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Cost Comparison - Thailand vs. Philippines - Financial Analysis - PART IV


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Cost Comparison - Thailand vs. Philippines - Financial Analysis - PART IV


I recently traveled for a duration of about one month, splitting my time between Pattaya and the Philippines.  16 days in the Philippines, Angeles City, Makati, and Cebu, and 14 days in Pattaya, Thailand.


High Season - December-2014 & January 2015


Previous posts:

In the previous posts, the cost per day were significantly lower in the Philippines vs. Thailand.  In this recent trip, however, I spent significantly more in the Philippines for a variety of reason.  This was my very first visit to the Visayas region (Cebu and Bohol) and I was traveling during the high season of Christmas and New Years.  I arrived in Pattaya on the first Monday after New Years, still high season, but slowly starting to slow down.  Nevertheless, January is one of the busiest months of the year in Pattaya.


Trip Summary




From the Trip Summary screenshot above, in US Dollars (USD), I have separated the total cost I spent between the two countries over the 30-day period (16 days in Philippines, 14 in Pattaya).


The airfare is normally under $900 during low season.  However,  traveled to the Philippines right before Christmas, which is one of the most expensive time-periods to travel. 


I have removed the cost of hotels, Airline tickets, and Travel-Transportation to come up with the net of everything else spend during that time.


Excluding hotel, Airline Tickets, and Travel-Transportation, the average daily costs were as follows:


Thailand - $156 / day

Philippines - $107 / day


Since it came up in discussion during Part II, the reason I omit Travel-Transportation, which includes both airport transportation and travel between destinations is because I like to isolate the daily cost of similar activities and daily functions in each city.


Including hotel, while excluding both Airline Tickets and Travel-Transportation, the average daily costs were as follows:


Thailand - $191 / day

Philippines - $174 / day


The "Avoided Cost" factor is money that would have been spent at home on daily living expenses had I not been traveling during this time period.


Thailand - Daily Expenses (THB)




Philippines - Daily Expenses (PHP)




Thailand hotel Expenses






Including tips, I spent $493 on hotels in Pattaya (high season)


Philippines hotel Expenses




Average cost for hotel per night Pattaya, including tips - $35.

Philippines, $67.  Makati on the higher side.


The hotel situation is interesting.  Some might argue that hotels are more expensive in Pattaya.  In my case, I lodge at nicer places in the Philippines.  My Soi Buakhaw place is lower cost, and I would prefer to stay in the 2,000 baht per night places, but a key factor in Pattaya is location as I prefer to walk quite a bit and avoid unsafe transportation, close to LK Metro and the action for now.  In the Philippines, I prefer to stay at nicer hotels with lap-swimming pools.


Entertainment (Mongering, etc.) - Both Philippines and Thailand




E - Drinks, Lady Drinks, etc. in bars, clubs, Insomnia, High Society, etc.


O - Occurrences (Girls)


STH - Short-time hotels


In summary of the four places, per occurrence, is as follows:

  • Pattaya - $53-to-$58 per occurrence (1,724-to-1,902 Baht per occurrence)
  • Angeles City - $63 per occurrence
  • Makati - $72 per occurrence
  • Cebu - $65 per occurence


Entertainment Pattaya




Entertainment - Philippines





Financial Transactions (Both THB and PHP)




Travel Transportation








See here for previous posts:

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Some additional comments about this particular trip.




Four-week trips and two countries per trip is something I'm going to change as four weeks is a long time.  Instead of two 4-week trips per year, I'm going to switch towards more frequent shorter trips.


High Season:


Definitely a factor in both places.  In the Philippines, many of the girls tend to go home to their provinces.  However, I did have an enjoyable Christmas Eve and season in Makati, pre-Xmas in Angeles City, and very much enjoyed Cebu for New Years.



