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What is Kamagra


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I keep reading things where people mention Kamagra jelly. What is it I assume it's a stay hard enhancer, but not sure. Is it available over the counter in the LOS

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You are right. kamagra is a generic form of viagra available in either tablet or jelly form. The jelly is fast acting, about 20 mins. It's available over the counter in all pharmacies. Average cost 100 baht per sachet.


There was a load stolen the other week. the police are looking for hardened criminals. :)

Double Gold Medalist. 2006 Mongering Olympics

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Good one!! I've always joked with friends that why would I want to use Viagra...Like I need to be hard the other 2 minutes of my life...Ba-dum-bum...I know it's bad. But I feel on this vacation I better stock my bench with as much tallent and equipment as possible. Thanks for clearing that up is there anything else out there I should know about? Any common side effects. Just common I add. Don't need the litany of crap under side effects they ussually put in small print on the bottles

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Good one!! I've always joked with friends that why would I want to use Viagra...Like I need to be hard the other 2 minutes of my life...Ba-dum-bum...I know it's bad. But I feel on this vacation I better stock my bench with as much tallent and equipment as possible. Thanks for clearing that up is there anything else out there I should know about? Any common side effects. Just common I add. Don't need the litany of crap under side effects they ussually put in small print on the bottles


It can give you the shits. And I wouldn't take it if you've got a heart problem.

Double Gold Medalist. 2006 Mongering Olympics

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I prefer the jellys over the tablets. They work faster and the pills give me bad acid indigestion,

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I used it once, was very drunk and it was my last day in Thailand, I found it very useful, I had heard stories that once you are hard you stay that way for hours! But I found that I could control the effect it had and had 3 short times in the space of about hours lol

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I tried it once and it gave me a terrible headache that lasted all day. But it does work!!!

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I tried Viagra years ago and hated it, 1/4 tablet gave me a frustrating all night erection and a pain in my heart. Last year I tried Cialis and a half pill made me feel like I was 18 again for three days.

Edited by BassGod
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  • 1 month later...

In Afghanistan the locals use a pill called Blue Diamonds. Its made in India and is the same thing as Viagra but is supposed to work for one week. Has anyone heard of this? I'm 35 now and so far the hydrolics are working fine but after ST after ST after ST, I may need a booster shot to keep going. :Cry3:

" Duct tape turns, "No...No...No..." into "Mmmm Mmmmm Mmmmm" - Anon

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Kamagra is shit hot. It gives you a bit of a rush when you take it as well. I took 3 in one go once. Have you heard of the new Kamagra for your eyes? It makes you look hard as fuck. :Cry3:

If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. - George Orwell
Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don't be sorry. - Jack Kerouac
Find what you love and let it kill you. - Charles Bukowski 
Two things awe me most, the starry sky above me and the moral law within me. - Immanuel Kant
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. - Confucius 
I wish I could show you when you are alone or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. - Hafiz of Shiraz
You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star. - Friedrich Nietzsche 
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire 
I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered. - George Best
The general public doesn't know what's happening, and it doesn't even know that it doesn't know. - Noam Chomsky



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I use the Kamagra gels mor now and find they work quicker and aer convenient to carry around and use. I do find the suphites give my allergies a bit of trouble though. Tried Cialis last trip and it worked fine an no side affects. Found a pharmacy just into Soi 8 from Second road where I got 4 Cialis for 1000 baht (cheapest I have found). As far as the Kamagra gel I've found soem places that if you buy at least 10 you can get them as low as 70 baht each. I beleive the Kamagra blue pills only come in 100mg which is too much to take for me so need to cut them up.

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I use the Kamagra gels mor now and find they work quicker and aer convenient to carry around and use. I do find the suphites give my allergies a bit of trouble though. Tried Cialis last trip and it worked fine an no side affects. Found a pharmacy just into Soi 8 from Second road where I got 4 Cialis for 1000 baht (cheapest I have found). As far as the Kamagra gel I've found soem places that if you buy at least 10 you can get them as low as 70 baht each. I beleive the Kamagra blue pills only come in 100mg which is too much to take for me so need to cut them up.


Yes, I agree. You can bite one (blue pill) in two - and keep the other half in the packet (of 4) as long as you are careful. What are they going for these days. I've got a sh*t load of them (still) from a border-run last year.


Re the gel: Take the sachet with a full glass of water (no booze recommended) around 1/2 hr before you expect to feel something. I only took one once, and the results fulfilled all expectations. The only problem was that the stuff remained in my system for at least 3 days, i.e. permanent hard-on.

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I use the Kamagra gels mor now and find they work quicker and aer convenient to carry around and use. I do find the suphites give my allergies a bit of trouble though. Tried Cialis last trip and it worked fine an no side affects. Found a pharmacy just into Soi 8 from Second road where I got 4 Cialis for 1000 baht (cheapest I have found). As far as the Kamagra gel I've found soem places that if you buy at least 10 you can get them as low as 70 baht each. I beleive the Kamagra blue pills only come in 100mg which is too much to take for me so need to cut them up.



I want to correct this the paharamcy where I got the Cialis for 100 baht was on soi 7 and Second road 0- just down soi7 a few metres. I get dyslexic sometimes.

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I don't remember where it was posted, but someone mentioned putting the gel in a bottle of something like Gatorade and mixing it up, taking a swig or two when you were close to wanting a good time and that way you didn't get the full hit at once and harsh side effects some people get. Anyone remember that or have tried it that way?


Now what would happen if your lady takes a swig when you are not looking? Does her clit stand out rock hard for a few hours so you can really have fun with it??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!

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I don't remember where it was posted, but someone mentioned putting the gel in a bottle of something like Gatorade and mixing it up, taking a swig or two when you were close to wanting a good time and that way you didn't get the full hit at once and harsh side effects some people get. Anyone remember that or have tried it that way?


Now what would happen if your lady takes a swig when you are not looking? Does her clit stand out rock hard for a few hours so you can really have fun with it??? Hmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!



She gets whats known as a wide on. :D

If liberty means anything at all, it means the right to tell people what they do not want to hear. - George Orwell
Live, travel, adventure, bless, and don't be sorry. - Jack Kerouac
Find what you love and let it kill you. - Charles Bukowski 
Two things awe me most, the starry sky above me and the moral law within me. - Immanuel Kant
Real knowledge is to know the extent of one's ignorance. - Confucius 
I wish I could show you when you are alone or in darkness the astonishing light of your own being. - Hafiz of Shiraz
You need chaos in your soul to give birth to a dancing star. - Friedrich Nietzsche 
Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities. - Voltaire 
I spent a lot of money on booze, birds and fast cars. The rest I just squandered. - George Best
The general public doesn't know what's happening, and it doesn't even know that it doesn't know. - Noam Chomsky



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Very interesting Topic.


So in your best opinion, which one is the Best (the less side-effects, and the best Full Erections-Long Time) ?





The Tighter the better


"Cervix Ripper"

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Don't waste your time on that Kamagra crap. Buy real Viagra & use a 1/2 a tab (blue diamond). Life is short. It's all about quality fucking. PM me if you need to know where to buy it.

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