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Motorcycle Riders Pattaya

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Hey Guys,

Looking to hook up with with like minded people for some motorbike touring around Patts and further.

Clearly it is a bit harder at the moment with the restrictions and "non" essential travel but I have managed to get out and about avoiding the obvious checkpoints and main towns. There are some very nice roads on the darkside that I am still working out :)

My Wife usually comes with as she enjoys the biking lifestyle after I introduced it to her in Australia on my Yamaha FJR 1300. Over here we have a Honda CB500X 2016 model that we just got a few weeks ago and getting it ready for longer trips when the opportunity arises. 

If you would like to catch up for a chat and ride give me a yell. BTW, we live on the darkside !



Regards, Atlas.


  • Ru4Real locked this topic

Stick to the one thread please.


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