  • Philippines is a about quality
  • Pattaya is about quantity

Quality of women in Pattaya is one the downward trend:


In my view, the women in Pattaya are getting older, fattter, and less attractive.  While I was still able to find my niches of places and using my MO to optimize my entertainment, there seems to be a consensus among many that this is happening.  The girls in the gogo's are getting fatter.  In the past, there were only pretty girls on stage and even half of the service staff was cute, and sometimes bar-fineable.  Today, there are some girls on stage who are quite heavy and might not have even been desirable choices as service staff prior to 2009.  Many ex-pats who live in Pattaya seem to concur and agree with my observations on this, some have said it's attributed to more wealthy foreigners traveling to Sin City, more of the pretty girls finding sponsors, the western diet influence increasing the weight of the girls, etc.


For the first time on this trip, I can honestly say that the Asian-Americans in the San Francisco Bay Area, on average, are more attractive than the girls in Pattaya, and significantly so.  Availability, date-ability, and obtain-ability are a separate matters and more of a challenge, of course.  I do, however, live in San Francisco, which due to the recent and ongoing tech-boom, has attracted many beautiful, classy, and intelligent Asian-American millennials, among other diverse demographics.


At the same time, I was in Pattaya during January, one of the busiest months of the year which slowly tapers off towards February from its peak, and it'll be interesting to see how this compares to my next trip in May-2015.  It is quite possible with less competition, more of the unattractive girls will move-on and the prettier girls may return to Pattaya if they went home for the holidays.

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Very interesting figures, thanks. Lot of time and effort and it is appreciated. I imagine numbers of LDs and the DLDs coupled with not using STHs in Thailand may have the effect of bringing these averages even closer together than they are now.

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The STH's in Pattaya were minor, only influenced a difference of $5 on average (see $53 vs. $58, excluding and including STH respectively).   I decided to add the STH category for when I opt not to travel to my regular hotel, however, it's been a little bit of a fudge-factor by charging the STH rooms on Soi 6, Honey, and Chaiyaphum which could be considered part of the O (Occurrences).


As for drinks, I tend not to do DLD's in the Philippines, and drinks per day averages about $19 in PI vs. $27 in PH, mainly because of the 44 vs. 32 per USD.


In summary, the STH and Drinks factor do not significantly weigh in on this as much as the currency advantage.

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Thanks, understand with STH being basically part of the experience on Soi 6.


I find for me personally for girls I spend more in Thailand. Drinks for me also cheaper in Philippines If DLDs are controlled. Trying to get my head around exactly what items impacted the Thai expenses to an extent where the expenses per day exceeded Philippines with the much higher accommodation costs. Food wise I find Thailand significantly cheaper. Last few trips I found my expenditure to be the same between Thailand and Philippines.


ps not trying to be a pain with this just very interested. Only have my ipad to look at the thread which also makes it hard.

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In my view, the women in Pattaya are getting older, fattter, and less attractive.  While I was still able to find my niches of places and using my MO to optimize my entertainment, there seems to be a consensus among many that this is happening.  The girls in the gogo's are getting fatter.  In the past, there were only pretty girls on stage and even half of the service staff was cute, and sometimes bar-fineable.  Today, there are some girls on stage who are quite heavy and might not have even been desirable choices as service staff prior to 2009.  Many ex-pats who live in Pattaya seem to concur and agree with my observations on this, some have said it's attributed to more wealthy foreigners traveling to Sin City, more of the pretty girls finding sponsors, the western diet influence increasing the weight of the girls, etc.



You forgot to mention that in addition to the girls becoming less attractive and heavier, the prices for them have increased.

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With me, the primary issue is that quality of the girls is on the decline (i.e. older, fatter, unattractive, etc.).


Personally, I don't find any such costs in Pattaya to be either unreasonable or expensive, and place all goods and services, including girls, into one of the three following categories:

  • Cheap
  • Low-cost
  • Reasonable

We're still well under the $100 mark, on average, for girls and prices would have to increase quite further from current levels before we begin to go above reasonable levels.  While some prices may have increased from cheap to the low-cost and reasonable levels, this is primarily attributed to a significant increase in well-to-do Westerners traveling to Pattaya and more of the girls being generously sponsored, effectively taking more pretty girls off the market.  While there are some exceptions for western goods that are imported, and sometimes groceries are a bit higher in the quality supermarkets, this tends to be a smaller portion of the overall budget percentage-wise.


