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Peptide clinics in Pattaya

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New to the forum and have been trying to find any good information about a clinic in Pattaya(found none of the clinic I'm looking at) Wellthyme Wellness Center and their Peptide therapy.

Messaged them on FB but they really only answered really short and insufficient so I'm taking the question here instead :)
I'm interested in the BPC-157 and Thymosin beta-4 protocal and is wondering if anyone in here has tried it at that clinic or in general?

Have a few injuries I wanna try and see if it actually can resolve(Neck injury from getting jumped when I was in my twenties and a low back injury.

They quoted me "4,399 THB for 1 course" but then no more replies 😂 (kinda guessing they might get flooded by farangs asking stuff on FB)

And someone also mentioned that they had BPC-157 in Tim's... But tablets or vials?
And what price if anyone knows


Best regards and thanks in advance :)

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