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anyone had prostate surgery? how did it go?

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update: day 2 is pretty easy, only time i have pain is when i need to 'shoot.' this is a discharge of prostate fluid that goes around the outside of the catheter. you can tell it's different, because different color to what's in the catheter bag.

It's quite painful at times. worse than pain is that sensation exactly like you've been holding your piss too long and it won't come out. it's part of the package. this is very normal for many procedures on the prostate.

after the biopsy, days 3 and 4 were the worst. day one was easy though whereas Rezum day 1 was rough. so maybe it won't follow the same arc.

post-biopsy i had the shits, and this would lead to 'shoots' as well. i think this is because the transperineal biopsy was so extensive and some cores were very close to the rectum. so i had a weird effect of constantly feeling like i needed to shit for about 4 days after the biopsy, not so far this time. the shoots are separate (but still happen when i shit).

catheter off on the 23rd. looking through TF. thinking about Whatever Happened To Baby Jane.

me: "if i didn't have this catheter, i'd"
TF (in Bette Davis voice): "but ya DOOOOOOO Blanche. ya DOoooo have the cathetah."



it's now a full 72 hours, and day 3 was easier than day 2, unlike the biopsy.

i expect in 24 hours catheter will be the only significant suffering. i made it clear that i wanted ample catheter time, as much as i hate it... because i don't want to have to put that damn thing back in, as i've had to do about 3 times so far. just being cautious, so catheter out on the 23rd. tomorrow's end of 'day' update will likely be the last until i go on the 23rd, as i expect i'll be out of the woods by about noon tmr.



and that's a wrap on 4 days after Rezum.

unlike the biopsy, it got a bit better every day. first day was rough. today's easy and even the prostate discharge isn't that painful.

to celebrate i tugged one off. i'm told that catheter pr0n exists. what has been seen cannot be unseen applies to mental pictures. and if your'e reading this, i've shared that mental picture with you. just one of the many fine services i provide.


  • Like 3


11 hours ago, schnytzal said:

what has been seen cannot be unseen applies to mental pictures. and if your'e reading this, i've shared that mental picture with you. just one of the many fine services i provide.


Frankly, none of your prose has painted a picture for me. Getting space in my brain for free takes a bit more than you’ve demonstrated. I imagine this is true of many of us. 

8 hours ago, Phoenix Dave said:

Frankly, none of your prose has painted a picture for me. Getting space in my brain for free takes a bit more than you’ve demonstrated. I imagine this is true of many of us. 

you're lucky, the very idea of catheter porn gives me the creeps



brief update: no pain or anything anymore, but occasional dumps of blood and tissue in the catheter bag. this is normal when you beat the snot out of your prostate. if you get Rezum (or a biopsy etc) and the doc doesn't mention that you should expect it, dont' freak out over it.

PS: i generally think kink-shaming is bad. obviously, i'm unfazed by the idea of tugging one off with a catheter on. it's a great relief when you reach a certain level of catheter-frustration. it's nothing to do with sexual orientation either. what freaks me out a bit is the idea that someone would specifically seek to WATCH someone tug one off with a catheter in. i think it's more a me thing than a them thing, as i have hated the months spent with my friend the Foley catheter.


  • 2 weeks later...

Catheter came out Monday the 23rd, and first 4 days were pretty unpleasant, but no danger of re-catheterization. YMMV but as soon as the catheter was out, pain stopped, and i can finally stop antibiotics.

recovery from Rezum, as expected, was unpleasant enough that NO FUCKING WAY would i consider stopping antiobiotics til the catheter was out. add in these 2 weeks post-Rezum and that's 5 months on catheter. during that time i had 4 UTIs. absolutely not willing to risk a UTI while enjoying the 2 shitty post-Rezum weeks.

pissing dozens of times a day and around 10 times a night while attempting go to sleep was really annoying. main problem is, it turns out when you beat the living shit out of your prostate, the little bitch cries like a baby. i am very sure the pissing every 10 minutes is prostate fluid not urine, because not only could i SEE the difference--urine in the bag had at least a little yellow, whereas prostate juice was clear, bloody, or a mix of both.

post-catheter mostly this week consisted of me having my period several times a day: there'd be a brief jet of blood and tissue followed by clear fluid. first 4 days following doing anything prostate related have tended to be the worst, with days 3 and 4 being worst of all. now, finally, i'm mostly pissing normal and my piss has some yellow to it.

