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So, the Doctor told me I had a stroke

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My blood pressure got away from me for a day or two in April at 180/121 which was pretty high.  Trip to the ER and medication brought it down but the damage was done.  I've lost what I can only guess at is about 25% of my vision from an occipital stroke.  I used ot be able to read a menu with a little difficulty, but now I can't see anything and must wear reading glasses.  Even with my readers on I struggle to catch all the typos in this post.  Bright flashing lights and direct sunlight is almost unbarable and I have to look away.  I've got a huge blind spot in the upper left quadrant of my vision.  If I raise my hands out in front of me above me shoulders my left hand dissapears.  I hardly drive anymore.  Walking is ok, but I double and triple check going around corners.

How bothersome is walking around Pattaya nightlife with all the neon going to be for me?  I won't be into the gogo club scene thats for sure.   Do gents clubs have much flashing neon?  Doctor said it won't get much better, and if I don't monitor my bnlood pressure it will probably get worse.

Have my Pattaya dreams just trurned to shit?


I'm really sorry to hear, although glad to hear you have it better than some.

Most GC's are quite discrete on the inside. It varies from venue to venue. Behind the curtains?...you'll probably find your paradise.

13 minutes ago, Curator said:

Have my Pattaya dreams just trurned to shit?

Only if you let it.


Gogos are beyond overrated. GC's are nice and quiet(er) or just have a girl to your room off TF. Your Pattaya dreams havent turned to shit, they just need an update.

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Youll be fine, bring your glasses🙂

If your the best version of you and still have these issues, Im sorry to hear that.

However, if its a diet and exercise thing, I hope this helps you get motivated. I only mention it because Ive been there.

Best of luck and yes, you can still come and have a blast.😃

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@Curator That sucks... Best wishes for some recovery...  are you on some anti-platelet agents? (aspirin, clopidogrel... )
Here's an extract from a summary article on what seems to be your problem.  It concerns some potential things to try to help your vision. 

"several techniques can be used and are described.

  • Macular splitting and paracentral defects may make seeing individual words difficult. A colored piece of paper placed vertically along the left or right side of the page is often helpful when the loss of the margins is a source of the difficulty. It can also be used horizontally and moved down the lines of the page.
  • Other strategies include teaching patients with left hemianopias to shift their gaze to the left side of every line and to the first letter of every word and instructing those with right hemianopias to reach the end of a word before going to the next.

Patients with chronic, dense homonymous hemianopias can be offered optical assistance from prisms..."

(I encourage you to read/ have someone read the part on treatment and maybe see an optician to see if they can do something with your glasses to help you correct the deficit...


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I was in the hospital for 10 days last November for a "minor or mild" stroke.  Similar to yours it effected my vision, as my stroke occurred in my brain stem.

For well over a decade my doctors had been telling me I had high cholesterol and I should control it by medication, however I tried and did good for a while by changing my diet.  Bottom line is that a small particle of plaque got stuck, and messed up the signal from the brain to the eyes and for about a week I could not control my eyes and they would rapidly move left to right and cause the world around me to rotate, because of that I could not walk without falling, after about 10 days I could stand but had a hard time walking, and needed a cane for balance...forget about driving a car.

10 months latter I can walk, ride a bike and do my normal activities, I can drive a car etc, but there have been some other changes in my brain that are hard to explain.  I'm not writing about this for sympathy or anything like this.

However if your doctor says you have high blood pressure and or high cholesterol...don't fuck around with it like I did, because you are going to end up on 4 different pills and they suck, AND you will most likely have another one that will kill you or leave you as a vegetable within the next 5 to 10 years.



Have my Pattaya dreams just turned to shit?

the body recovers, worst places to be , get well sir


I honestly wouldn't recommend Pattaya for you. There are bright flashing lights everywhere and uneven streets with lots of potholes all over the place. There are many roads without proper sidewalks and the roads are hazardous for pedestrians. Better for you to stay in Texas. I sincerely hope your condition doesn't worsen. Best luck with your treatment.

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