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Want to Upload 8MB file to benefit forum, need help


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I have an 8MB PDF file. I want to upload it because a few members have wanted information on a book called THAILAND FEVER.

This book deals with Thai/foreign relationships, and is written in Thai and English so both can read it at the same time.

I have a few chapters of the book in that pdf file.

I can't seem to send it via email to this board, even though my email account says 10MB is ok to send.


Does anybody know of any site that will allow me to upload it so others can download it?






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Thanks for posting that mate. Much appreciated. I was looking to get a copy but its hard to find here in Australia.


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It's not being hosted on the forum server. I believe the issue is with the hosting server.

If I went to all the work to write a book and then found out some clown had scanned it and put it on the Internet, my lawyers would eat him alive.

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Most would but forcing the issue internationally can be difficult even when everything goes right.

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