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Chik-N-Coop Bar


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This bar is located on 2nd Road, on the Serena Bar Complex, just past Tim's Beer Bar. I had frecuented this bar since meeting Coop and Mama back in 2008. A very accomodating bar (actually two bar areas under one name), the bar is frecuented by military on R&R and lots of ex-Pats living in or around Pattaya. A good spot to checkout sports early in the morning, like NFL, Football, Boxing and even WWE Wrestling. During the NFL, Coop makes a mean chili and cheese plate, for customers to enjoy. Girls are not pushy and very polite with customers. Don't forget to say hi to Mojo, Coop and Mama's adopted Slow Loris. Mojo is like a family member to them!




"Only Thai Women Are Greater Than My Sexyness"

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This bar is located on 2nd Road, on the Serena Bar Complex, just past Tim's Beer Bar. I had frecuented this bar since meeting Coop and Mama back in 2008. A very accomodating bar (actually two bar areas under one name), the bar is frecuented by military on R&R and lots of ex-Pats living in or around Pattaya. A good spot to checkout sports early in the morning, like NFL, Football, Boxing and even WWE Wrestling. During the NFL, Coop makes a mean chili and cheese plate, for customers to enjoy. Girls are not pushy and very polite with customers. Don't forget to say hi to Mojo, Coop and Mama's adopted Slow Loris. Mojo is like a family member to them!

yes the wwf looks like a few of them are there cheers anyway


Yes its a great bar to start the nitht off in coop is a great hoast, dont forget the martinell bar next door another great little beer bar!


Coop is one of the most hospitable bar owners in Pattaya, a great bar to visit.


I second all the above posts!

Chik-n-Coop is one of my favorite bars in Patts :GoldenSmile1:

Johnny Wilde


CEO - Heavydrinking Hardcore Mongers Union of Pattaya




"You only pass through this life once, you never come back for encores!" - Elvis Presley




"You guys took "normal mongering" and shot it full of nitroglycerin and then set a match to it" - thumper63


Thanks for the info. I've rarely come across American bar owners in Pattaya. Is the owner there at night?


yes. usually there at night. Throws a great Superbowl and 4th of July party. He is also a board member, we need some pics of the current lineup


Coop is a stand up guy and his bar is a great place to stop in.


Don't forget to try a jello shot!


Gotta admit I am missing the black currant and Jagermeister jello shots. :001_Thank_You5:

Daddy wants to pound the brown!!



had a chat with coop in december seems like a nice guy nice bar aswell


I like this beer bar complex (opposite Mikes Mall). The girls are not so pushy like Simon beer bar in WS and has some mean kareoke singers (shit, that was me sorry about that, v dunk!).

My Pattaya budget is perfectly adequate as long as I don't spend any of it


Also one of my favorite places. Coop is a great host and it is a very friendly bar.


Thanks for the info.


I will visit this place in March!


Thanks for the info. I've rarely come across American bar owners in Pattaya. Is the owner there at night?


He's there almost every night. Mama also speaks good English. There are always ex-Pats at the bar on any given night.

"Only Thai Women Are Greater Than My Sexyness"


I realy like the place and Coop is a cool guy.

:001_Thank_You5: gotta love it if they have the NFL!!

Some good looking TG's there...i'll go past on my next trip....thxs m8 :001_Thank_You5:


He's there almost every night. Mama also speaks good English. There are always ex-Pats at the bar on any given night.

Every time I've gone to the he's been there. Great guy


Any chance he'll let us watch the superbowl there? It's early in the morning... 6am-ish

Warning! Life is sexually transmitted and 100% Fatal


"It ain't the dyin' I'm talking about, Woodrow, it's the LIVIN"">


Any chance he'll let us watch the superbowl there? It's early in the morning... 6am-ish


I am sure he will have a party and a free breakfast taco bar, just stop by before and ask.


**dances a little jig**

Warning! Life is sexually transmitted and 100% Fatal


"It ain't the dyin' I'm talking about, Woodrow, it's the LIVIN"">


coop is the best guy there, he is the greatest treats everyone with respect,buys rounds, makes sure the girls act accordingly andis almost always there unless he is back at his house making jello shots. the bar is great adn it is in a great location and there is always sports on the TV. great girls who will run and get you food if you want also


Have to agree with all the posts above Mike aka coop is a stand up guy. Always makes time to speak with everyone and can take a joke. When i return, his bar will be one of the first i visit to pop in and say hello and have a few jello shots and of course play with mo-jo. Theres also the martinell bar beside him with is a good spot. Its a really good place to start the night off.


I remember on christmas night, me, my mate (rickybucky) and jonny martinell (Owener of martinell bar) all got 2 cans of spray and sneaked up behind coop and plaster him. He was soaked and covered in silly string but being the host he is, seen the funny side and i think even bought us a round.

Keep it creammy !!!


Just a note to say I found Mike's Facebook page (as well as myspace) and sent him a message about watching the game. I'm sure he'll reply.


btw there's tons and tons of pics on his chick-n-coop myspace page.

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"It ain't the dyin' I'm talking about, Woodrow, it's the LIVIN"">


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