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$1,500 upgrade from Economy Plus to Delta One Suite - should i yolo and just do it

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Back when I was young enough to stay hard enough to spent $1500 on BJ's, HJ's and GFE, I would've saved the extra to cover a second trip.

Now that I'm too old to participate in an extra $1500 of that in a trip, I'd add it to the IRA so I can retire easier.

But that's just me. I'm only 6'3", so fitting in that econ / steerage class seats is doable, more or less.

16 hours ago, JayTX34 said:

$1,500 is a lot of HJ, BJ, and GFE in Pattaya but it is a 12 hour flight from SEA to ICN and Delta is dangling a $1,500 upgrade offer to move from Economy Plus to Delta ONe Suite lay flat.

What would you do?


I pay for full refundable businesses class on all flights to avoid PE which ain't all that premium to begin with. And have done so since 2003.  So spend the $1500.


Only you will know whether the extra cost is worth it to you or not, I'm sure we all would if we could afford it

Many people on here have plenty of money, and will fly business-class all the time

There are some who don't & fly economy, including myself  :)


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