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Hi all, just returned a few weeks ago from my trip to Patts and have a question


I am 36 years old and have no problems with performance issues.


I dont drink at all at home, but when i go to Thailand I drink (only vodka and never to extremes)


Anyway my last trip was 16 days. First 8 or 9 days was no drama with sex and cumming. Morning afternoon and night no dramas.


But for the last 6 or 7 days I had no problems getting hard but i just couldnt cum. As much as I tried i just couldnt finish. I went through about 3 days where i just couldnt finish. I went to a massage place and got oil massage and the girl gave me a HJ and i finished.


But then the last 3 days again couldnt cum and I was with a girl i have been with before so the connection is good. Always hard but couldnt cum. Luckily the last morning before I flew back home we had sex and i was able to finish but it was an effort. It is if it doesnt want to come out.


Is it because after many days of constant sex and cumming and many days of drinking which my body is not used to, that my body just cant produce what it needs??


Any thoughts or views, or any sort of vitamin tablets that can help so it doesnt happen on my next trip?




Just have 3 weeks of rest( no sex) and every thing will return back to normal.


Just have 3 weeks of rest( no sex) and every thing will return back to normal.


so your advice is for the 3 weeks before i go next time, just no sex and no jerking off so im fresh and ready when im there?


You will start to return back to normal gradually but 3 weeks will be enough to completely regenerate...


maybe try to relax more...but what do i know ha ha



watch loads of really filthy porn, then when your fucking some chick, close your eyes and think about it


works for me everytime :Number1a:

I have a Problem..... I just can't decide if its a good problem or a bad problem...


it might be something simple like your a bit dehydrated i found a couple of trips ago all the booze etc i was continually slightly dehydrated


Take your thumb off the end. Just joking. Have you been using viagra or enhancement pills because some of them have side effects.


Take your thumb off the end. Just joking. Have you been using viagra or enhancement pills because some of them have side effects.


No. no way in the world


Got to drink :GoldenSmile1: loads of water then no problem :Jump_Drool:


This happens but not that often...At least I can usually get a drop or two out--Sometimes a puff of smoke--Just get a little more sleep usually does the trick...A giant load? I screw way too much to get a big shot off...

No place on the Planet like Pattaya..Don't let your meat loaf

Posted (edited)

Interesting topic as I too ran into a similar situation. I'm attributing it to all the drinking and lack of sleep, in addition to the fact that I "experimented" with both Kamagra and Cialis a couple of times during my 3 weeks in LoS. I've been home for two weeks now and my libido is still off a bit. But that could be from the depression that set in immediately upon return (back to work and the weather is shitty). I'm 44 and in half-way decent shape. Waiting another week or two before I begin to worry. If things aren't back to normal (flogging the dolphin a few times a week), I'm mention my concern to my doctor during my post-LoS health checkup in a couple of weeks.


One thing for sure, I'll not do the enhancing pharmaceuticals again (at least not until I really need them)!

Edited by buddyedgewood
If you want a better experience with your "date"... read, learn, live the following:



Posted (edited)

it might be something simple like your a bit dehydrated i found a couple of trips ago all the booze etc i was continually slightly dehydrated


hydration, hydration, hydration. if the balls want to shoot cum but all they have to offer is dust, then they go into standby mode.

"bigyuley', are you a big guy ?, because sweat could play a part in your problem if so.


and where's our TR ?

Edited by slapman

2 reasons mainly -1)dehydration, u need to drink alot more fluids i.e best is water with eletrolytes from a pharmacy or loads of gatorade..im talking 2-4 litres a day.

32)the body takes time to make semen and your sperm. You can ether take a night off from sex but the best way is mto use clomid easily available in pharmacies. Oh, and stop jerking off.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction - "it was just the internet.." is not an excuse.


watch loads of really filthy porn, then when your fucking some chick, close your eyes and think about it


works for me everytime :Teacher1:


God bless you buddy!

