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OK to discuss the CIA base?


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Or does that break Rule 2? Moderators?

The alleged secret CIA base in Thailand that came up in the hearings for the new US CIA chief.


Basically the rule here is , discuss pussy not politics , so unfortunately your thread will disappear.




OK, fair enough. Thanks. We do enjoy some extra freedoms at home. (so far, despite trump) But not the delights we find in Thailand.




I guess we need to keep discussions like this over a beer, in private in Thailand. And expats give up some freedoms for the freedom of pussy. It's all good.



Discussing a supposed CIA base in Thailand is not, in itself, "political". If the thread goes off topic and gets into partisan politics it WILL disappear.

Every absurdity has a champion to defend it

Sex is a bit like oxygen, unimportant until you are not getting enough!



Say too much about it and you may "disappear"


Pick any bar and you’ll probably find a current or ex-CIA operative somewhere inside...

"Disappointing girls one inch at a time"





i think its  a bit beyond third road .

42 minutes ago, MF-AJ said:

So where about is this supposed base? 

On the Darkside !!!

1 hour ago, SteveX08 said:

Pick any bar and you’ll probably find a current or ex-CIA operative somewhere inside...

They're easy to spot. They sit in the corner with their back to the wall.

1 hour ago, Kahoy said:

They're easy to spot. They sit in the corner with their back to the wall.

No.  they’re the guys who are afraid of ladyboys...and feel they must protect the point of potential intrusion ...

"Disappointing girls one inch at a time"





Here m8, second basement the first door on the right.







CIA in Thailand? That explains the 105 baht beer on soi 6, somebody has to pay for their operations. Kinda like the $1500usd hammer to pay for area 51. Why didn't anybody bring this up before, now it all makes sense.

1 hour ago, WhiteThai said:

CIA in Thailand? That explains the 105 baht beer on Soi 6, somebody has to pay for their operations. Kinda like the $1500usd hammer to pay for Area 51. Why didn't anybody bring this up before, now it all makes sense.

They must have increased it. I'm sure i paid about 900 baht a year ago.


from BBC news:



a senior former Thai national security official has confirmed to the BBC that Detention Site Green was located inside the Royal Thai Air Force base in Udon Thani in the north-east. It was not large - just a CIA safe house on the base, he said.

but I guess that was just a transit site, there are probably more sites, at least one at the embassy of course.


Clicking on the thread, Very disappointed to find the acronym CIA to be discussed here is not "Cum in Ass."



Just now, bbbz said:

Clicking on the thread, Very disappointed to find the acronym CIA to be discussed here is not "Cum in Ass."



if we started to list a girl's services with acronyms behind her name, it would read like a war hero's list of medals...

Noi, BBBJ, CIM, COF, CIA, CIP, COB, ...   I guess we could add gold, silver, bronze, first class, second class, etc. depending on proficiency.


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