pretty much anything fun aside from computer games makes post-Rezum recovery worse. it's NOT like catheter-only, or post-biopsy. alcohol, pounding pud (only option til catheter's out anyway, unless you're an engineering genius). so basically if you want to suffer less than i did, even caffeine is not in play. i've reintroduced caffeine today but since i'm still pissing too often (an indication of inflamed prostate) i'm not reintroducing alcohol or orgasms until things normalize. doc estimates that will be 4 weeks out from surgery.

in general i'm pissing about as well as i was 6 months ago, and its' supposed to improve over the next 2 or 3 months. i'll check in one more time at 3 months out.

tl;dr: recovery from Rezum is rougher than most other minimally-invasive options, but longer-term the data indicates slightly more promising outcomes. i won't know just how much pissing has improved for 3 months but at least i'm marked safe from catheter.



obviously a lot of other guys--even BPH guys, not only cancer guys--have had it a lot worse than i did. met a guy whose father had a 400 GRAM prostate, mine was a mere 90. however, i can only talk about my experience.

recovery from the biopsy was rough for about a week, and waiting for the result was a bit stressful. finding out that there was no cancer, and i could consider options that would preserve my ability to shoot ropes, was a huge relief (obviously).

recovery from Rezum is long and slow, and more annoying than rough. turns out pounding pud was a bad idea and made it worse (it's not a problem if your only issue is catheter for urinary retention).

the worst aspect of the whole thing though was the catheter. most of the time it's not that uncomfortable even, and i got kinda good at managing it, but the emotional impact was a bit traumatic, basically i had no cock for 5 months. catheterization was, at least for me, by far the worst part of the whole thing. this is why the idea of catheter porn is nightmare fuel, at least to me.

IMPORTANT TAKEAWAY: if you have urinary symptoms, such as weak stream, difficulty pissing, waking up too many times a night to piss, and so on, LOOK INTO IT. they may seem like nothing--i didn't really notice til i couldn't piss at all--but like most things if you do something about it early, you have more and better options.

also, keep an eye on your PSA. high PSA can be cancer, or oversized prostate. one is obviously worse, but oversized prostate isn't good either.


  • 5 weeks later...

MY STORY SO FAR: i'm 59. early July, after hanging out with a friend in Patts, i couldn't piss for over 12 agonizing hours. ended up in the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya and met a new friend, Mr Foley Catheter.

thanks to the joys of health insurance i hadn't even used yet, kept the catheter in for FIVE MONTHS. once treatment was approved had an ultrasound, 90 gram prostate, MRI recommended. Bumrungrad was too expensive for my insurance so i ended up at Siriraj P... as they also offered HoLEP enucleation, which i was considering. got the MRI there. suspicious lesions, got biopsy there. 24 cores, ZERO CANCER!

tales of antegrade ejaculation post-HoLEP, according to Dr Warat at SIriaj P (or Varat depends on where you look, i highly recommend this urologist). guideline for Rezum is up to 80 grams. mine was 90 with an obstructing median lobe, but he was confident. i looked at 10,000 (ok i exaggerate but it was a lot) studies and decided that long-term, Rezum looks slightly better than Prostate Artery Embolization(but PAE is even newer than Rezum so check the data before you decide, as new studies drop constantly). also, PAE is performed by a radiologist, whereas Rezum would be done by  the urologist i already trusted, and who knew his way around my prostate.

Rezum was 13 December, catheter out after 2 weeks. had a follow up with urologist about a week ago. healing is continuing and will for a couple more months. no more blood or crud in urine but still occasionally some 'rust dust' old blood in spooge.

non-catheterized IPSS score was 29 just before Rezum. at follow up visit a couple of weeks ago it was 14. now it's 9. the remaining issues are a long weak dribbling stream after i piss, occasional weak streams, and occasionally piss doesn't all go where i aim it. i expect it will improve over the next 2 months but if it doesn't i can totally live with this.

i'm still on alfuzosin and i like it. if you need an alpha blocker and want to continue to shoot ropes this is the one. older apha blockers stop ejaculation so might be good for birth control if you're the type who raw dogs.

that sums up my prostate adventure. it's worth reading other people's posts on the thread though as it turns out old guys do tend to have prostate issues, and it's not the same for everyone. i'll post once more after this one, in 3 months when i go for a follow up.