I thought I was the only one pulling that stunt :10::)

Johnny Wilde


CEO - Heavydrinking Hardcore Mongers Union of Pattaya




"You only pass through this life once, you never come back for encores!" - Elvis Presley




"You guys took "normal mongering" and shot it full of nitroglycerin and then set a match to it" - thumper63


zinc tablets may help

Posted (edited)

hydration, hydration, hydration. if the balls want to shoot cum but all they have to offer is dust, then they go into standby mode.

"bigyuley', are you a big guy ?, because sweat could play a part in your problem if so.


and where's our TR ?


Hi Jimmy,


No not a big man. About 68 Kilos and 5.10 ish.


Um trip report. Yeah, interesting. the last trip report got me into all sorts of shit so I am in the process of doing one, but it will be somewhat condenced and there will be numerous days that are skipped for certain reasons

Edited by Big Yuley

2 reasons mainly -1)dehydration, u need to drink alot more fluids i.e best is water with eletrolytes from a pharmacy or loads of gatorade..im talking 2-4 litres a day.

32)the body takes time to make semen and your sperm. You can ether take a night off from sex but the best way is mto use clomid easily available in pharmacies. Oh, and stop jerking off.


I think that could be the problem, dehydration.


In the 16 days i was there I think I would have had a mouthful of water in the entire trip

Rest of the time its purely vodka and soft drinks.


I Also came down with the flu after about 11 days, and at times during the trip I just felt terrible and sleep in hotel room all day and didnt go out at all.


So next trip in April / May will make sure to have heaps of water and gatorade drinks.




I think that could be the problem, dehydration.


In the 16 days i was there I think I would have had a mouthful of water in the entire trip

Rest of the time its purely vodka and soft drinks.


That's sounds like suicide to me!!! ohmy.gif

Drink at least 2-3 liters of pure water a day whilst in Thailand!






Posted (edited)

I'm 62 so I'm well aware of the problems. I always need to use Vitamin V or Vitamin C to enjoy rock hard sex. If I use Cialis ©, I can forget about cum. The Kamagra gels are my vitamin of choice for hardness and cumming.

If you want to try a supplement, try 9 grams of Maca powder daily starting 10 days before your next trip. Several guys from my Costa Rica board recommended it and I think it gave me several more days before I ran out of leche (cum). Some advise lecithin also but I didn't notice the difference like with Maca.

I pay $18 for a pound of the powder. Look for it because if you buy the gel caps, cost is expensive. A big health food store would have it but GNC only has the caps. Google it and do a little work to find it.

OBTW, water like they said.

Edited by Scubabum

I'd rather be a good liver than have one


2 reasons mainly -1)dehydration, u need to drink alot more fluids i.e best is water with eletrolytes from a pharmacy or loads of gatorade..im talking 2-4 litres a day.

32)the body takes time to make semen and your sperm. You can ether take a night off from sex but the best way is mto use clomid easily available in pharmacies. Oh, and stop jerking off.


Roidy - isn't Clomid for women not men?


Helping Pregnancy: Clomid & Infertility Treatments


The rest of your advice makes sense though. I'd also add 3-4 cloves of garlic p/day (use a good mouthwash though to keep the ladies happy), zinc supplement and bananas which also has zinc and lots of other trace minerals.


it could be the condoms too? :001_Thank_You5: I hate the things but always suit up in LOS.


not enough fluids.Keep hydrared with minimum 2-3 litres of water per day


hydrate, and if you really want to shoot a load take YOHIMBE, it is a natural testerone raiser for working out and th bedroom, very helpful if you need it, you do not need rest, my last time there i averaged 2.5 hours a sleep a day, worked out for 2 hours a day, and averaged 4 women a day for 12 days, i slept on the plane flight there and back and when i was tired i drank mountain dew. also cardiovascular training helps with erect and other bodily functions, should help out


hydrate, and if you really want to shoot a load take YOHIMBE, it is a natural testerone raiser for working out and th bedroom, very helpful if you need it, you do not need rest, my last time there i averaged 2.5 hours a sleep a day, worked out for 2 hours a day, and averaged 4 women a day for 12 days, i slept on the plane flight there and back and when i was tired i drank mountain dew. also cardiovascular training helps with erect and other bodily functions, should help out

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