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drugs to improve 28hr flight experience?

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have restless leg, 2 slipped discs and a bunch of nerve damage. the flight ehre nearly killed me. willing to do whatever to help make my return flight less miserable. happy to pay to get something from a doc for the flight, muscle rexlant/pain killers.

Any other tips? 



You could try the Buakhao clinics. If they can't help try City Hospital 


Not medical advice as I am not a doctor, however I have four lumbar herniated discs and three cervical herniations. I have been on painkillers all the way up to oycodone. I have found that 800 mg of acetaminophen and 1200 mg of ibuprofen at the same time work just about as well as the opiates. The combination of these two affect certain pain receptors synergistically. 

you can get some norgesic over the counter that is acetaminophen and a muscle relaxant combined. Another muscle relaxant is myonal, which is also OTC. 

as for the restless legs, gabapentin is usually prescribed. You won’t find it likely to help you for just using for a single flight. 


If it floats, flies or fucks, RENT IT!!!!! "He who hesitates, masturbates"


Upgrade and a sleeping pill is the only answer for me, I can only imagine the pain your in you couldbt do it in economy .  

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