Here's a link to IPSS calculator quiz:



1 hour ago, schnytzal said:

MY STORY SO FAR: i'm 59. early July, after hanging out with a friend in Patts, i couldn't piss for over 12 agonizing hours. ended up in the Bangkok Hospital Pattaya and met a new friend, Mr Foley Catheter.

thanks to the joys of health insurance i hadn't even used yet, kept the catheter in for FIVE MONTHS. once treatment was approved had an ultrasound, 90 gram prostate, MRI recommended. Bumrungrad was too expensive for my insurance so i ended up at Siriraj P... as they also offered HoLEP enucleation, which i was considering. got the MRI there. suspicious lesions, got biopsy there. 24 cores, ZERO CANCER!

tales of antegrade ejaculation post-HoLEP, according to Dr Warat at SIriaj P (or Varat depends on where you look, i highly recommend this urologist). guideline for Rezum is up to 80 grams. mine was 90 with an obstructing median lobe, but he was confident. i looked at 10,000 (ok i exaggerate but it was a lot) studies and decided that long-term, Rezum looks slightly better than Prostate Artery Embolization(but PAE is even newer than Rezum so check the data before you decide, as new studies drop constantly). also, PAE is performed by a radiologist, whereas Rezum would be done by  the urologist i already trusted, and who knew his way around my prostate.

Rezum was 13 December, catheter out after 2 weeks. had a follow up with urologist about a week ago. healing is continuing and will for a couple more months. no more blood or crud in urine but still occasionally some 'rust dust' old blood in spooge.

non-catheterized IPSS score was 29 just before Rezum. at follow up visit a couple of weeks ago it was 14. now it's 9. the remaining issues are a long weak dribbling stream after i piss, occasional weak streams, and occasionally piss doesn't all go where i aim it. i expect it will improve over the next 2 months but if it doesn't i can totally live with this.

i'm still on alfuzosin and i like it. if you need an alpha blocker and want to continue to shoot ropes this is the one. older apha blockers stop ejaculation so might be good for birth control if you're the type who raw dogs.

that sums up my prostate adventure. it's worth reading other people's posts on the thread though as it turns out old guys do tend to have prostate issues, and it's not the same for everyone. i'll post once more after this one, in 3 months when i go for a follow up.

Here's a link to IPSS calculator quiz:


Were there any symptoms prior to you not being able to piss for 12 hours?

2 hours ago, Scuba+ said:

Were there any symptoms prior to you not being able to piss for 12 hours?

yeah but it didn't really get my attention, even though i would have had a fairly high IPSS score (can't piss all in one go, weak stream, etc).

i highly recommend running the IPSS quiz every now and then, it takes about 5 minutes, and most of these sympotoms i didn't think much of until i had already waited too long.

would have been MUCH easier treatment had i acted earlier.

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20 minutes ago, schnytzal said:

yeah but it didn't really get my attention, even though i would have had a fairly high IPSS score (can't piss all in one go, weak stream, etc).

i highly recommend running the IPSS quiz every now and then, it takes about 5 minutes, and most of these sympotoms i didn't think much of until i had already waited too long.

would have been MUCH easier treatment had i acted earlier.

Interesting thanks, never heard of IPSS, just did it, had a score of 5 mild, 3 of which was due to getting up in the night 3 times, which isn't a big deal i sleep easy enough, what was your score?

2 hours ago, Scuba+ said:

Interesting thanks, never heard of IPSS, just did it, had a score of 5 mild, 3 of which was due to getting up in the night 3 times, which isn't a big deal i sleep easy enough, what was your score?

first time i did one was right before rezum and i was off catheter. it was 29.

follow up a month after rezum 14. today, 9 and trending.

it's probably worth getting your PSA checked. i'd expect it to be low given your lack of symptoms. if it's high, follow up. mine was around 10, which is right on the line between "normal for 90 gram prostate' and 'alarming'


  • 2 weeks later...
On 29/01/2025 at 18:01, schnytzal said:

yeah but it didn't really get my attention, even though i would have had a fairly high IPSS score (can't piss all in one go, weak stream, etc).

i highly recommend running the IPSS quiz every now and then, it takes about 5 minutes, and most of these sympotoms i didn't think much of until i had already waited too long.

would have been MUCH easier treatment had i acted earlier.

Shnytzal-why would your treatment have been much easier if you acted earlier ?

1 hour ago, lazza said:

Shnytzal-why would your treatment have been much easier if you acted earlier ?

my prostate would have been smaller. less obstruction, less tissue to remove. that's the main thing.

may still have needed a biopsy but probably would have gotten away with fewer than 24 cores. also, it's quite possible the lesions that inspired the biopsy were *caused* by inflammation from obstruction.


On 18/11/2024 at 23:31, ChiFlyer said:


The estimated total cost for this, including Bangkok travel, is $25,000 US. If I were to travel to the US my insurance would cover most of this, but the US travel cost would be about $30,000.


An update to this replicated post that i have entered on a sister board.

