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Hi All,


I recently did a post where no one can see what I typed: 



It turns out that when I selected white font (for my Dark Mode black background) it shows up as white font on white background for those who are NOT in Dark Mode (see below).  I wrote to the admins about it but haven't heard anything back, but it explains why I've seen a number of other posts with odd font choices.  So something to keep in mind as you're writing your posts!



"I'm not giving in to security under pressure.  I'm not missing out on the promise of adventure.  I'm not giving up on implausible dreams.  Experience to extremes.  Experience to extremes." 

"So put me on a highway.  Show me a sign.  And take it to the limit one more time.".

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When pasting from another place it's important to paste as plain text to not paste the color formatting as well. 

I use dark mode myself and text is often pasted as a black text so I need to select the text to be able to read it.

Dark mode users struggle to read this 
Normal mode users struggle to read this

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Yes, Paste as Plain Text, should make it readable (legible?) by all. 

I also use Dark Mode, you young guys will know why when you're older, although I also used DM in my programming editors when I was a young buck.

Unfortunately, some TR's, because they're so long, are written in another editor and then copy/pasted which implies formatting. A few bar owners, as well, but I can't complain, they're nice guys, and I appreciate all posts. I'm sure DM users are the minority around here.

But putting a small bug in an ear or two can't hurt. 😅

Edited by frantick
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