While it may vary between individuals with respect to costs and budgeting, in my view, over the past 12 years, it's the decrease in quality of the women in Pattaya, since 2009, which is primarily concern.  As mentioned above, it's possible to find some niches to optimize entertainment, but the search has become more challenging and time-consuming.


I do plan on returning to Pattaya in May, and then to the Philippines in September, and I do plan upon assessing the quality factor in Pattaya comparing May with the high-peak January travel season within the same year.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why the girls can't figure out that slim = barfinable, even if not a looker otherwise.


A little gym time and not so many empty calories does wonders.


Club owners - is there no point in educating the girls about this?

Think like a VC - fail quickly, try often

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Have to agree on the heavier girls part. I am in Pattaya now and have been to a lot of Gogo's by now.


Hottest girls bodywise is as far as i can tell, Palace agogo, only "problem" is that they have too much fucking clothes on :GoldenSmile1:


Still amazing gems to be found, problem for me is that i cant seem to grab a cutir when i see her...What if there is an absolute beautiful and sexy one in the NeXT gogo, or the one after that one ?


So, as i have done before obviously, i sometimes end up with something i could get for free back home :Think1:

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Holy shit. If I see some dude typing up a spread sheet at the bar I'll know it's ruay. :LOL2:


Thanks for the analysis I'm looking forward to visiting the Philippines shortly.

Pattaya, Thailand vs Angeles City, Philippines - Best City For Mongering? Cast Your Vote Here!

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Can you translate some of the notes you wrote in Thai script? They would help others here understand what you were paying for. Some of the costs you wrote down for Pattaya occurences are confusing.


On Jan 11th you used 4300baht on 2 occurances and in the notes it looks like you wrote something about Insomnia. So does this mean you had a threesom at Insomnia?


On Jan 14th you spent 6140baht and there were 4 occurances. Was this for two threesoms or something else? Are barfines included in that?


I'm guessign all the Pattaya occurances were ST? If so it looks like they were a bit on the high side of price.

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  • 1 month later...

Why the girls can't figure out that slim = barfinable, even if not a looker otherwise.


A little gym time and not so many empty calories does wonders.


Club owners - is there no point in educating the girls about this?

I think this is the funniest post I have ever read  :D


Bargirls are the quintessence of laziness :they would do anything in order to keep doing absolutely nothing.


Sweating in a gym to lose weight when you can do it easier and faster smoking yaba ? Are you crazy ?


If they are fat it is because they lack the money to smoke enough, or they just came back from the fattening up treatment at Rehabilitation , or they are just old skanks sitting in the bar to fill empty chairs.

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  • 1 month later...

Yes it is a lot cheaper in Philippines , as you get to the Aust $$$ 10 more peso more than the thai bath. Also the bar girls are not so greedy, or so overweight and not so old in the Philippines . I first came to Thailand in the late seventies and you would not see any overweight bar girls, no old ones and they were not greedy as they are today, which I blame lot of the guys that take them home not the BG"s. The only thing that cost more in the Philippines is rooms and things like cig"s,  beer, food are quite cheap.I had not been into a go go bar in pattaya for a long time and on my last trip went into a couple go go bars and you would be lucky if you seen 1 young good looking bar girl, 35 years ago they were all good looking, young and no fat ones in Thailand. I.was talking to a bar owner when in pattaya last trip he told me it was hard to get young girls to work in the bar. .Philippines does not have so many bars for girls to work in so they get a lot more young and good looking  girls.

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Have lived in both countries. In general.

Thailand is cheaper and better for hotels and food.

Philippines is cheaper for drinking and girls.

You can have fun in both countries

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If I had to visit only one beach with some bars around in Philippines, where should I go ?


I want somewhere where I can go by plane, where the beach is not packed but where I can find nice girls to spend few days with me.


thank you for your ideas <3

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Perhaps Cebu.


Cebu City is nice and has a good mongering scene. You can travel to the other end of the island with your girl for some very nice beaches. Do a youtude search for Cebu.


Palawan is very nice. Coron is even more peaceful. However, I her these are not really mongering areas.

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@Gaudente :GoldenSmile1: :GoldenSmile1: ha ha ha  spot on gaudente,, yes you don't see many TG"s at the gym ,they never use to eat sweet things now they have copied our problem

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  • 2 months later...

