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Cold Sores - imminent trip


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I knew this would happen 😞

First trip in 3 years, only 7 nights in Thailand. I am scheduled to fly on Saturday. 

I've had cold sores for as long as I remember, contracting it at high school. 4-5 outbreaks a year (none during COVID ironically). I constantly live in fear of booking a major mongering trip and getting one before or during the trip. I have Valacyclovir which I keep for any emergencies. 

Sure enough, a few days to go and I have the tell-tale tingle in my lips 😞 I have travelled half way across the world already, so probably flights etc causing added stress and bringing it on. I've taken my first 500mg of Valacyclovir and scheduled to take another 500mg in 12 hours. I do have the option to cancel my flights to BKK (I always book the refundable tickets for this very reason), but would be absolutely gutted.

As this is the first time this has actually happened prior to a trip, can anyone shed any light/experience of the following?

1. Taking 2x500mg of valacyclovir (valtrex) during the first 24 hours of getting the tingle of cold sores. How effective? Any chance it will resolve the issue or speed up the cycle from the normal 2-week cycle that I experience?

2. Assume I travel to Pattaya with a full-blown cold sore. Am I likely to be persona non-grata to the ladies? I have no downstairs issues and will obviously avoid any oral contact. It has been over 2 years since I've had any kind of bedroom activity, so this was/is a huge trip for me. 

I'm trying to make peace with cancelling my trip, but hoping against hope that someone may be able to speak from experience and report that it wouldn't necessary be a complete block to activities.


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You think too mutt.  I have no experience with cold sores, but pretty sure the girls have seen worse and/or will check out your bottom end.  Most do not like to kiss anyways.  I certainly would not cxl.  How long do your bouts with these things last?

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If you intend to dabble in the P4P scene, my advice would be to re-arrange the dates.

You have the potential to spread a problem to many people, either directly or indirectly.


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2 hours ago, Goodyear7 said:

I've had cold sores for as long as I remember, contracting it at high school. 4-5 outbreaks a year (none during COVID ironically). I constantly live in fear of booking a major mongering trip and getting one before or during the trip. I have Valacyclovir which I keep for any emergencies. 

You've got Herpes, man.  At least HSV-1 and perhaps HSV-2.  Knowing that you're contagious.....Why would you even consider traveling and spreading it to innocent people?????   :Anger:

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4 hours ago, Goodyear7 said:

1. Taking 2x500mg of valacyclovir (valtrex) during the first 24 hours of getting the tingle of cold sores. How effective? Any chance it will resolve the issue or speed up the cycle from the normal 2-week cycle that I experience?

It might help and I believe it’s the standard regime for herpes.  Recommended dosing schedules are available online if you’re unable to access a doctor. 

"Disappointing girls one inch at a time"




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2 hours ago, vivid2 said:

You've got Herpes, man.  At least HSV-1 and perhaps HSV-2.  Knowing that you're contagious.....Why would you even consider traveling and spreading it to innocent people?????   :Anger:

Most people already carry the virus that causes cold sores, usually infected as kids/babies from parents/family kissing them. Fifty percent to 80 percent of U.S. adults have oral herpes. I imagine that's much higher in a place like Pattaya. Not that I would advocate going around kissing people with an active cold sore anyway though.

To the OP, valacyclovir taken at the recommended dosage for cold sores when you first start to feel one coming in should stop it from showing up if you have a normal working immune system. If one does start to show anyway, you can also supplement with an Aciclovir cream like zovirax or generic brands can be bought cheaply at most pharmacies in Pattaya. At worst, not being able to kiss isn't a reason to cancel your trip IMO and I'm sure the ladies have seen them before and worse and won't avoid you completely because of it if you have baht.


