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Price BKK to Patts by Taxi....


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What would be the price of a taxi from BKK to Patts with 4 people sharing. We are going later this year and wanted to know the prices



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If you pre book it should be about 1000. If you use a meter taxi at the airport then about 1100-1200. Both prices include tolls

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sweet thanks for the info. Where would I be able to pre book one?

<p><a href="http://www.freeflashtoys.com/?myspace-countdown-clocks"><OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,40,0"WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="180" id="myMovieName"><PARAM NAME=flashvars VALUE="maturity=1282340100000:3407667:3407667:3407667:source.pyzam.com/app_res/mdp_cd/300x180/b/b/ahsweetbeach.jpg:Pattz032Party032Time033033"><PARAM NAME=movie VALUE="http://stuff.freeflashtoys.com/swf/cd_custom.swf"><PARAM NAME=quality VALUE=high><EMBED src="http://stuff.freeflashtoys.com/swf/cd_custom.swf?maturity=1282340100000:3407667:3407667:3407667:source.pyzam.com/app_res/mdp_cd/300x180/b/b/ahsweetbeach.jpg:Pattz032Party032Time033033" quality=high WIDTH="300" HEIGHT="180" wmode="transparent" NAME="myMovieName" ALIGN="" TYPE="application/x-shockwave-flash"PLUGINSPAGE="http://www.macromedia.com/go/getflashplayer"></EMBED></OBJECT></a><br>Make your own <a href="http://www.freeflashtoys.com/?myspace-countdown-clocks">Countdown Clocks</a><img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border="0" width="0" height="0" src="http://stuff.pyzam.com/misc/CXNID=1000015.12NXC.gif" /></p>

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as there is 4 of you, you may need to get a mini bus or an estate car.


Yes 4 people can get into a normal car but you will struggle with the luggage.






4 people with bags will be pretty crowded in a Taxi, I would book a mini van. It should be about 1600B or so including toll however you guys will be very comfortable.

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Book with Mr. T and tell him you have four people. I reserved with him recently. It was only 1,000 baht, inclusive of tolls. Also, the van could seat nine people. I was the only passenger!


I booked http://www.pttaxiservice.com/ for 1000 on my current trip. They sent a van to pick me up at the airport, but I still only paid 1000.

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Guys the last time I came into Suvarnabhumi Aiport without pre booking ride I discovered that AOT (Airports of Thailand) had taken control of the cab situation there to stop the cabbies who had taken someone there looking for a fare back to Pattaya. In the good old days you could walk out the door and haggle with them until you got the fare you wanted to pay.


It cost me 1500 baht because I assume they are making a cut out of it. :ThankGod1:


So pre-book your cab.


Bam Bam

That which doesn't kill me only makes me stronger

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There is another trick at least going into Bangkok..I have not done this going to Pattaya as they are usually just Bangkok drivers who only drive in Bangkok..


You go up all the ramps and walk out the top floor of (BKK) where arrivals are being dropped off..just do this non-obvious and as soon as the taxi if let out their customers..No problem..a ride back into the city on the meter..just make sure he understand where you're going..it cheaper as you don't have to be ripped by Airport fees..Seriously done it many times and most of our ladies also know this trick...But then again they are experts when it comes to tricks :ThankGod1::24:

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There is another trick at least going into Bangkok..I have not done this going to Pattaya as they are usually just Bangkok drivers who only drive in Bangkok..


You go up all the ramps and walk out the top floor of (BKK) where arrivals are being dropped off..just do this non-obvious and as soon as the taxi if let out their customers..No problem..a ride back into the city on the meter..just make sure he understand where you're going..it cheaper as you don't have to be ripped by Airport fees..Seriously done it many times and most of our ladies also know this trick...But then again they are experts when it comes to tricks :23::GoldenSmile1:


This is what i always do going to pattaya. Very quick.No hassle. Just say 'Pattya Pan baht dai mai' ( pattyaya for 1000 baht ok ?). Get in and fall asleep. He wont use the meter.

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How likely is this to work early in the morning. My flight gets in a 1:00am and thats generally why I book a hotel transfer. I wouldn't figure there would be many Pattaya bound taxis at that hour.

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How likely is this to work early in the morning. My flight gets in a 1:00am and thats generally why I book a hotel transfer. I wouldn't figure there would be many Pattaya bound taxis at that hour.


Scratch that. Book it to make sure - Mr T is the one i think as previously noted .

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