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Price of an STD test in Patts nowadays?


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I touch down in Patts in a few weeks, and when I land I plan on getting a full range of STD testing (if that's what you call it).


However, most topics about STD testing on PA are years old, so I was wondering if someone has some updated info on what I can expect to pay for being tested thoroughly.

In 1 thread, both 900 baht and 3200 baht was quoted as the price in PMH, so I'm quite lost about this place.


Prices for both hospitals and clinics will be greatly appreciated.


Why don't you get a full set before you go. I would trust my local gp more than a thai set of results


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Wouldn't it make more sense to get tested on your return 


There should be a 2 for 1 sales so you can get tested before your vacation starts and then once after your vacation is finished. :)


I've suggested a sticky thread for this topic a few times (without any response) because the same question pops up at regular intervals! I even wrote a review of my hospital visit including prices and quality of service but I can't even find the thread anymore.


Obviously people want to know

  • where to go
  • what it costs
  • what tests are available
  • anything else, like if anonymous testing is ok or do they want to see your passport etc.
  • do they speak English (maybe?)

I'm going get tested again soon because it's required for the visa. I never understood why. They want to know if I've got 2nd stage syphilis. If I didn't have it at all a year ago, how would I have it at the 2nd stage this year? ... Thai thinking...


Usually can get free test in your home country. In the UK can get free and confidential tests at your local GUM clinic so why travel to Thailand to pay for tests which may or may not be reliable?


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