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It's probably too late for this trip but have you considered colloidal silver in a paste or gel form I swear by this stuff over the last few years

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Ignore the naysayers, I nearly always get cold sores when I'm there, as already mentioned Zovirax from any pharmacy in Thailand should help. I've got a cupboard full at home from previous trips 🤣

Don't kiss the tarts (unless you want to catch something nasty) and rubber up your little man for your own safety 👍🏻

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If you will loose money i would not cancel i would modify the trip in some fashion but still go maybe cut back on the P4P tell the girls you don't like to kiss a lot of them don't and use protection for everything. would it speed up recovery to have the iv treatment when you get out there doctors are knowledgeable and affordable in thailand so best to go that route. if you wont loose cancel and re arrange the dates after an out break you will be clear of it for a while  

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On 28/09/2022 at 23:26, Ah dinnae ken said:

I swear by this stuff even if blisters have started. Lying on your back getting a BJ you will not spread it. Go for it and have fun



Boots used sell a clear liquid in a 10ml little bottle. It wasn't antiviral but it dried out the cold sore via evaporation of a volatile liquid (eg petrol !) worked wonders on cold sores and fast acting. I searched every boots I  Pattaya JIC I needed it but it was not to be found.


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I get them when my diet is not good, eating to much chocolate, etc

I take these 1,2 a day and have not had a CS for 6 mths 


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On 28/09/2022 at 23:26, Ah dinnae ken said:

I swear by this stuff even if blisters have started. Lying on your back getting a BJ you will not spread it. Go for it and have fun



I confirm that mate, a good few years ago I got one twat of a coldsore and the doctor prescribed 'ZOVIRAX' and it cleared up completely in 3/4 days. 

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1 hour ago, keverton said:

I confirm that mate, a good few years ago I got one twat of a coldsore and the doctor prescribed 'ZOVIRAX' and it cleared up completely in 3/4 days. 

I tend to get a cold sore every 6 months or so. About 5 years ago, I did an experiment to measure the healing time, firstly with no medication whatsoever, then for the next coldsore using Zovirax, then for the third coldsore using a paste of natural anti-virals (Kanuka Honey, Extra Virgin Coconut Oil, Astragalus etc) that were highly recommended to me.

All 3 coldsores appeared on my bottom lip as usual, in the middle or slightly to the right. For the 'no-medication' and 'Zovirax treated' coldsores, healing time was an almost identical 11 days for the sore to grow over and visibly disappear. However, with the natural remedy, it was visibly gone in 8 days. The difference seemed to be that with the natural method the coldsore seemed to clot/close more rapidly than with the other 2 methods, where it seemed to repeatedly reopen / unscab between about day 3 and 6, every time I showered or moved around in my sleep, or for the ones in the middle of my lip, every time I stretched my mouth wide (no LB jokes please!).

From what I read on medical sites, Zovirax has very little effect unless you take it immediately when you feel that very first tingle, wheres the natural antiviral paste method seems to actually speed the healing process in situ.

Bottom line, most of us who get them seem to get a full coldsore regardless of whether we take drugs like Zovirax or not, so for me, speeding the healing process is more practical/important than fighting in vain not to get the coldsore in the first place.

Or we could all just live in a bubble and stop DFKing hot dirty spinners in the first place 55555.

Experts warn that a laptop can seriously damage your sperm....

Although in my experience, not as much as sperm can damage your laptop!

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12 hours ago, Drew57 said:

I get them when my diet is not good, eating to much chocolate, etc

I take these 1,2 a day and have not had a CS for 6 mths 


Ditto for me. I use a different brand, but Lysine stops the blisters from forming for me.

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54 minutes ago, Tosserred said:

Ditto for me. I use a different brand, but Lysine stops the blisters from forming for me.

Yep best stuff to use daily 

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I read that it’s usually passed from parents kissing their newborn child….. then it’s just dormant until you get stressed 

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Dont get them often but when I feel that tingling sensation coming on, I just use ice on and off around the area for up to an hour over a few days. I have found this method to be very effective in reducing the actual size of the sore and its duration.

Give it a go it free.

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10 hours ago, Pinoydave said:

I read that it’s usually passed from parents kissing their newborn child….. then it’s just dormant until you get stressed 

Chickenpox virus most of us had as a child. I haven't had a coldsore for years, probably due to my relaxed nature as an old, now retired, dude. 

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I usually get one every few years, when it starts getting a bit cold out early winter. 

 I found that if you constantly apply abreva to the area,  every hour or so as soon as you feel the first tickle, a lot of the time it'll take care of it before it becomes a problem and will not break out.  But you have to catch it super quick, and be vigilante about applying it liberally, nonstop, even over night.

pain in the ass, but worth the effort. 

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