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Hello Guys,


we all now that blue Listerine antiseptic Mouthwash http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Listerine

the girls in the massage parlors and ST-Bars and in other places use.


BUT...is there any effect on bactias and viruses e.g. STD and other things?


I haven't found any good information about that topic.


What do you think or know?



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I just read that it reduced the bacteria load in the mouth and increases the risk of cancer.


I would say, its better than using nothing!

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Last time I was at the dentist they told me if your going to use a mouthwash to protect your gums rather than just sort out bad breath then it must have florine in it. Listerine is one of the only month washes that doesn't.

So good for freash breath, not much cop for anything else

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Ok....so what else could we use for desinfection? Maybe there is something like Listerine that works better against bacterias....

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In Engand we use TCP for disinfection.

Wouldn't put it on my cock though. I'd go and see my doctor for something to put on that. :WhoSaw1:

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Wherever I travel, I always have TCP liquid and a tube of TCP ointment with me. Very useful but stings like a bitch. Re: mouthwash I use Corsodyl or if I run out of it, a few drops of TCP liquid in some water! Vile taste but will zap more than its fair share of bugs. Otherwise, see a doc!!!

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Here you go mate! Order it online if it's not available in your country..........................






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  • 2 weeks later...

Gents & Ladies, I think this is a dangerous topic and needs to come with disclaimers. Hre's what i think, and i remember very well wahing my dick with antiseptics after protected sex in my early travel days (gotta be sure - ha ha ha )


Re: what is being suggested? is that a topical antiseptic post exposure will prevent aquiring an STD. I'm not too sure that that is the case. For instance we know we can get Gonorrhea when the bugs get on AND/OR in the penis (amoung other places). Will the topical antiseptic kill the bugs before they multiple and create the infection response is the question? It will kill some of the bugs in a test tube experiment and thats all we know for sure.


If you have been exposed, chances are the bugs also go inside your cock too, washing your dick and even having a good old piss afterwards will make you feel good because you have done everything post exposure to reduce the chances of an infection from the bugs.


The reality is you are kidding yourself; this behaviour will only drive further unprotected sex behaviour because you think (wishful thinking) you have been able to confirm that your process works i.e. i do this and dont get infected. At a later time though, you will find out that your topical antiseptic failed you. You may be tempted to conclude that you were not quick enough to wash or missed a part..etc. The reality is you finally hit a partner with the bacteria.


Seeing i am raving on about Gonorrhea, the other thing worth mentioning is that Gonorrhea grows, so bacteria load in your partner changes over time and therefore later exposure will have you seeing more bugs. Gargle with listering and a lot of the bugs in the mouth get killed - you think thats safe turf now, but its not. The bugs are all over the place - throat...etc.


Always have good personal hygene thats good practice in tropical environments anyway but dont be fooled by quakery.


Hope it helps.

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recently asked my dentist about listerine, and he said it is not effective for killing germs in the mouth.

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  • 3 weeks later...

In Medievel Britain, because the majority of the drinking water was not what you'd class as clean as today's standards, the locals used to drink mass quantities of beer as it used to sterilise the water.


Beer, what a good idea!

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In Medievel Britain, because the majority of the drinking water was not what you'd class as clean as today's standards, the locals used to drink mass quantities of beer as it used to sterilise the water.


Beer, what a good idea!



agree..good shot of tequilla does the job when your liking pussy in a gogo....well...so i'm told :GoldenSmile1:

I have a Problem..... I just can't decide if its a good problem or a bad problem...

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Remember non of us are experts here, but whatever you decide to use DON,T wash your mouth out with TCP or put it on your dick, it is for minor scin wounds new piercings, a graze, ext ext.,,,,,,

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The human mouth is dirtier than cats and dogs (in terms of what lives in their) fyi.

that is why doctors always give antibiotics for human bites and not feline and canine bites, unless they have a known infection.

Just something to ponder.




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You might want to try hydrogen peroxide. It is a disinfectant. A pharmacy can also sell you disinfectant mouthwash; one that is usually sold prescription only in the west.

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