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Best Thai-Eng dictionnary found here

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I want to endorse the dictionary that appears below in my signature (look down). It is full of useful words and phrases with a very user friendly search engine. Best of all, there's audio that teaches the correct pronunciation.


Unlike google translator which just translates word for word but not actual sentences, this dictionary defines the word and uses various words in a sentence so you can choose the most appropriate.


What more can you ask for, for free!

I was banned because I couldn't stop being a cunt and being antagonistic continually baiting other BMS. I also gave board information to a banned member, which is a major no-no. Please do not be like me or you too will get your pee-pee slapped.


dictionary: http://www.thai-language.com/dict/

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I use this dictionary a lot but there are many words that are not in it but which are in my hardback dictionary.


The pronunciation guide is very good but there are a small number of words where it is wrong. For eample the Thai for allergy is ภูมิแพ้. According to the site, it is pronounced phuu mi phaae (using their transcription). However, every Thai I have asked has pronounced the word phuum phaae. The vowel symbol above the character "ม is not pronounced in this word.


That said, until someone convinces me otherwise, I agree that it is the best dictionary available on-line. Just bear in mind that it's not perfect.



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  • 2 months later...

Got to admit this is probably the most helpful online site as the sound really helps with your pronounciation I've found so I wont make a total prat of myself when attempting to communicate in Thai lol.

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