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Prostrate blood test check up results

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I recently had a blood test for checking prostrate in Spain. 

I have had to return home unexpectedly, they emailed me results but I cant make head nor tail of it.

Takes forever to see doctor at home too, was wonder if anyone can tell if all is OK or do I need to go to see doctor

Here are results:

TÉCNICA RESULTADOS UNIDADES V. REFERENCIA BIOQUÍMICA MARCADORES T. *25,15 ( 0,00 - 4,00 ) ng/mL PSA - AG PROSTÁTICO ESP. Para valores comprendidos entre 4,0 - 20,0 ng/mL se recomienda efectuar la valoración de índice PSA libre/total. Método: Enzimoinmunoanálisis . *2,90 ( 0,00 - 1,00 ) ng/ml PSA LIBRE Método: Enzimoinmunoanálisis . *11,53 En pacientes con PSA total entre 4,0 - 20,0 ng/mL, un índice superior a 20 % se podría considerar asociado a hiperplasia prostática benigna


Your PSA is a little high, something is going on.
It's the trend that matters.

Get it checked by a urlogist, but don't worry too much.


Here it is translated, you can discuss with your Dr



I know if the PSA is under 4 then no action required 

PSA is indicative and not conclusive. PSA reading can fluctuate 

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