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Motorbike Shop (Independent) that will install Top Box rack on Yamaha Aerox

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Hey everybody,

As per the subject line, I recently bought a 2019 Aerox and have purchased an aftermarket rack + top case (via Lazada).

If I already had the necessary tools / drill etc., I would be inclined to install it myself but as I am just settling-in and have other priorities I would appreciate any suggestions / recommendation for a reliable and professional Shop (probably Independent as opposed to a Dealer) that would do the install reasonably and professionally.

Shop name / location pin, or even a photo would be most appreciated! (as would a contact name / mechanic)

Thanks in advance!



I imagine most bike shops here would be happy to oblige take it to your nearest decent looking place and have a chat with them alternatively there,s a well equipped big bike shop on soi Bukhaow directly opposite the City Hospital that would be happy to sort it..good luck.

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