter how late/earl plenty of drinkers about so if you like a beer seems a good spot

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'CHEERS'!!! staying for a month so could do with a few cheap beers and 'good company' to start off the nite!!!

i hear they have 3 screens? so the world cup later!!! mai pen rai... :GoldenSmile1:

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'CHEERS'!!! staying for a month so could do with a few cheap beers and 'good company' to start off the nite!!!

i hear they have 3 screens? so the world cup later!!! mai pen rai... :Circle_Sharks:

Actually FOUR screens-great place for a cheap no hastle beer-be there in 5 weeks :IdHitIt2::GoldenSmile1: :GoldenSmile1:

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Great stuff! i'll be there on the 16th June, dont need the hasstle when the 'big matches'

are on or theirs a 'big slaggin' match' afterwards!!! Anyway, you can send her upstairs to

keep the bed warm/cool... :GoldenSmile1:

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  • 1 month later...

Sounds a good place.Does anybody know if the rooms have balcony's and a room safe?

The website is a bit vague.

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what do they charge and how do you book, ive sent emails but no replies from them.

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I've had no reply either, thats why I hoped someone who has stayed there previously may provide some more info'.


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  • 1 month later...

my mate stayed there for 1 month, payed 10,000baht for the month, so works out at 320 baht a nite! cheap as chips. only problem was that the water was temporamental, and there were periods when the water wouldnt work for hours on end! not ideal when you wake up and want to brush your teeth and get a shower and can manage a drip from the tap. i think the worse situation would be if you got a stunner back and there was no shower and she refused to do anything! changs and singhas are 35baht a beer! this was june 10 when he stayed there.

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