Why the girls can't figure out that slim = barfinable, even if not a looker otherwise.


A little gym time and not so many empty calories does wonders.


Club owners - is there no point in educating the girls about this?


Have you seen the trend in Japan.  

Its PLUMP women with REALLY plump breasts.  

That's what the Japanese are asking for now.  

Even in the Japanese  porn!  Check it online.  


I think that is NOT really the reason for the girls to become plumper - I think that is the western food, 

but maybe the barkeeps are thinking the plump girls with larger breasts will attract more Japanese??


Since the Japanese tend to spend more then the average Westerner punting.


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Have you seen the trend in Japan.

Its PLUMP women with REALLY plump breasts.

That's what the Japanese are asking for now.

Even in the Japanese porn! Check it online.


I think that is NOT really the reason for the girls to become plumper - I think that is the western food,

but maybe the barkeeps are thinking the plump girls with larger breasts will attract more Japanese??


Since the Japanese tend to spend more then the average Westerner punting.

I think this is logic that spans far too many steps.


Also, the Japanese like bakunyuu (big tits) but not debu (fatties) that much.


Could have changed, but I don't recall a bunch of fatties at Baccara... which is where they should be if your theory were correct.

Think like a VC - fail quickly, try often

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  • 3 weeks later...

For starters I'm a Finance Guy ... Therefore Ruay (Yes I'm laughing out loud) your post was absolutely Awesome - Excellent Job. 

Moreover, after being on this site for a few years now I've finally committed to heading over to Pattaya before the end of this

year. But after reading a few of these above post I'm not sure if I should go to Pattaya or somewhere in the Philippines?

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Hello, is is true that it's possible to find girls to stay with you 1 or 2 weeks during your vacation ? How much should I pay ?


Thank you.

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For starters I'm a Finance Guy ... Excellent Job.


But after reading a few of these above post I'm not sure if I should go to Pattaya or somewhere in the Philippines?

I enjoy traveling to both. One is not necessarily better than the other, but they're different.


With girls, in my opinion, Philippines is about quality; Pattaya is about quantity.


Philippines is a better place if your into the cultural performing arts. Also, Pattaya is pretty much a one-track town. A fun place of course, but quality non-mongering activities are few and far between.

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  • 1 year later...

Yes it is a lot cheaper in Philippines , as you get to the Aust $$$ 10 more peso more than the thai bath. Also the bar girls are not so greedy, or so overweight and not so old in the Philippines . I first came to Thailand in the late seventies and you would not see any overweight bar girls, no old ones and they were not greedy as they are today, which I blame lot of the guys that take them home not the BG"s. The only thing that cost more in the Philippines is rooms and things like cig"s,  beer, food are quite cheap.I had not been into a go go bar in pattaya for a long time and on my last trip went into a couple go go bars and you would be lucky if you seen 1 young good looking bar girl, 35 years ago they were all good looking, young and no fat ones in Thailand. I.was talking to a bar owner when in pattaya last trip he told me it was hard to get young girls to work in the bar. .Philippines does not have so many bars for girls to work in so they get a lot more young and good looking  girls.


I think it also has a strong connection with the increase in living standards in Thailand. In 1988, 66% of people in Thailand were living below the poverty line, now only 12% of Thais are living below this threshold.
The World Bank recognizes Thailand as a newly industrialized country. And not as a developing country.
Therefore there are many fewer girls who want to work in bars in Thailand. The bars can no longer afford to be so selective.
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Thanks for the cost breakdown analysis, for me I'd find it hard to relax and have fun if I was constantly making ledger entries 

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Thanks for the cost breakdown analysis, for me I'd find it hard to relax and have fun if I was constantly making ledger entries

Same here... love reading people's budgets/numbers (& thanks to the OP for being so detailed) but with me it's like... left home with 32k THB in wallet, withdrew 10k THB from UK card (SG card wouldn't work in the ATM), 40k THB from SG account, got home with 4K THB therefore total spends = 78K THB divide this by 7 days = (close enough to) 11K THB, kick self up the backside & read more Budget threads to see where I'm going wrong.

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