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Anyone stayed there, pros and cons. Looks reasonable but  I have not been in that area of third road before


Me either 

if you living in pattaya all you need is close  Big C walk to soi buakhaow .i

I would want a 1 bedroom minimum as the studios are small.


if you on holidays dont bother 

Ask a silly question and i'll leave a silly answer  

Would have been easier if you googled it yourself.    

Thanks spelling and grammar checkers for being a ?%6433%#E

Quote if you expect a reply.  

THE THING ABOUT COMMON SENSE IS THAT IT'S THAT NOT COMMON                                                                        

 IT'S NOT ROCKET SURGERY       quote from Anna Nicole Smith.


It's been on my radar for a while now. They've dropped their rents from 7k to 5k on a studio.

2 minutes ago, big shooter said:

It's been on my radar for a while now. They've dropped their rents from 7k to 5k on a studio.

Wow, that's getting into Nirun prices. 



There's a search for 5k baht or less, condos only. There are many more apartments available at that price range but they tend to over charge for water and electric. A couple of years ago I checked out Nirun (out of curiosity) and the walls of the common areas were filthy.

I'm a bit of an imaginary tightwad as I usually stay in a hotel or condo near the beach. The thought of earlier retirement has brought out a certain frugality in me 555.



Sorry, my last link didn't have Novana. This one does but it appears that they start at 6k. Not surprising since it's high season.

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