My estimates for total cost were off. They included the costs for the radiation, but not the preparation surgery. The Thai preparation surgery adds $10,000 which will bring the total bill to $30,000. This is the same as my US travel estimate, which may well have holes in it as well.

Anyway, I am glad that I am doing this in Thailand. My recovery will be at home without the stress of international travel to North America.

I saw my urologist today for the second and last of the hormonal injections. He did a PSA as well and my number dropped to 0.9 from 1.3. This implies that the treatment approach is working. Then again PSA numbers fluctuate. Also, my stream during urination has gotten stronger, also implying that the prostate is reducing in size. I have not experienced any male menopausal symptoms from the hormone injections, at least that I noticed. I am tired at times and for some reason my dreams have become more vivid. Usually, I do not remember my dreams. Now I do at times.

My preparatory surgery is scheduled for next Monday the 17th. They will put me under for this and the entire process will probably last for 4 hours with half of that being recovering from the anesthetize process. There is no way I should or could operate a motor vehicle at the end of this.

The Mrs BFF has agreed (the Mrs can not drive) to be our taxi lady for the day. I said I will kick in 2000 so that they can go get a nice lunch and also to cover the gas.

I meet with the oncologist on Saturday the 15th, hopefully to set the radiation schedule in Bangkok. It is supposed to be 5 blasts each 3 days apart. Not too sure how they are going to work that with weekends etc. The urologist said that the radiation treatments should start in two weeks or less after the prep surgery.

I have decided to rent a Marriott Executive Apartment in Bangkok that is less than 30 minutes (Bangkok morning rush hour estimate) from the Bangkok Hospital Cancer Center where the radiation treatment will be done. This adds about 50,000 THB to the total cost, but I figure this is something where it is a good idea to pamper both myself and the Mrs. Besides there are near by Villa Markets and Wine Connection stores.

  • Thanks 2

@ChiFlyerwhat hospital/doctor?


11 hours ago, schnytzal said:

@ChiFlyerwhat hospital/doctor?

The hospital involved for the urology is Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. My urologist is Dr. Niti (long last name). The radiation will be done at the Bangkok Cancer Center Branch of the same hospital chain. I can not remember the oncologist's name right now, but that is being set up by the urologist.

9 hours ago, ChiFlyer said:

The hospital involved for the urology is Bangkok Pattaya Hospital. My urologist is Dr. Niti (long last name). The radiation will be done at the Bangkok Cancer Center Branch of the same hospital chain. I can not remember the oncologist's name right now, but that is being set up by the urologist.

hope all goes well for you and looking forward to the updates



had the same results  about 5 years ago.No problems but no sex for quite a while.

2 hours ago, Scottie1 said:

had the same results  about 5 years ago.No problems but no sex for quite a while.

same results as what? no sex why? details please?

I assume you're replying to @ChiFlyer but no sex why? because for me personally only thing stopped me was foley catheter. even when "only an absolute moron would tug one off" (yep i'm That Guy and tugged a few off cathaterized so... )

please tell more of your "journey" (god i hate his social media "journey" shit but it's not wrong. and prostate issues have sooooooo many ways they can go....




you have prostate issues. you want to fuck again. ok read this (really long) thread and post yr experience.


On 12/02/2025 at 23:50, schnytzal said:

same results as what? no sex why? details please?


After radiation treatment exchanging fluids (sperm, saliva, blood, ....) with a partner could make them very sick from the residual radiation, especially if they have an unknown condition. This lasts for about 3 months. It can take another 3 months for the prostate to heal to the point that one can become sexually active again. There are no promises of this.

  • Sad 2
1 hour ago, ChiFlyer said:

After radiation treatment exchanging fluids (sperm, saliva, blood, ....) with a partner could make them very sick from the residual radiation, especially if they have an unknown condition. This lasts for about 3 months. It can take another 3 months for the prostate to heal to the point that one can become sexually active again. There are no promises of this.

I wish you the best outcome possible. If it doesn’t work out the first few tries, don’t lose hope. I’m barely able physically to function, but have found strategies to cope with the difficulties. I barfined at least twice a week on my last trip, about 80% of the time was successful, and found it all very much worth all the planning and effort. 

21 hours ago, ChiFlyer said:

After radiation treatment exchanging fluids (sperm, saliva, blood, ....) with a partner could make them very sick from the residual radiation, especially if they have an unknown condition. This lasts for about 3 months. It can take another 3 months for the prostate to heal to the point that one can become sexually active again. There are no promises of this.

yeah hadn't thought about the radiation.

why did you choose radiation over radical prostatectomy, if you don't mind sharing?


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