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First Time Viagra (Sildenafil): what to expect?

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I just received a box of 20 100mg Sildenafil (Viagra) tablets from a work colleague as a (sort of ironic joke - he thinks, but I’m actually quite chuffed) Secret Santa present. 

I’ve never taken any sort of erectile dysfunction medicine before. I’m nearing 60 though and could definitely do with it as my cock’s certainly not as hard when aroused as it was ten years ago. I can no longer get a hard on just thinking about birds, and if I’m having an internet porn wank and I drop the fucking phone or the wifi cuts out for a few seconds I lose my stalk right away and have to start up from scratch again when I get back online.

Anyway, I thought I’d drop 50mg tonight (I’m on my own) just to see what happens. What should I expect and what’s the timeline?

Yes, yes, I’ve googled and googled but I cannot find a (pun unintended) straight answer in plain English.

Explain it to me as if I’m a particularly thick child: What I want to know is: how and when will I know if it’s working or not and if I’ve taken enough?

Genuine query. I’m looking forward to it. The bloke who gave me it said it ‘saved’ his marriage and it was by like being 20 again. (Not sure how much of a commendation that is: his wife’s a miserable fat-arsed heffer with a face like a blistered pisspot and I knew him when he was 20 and he was a bigger cunt then than he is now.)

Anyway, can any of you fellers familiar with viagra give me any clues? WHAT’S IT LIKE?


Tom Tit

Ron went home for a meal and a wash, but what he had seen over there did not let him rest.


Read the label about safety precautions. This is very IMPORTANT. If the erection doesn't go down after 4 hours, call more women.


It's just a little boost. You need some stimulation to "activate" it. Side effects differ from one deplorable bastard to the other. Mine is mainly headaches the next day. Totally worth it, of course. But you did the right thing cutting the dosage in half. The kamagra gels here are 100 mg. And it's advised to disolve that in water and save half for another happy time. 

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If you don't usually have problems getting an erection, I'd recommend starting with around 25mg. Began trying the stuff after having difficulties maintaining a boner (no problem getting it up in the first place, though).

Did the whole 100mg first time and was unable to cum, noticeable decrease in sensitivity down there. Also had annoying side effects (hot flushes & a headache).

Next time I halved the dosage and it had almost the same effects.

25mg seem just the right amount at least for me, but it's worth experimenting a little.

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Posted (edited)

I am 44 and have used Sildenafil a bit over the last two months, 25 mg pills and I always just took one of those.

First I tried it at home by myself watching porn, but didn't really notice a difference but that is probably because I don't have a problem getting hard in that circumstance. After I came and turned porn off, hardon went away. 

I sometimes lose my hardon during sex though, depending on how much I feel when fucking, with or without condom, how tight the girl is etc. When I used Sildenafil on my last Pattaya trip I never had this problem, even after drinking a lot, when I got home and had sex my dick was super-hard, as long as I had sex. I may have had a harder time coming because of it, but can't be sure about that, it may have been the alcohol. 

Edited by Tyler Star
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Posted (edited)
3 hours ago, Tyler Star said:

 I tried it at home by myself watching porn, but didn't really notice a difference but that is probably because I don't have a problem getting hard in that circumstance. After I came and turned porn off, hardon went away. 

Yeah, I think that’s been my mistake. Even worse, I took 50mg at home alone about 90 minutes ago and just sat there waiting for something to happen. Noticed a bit of a headache after about 20 minutes and maybe felt a bit hot (hot flush). Brilliant. 😶

Football started on telly. Promptly fell asleep. Just woke up and, to be honest, until I checked my phone just now, completely forgot I’d taken it.

Cant be bothered having a wank. Bit of a false start. Will maybe wait till there’s an available bird around and have another go. Looks like I just wasted 50mg… 🙄

Tom Tit

Edited by Tom Tit

Ron went home for a meal and a wash, but what he had seen over there did not let him rest.


You need a stimulus for it to work and I very much doubt watching football would get me wanking at the best of times (so embarrassing if you're on the terraces!!).

On its own, it doesn't pump your dick up, it only helps when you have a stimulus (a nubile Thai lady for instance). It helps the blood flow to your dick and helps it remain hard whilst stimulated. If you have a ST and she buggers off afterwards, your dick won't stand around waving at you, but will shrivel back into your Y-fronts, ready for its next appearance. You may not even need to take another one for your next ST, depending on the time between the two. 

There maybe side effects, such as headaches or blocked nose (don't stick the tablets up your nose, that's perverted!), but it affects people differently. You'll also find the right balance of how much to take and how long it lasts, for yourself.

As for the medical reasons, I'm not a doctor, so I'll leave that to the medical experts (😅) to keep you informed.


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5 minutes ago, Tom Tit said:

Yeah, I think that’s been my mistake. Even worse, I took 50mg at home alone about 90 minutes ago and just sat there waiting for something to happen. Noticed a bit of a headache after about 20 minutes and maybe felt a bit hot (hot flush). Brilliant. 😶

Football started on telly. Promptly fell asleep. Just woke up and, to be honest, until I checked my phone just now, completely forgot I’d taken it.

Cant be bothered having a wank. Bit of a false start. Will maybe wait till there’s an available bird around and have another go. Looks like I just wasted 50mg… 🙄

Tom Tit

You could try the things you said did not get you hard any longer in the first post, but one hour after taking sildenafil. If you get hard thinking about chicks or stay hard when you turn off porn a bit in, then you know it is working at least.


Take 25mg, visit massage parlor for test run. Up or lower dosage depending on reaction. 

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