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Best software for SEO and promo


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This unique software pack can EVERYTHING.


+ mass post threads and messages on forums, blogs, guestbooks, boards, bulletins

+ mass send PM (personal messages) to ALL users on thouthands forums simultaneously (multi-threading)

+ automatically register e-mail accounts on GMAIL.Com and other email services

+ automatically break CAPTCHAs - you see, this forum has captcha on registering, but it's was breaked ;)

+ automatically break text captchas as "2+2=?", "what color is sky?" etc.

+ have a lot of tools for links databases processing and analysing

+ automatically confirm all links from e-mail account

+ built-in "question-answer" system, mass post-editing system

+ a lot of other features


<spam and spammer removed>



Just ask Google! ;)

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“If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enoughâ€

“If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?â€

Albert Einstein

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