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Ear crease sign of heart disease


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I first became aware of the link between earlobe creases and heart disease risk from a Peanuts cartoon back in the mid 1980's.


Throughout the years, research seems to keep indicating a relationship between the two.


Now I got prominent creases in my earlobes and this is kinda worrisome. Also have a history of cardiovascular diseases in the family (dad died of massive stroke when he was 49 years old, mom has high blood pressure and cholesterol).








1. Ear Crease

The appearance of our outer ear can provide a great wealth of knowledge when it comes to our heart health. A diagonal earlobe crease has been viewed as a potential indicator for coronary artery disease. A 1989 study published in the British Heart Journal found in over 300 bodies, the diagonal creases were associated with cardiovascular causes of death in men and women after age, height, and diabetes had been controlled for. Although researchers still remain unsure about how these two are connected, they suggest visible changes that are seen in tiny blood vessels of the ear could mimic similar changes in the blood vessels that cannot be seen around the heart.

Earlobe creases can also be a characteristic of Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome. This condition affects many parts of the body and is classified as an overgrowth syndrome. According to theGenetics Home Reference, infants who are affected are considerably larger than normal and continue to grow and gain weight at an unusual rate during childhood.



GFE: Gull Friend Experience


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With all respect I think it might be time for you to make any changes that you think might be beneficial for your cardiovascular health. There are some great supplements available that could perhaps prevent long term or even permanent periods on drugs to lower your cholesterol level or thin your blood to reduce blood pressure. These one come instantly to my mind.


Pycnogenol- a very powerful antioxidant that is proven to improve the flexibility of the inner wall of the blood vessels (essential in blood pressure control). It's also a constituent of one of the only proven 'natural viagras'.


Acetyl-l-Carnitine- Improves the burning of lipids for energy, thus discouraging fat build-up. It's also been used as an after treatment for heart attacks with some success.


Co-enzyme Q10- helps with the heart and even improves the skin and boosts energy naturally.


There are many others including common or garden vitamins and minerals and amino acids as well as Beta-Sitosterol for natural cholesterol control.


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First you need to make sure to take all the steps that are PROVEN effective to prevent heart attacks and extend life.  Get you blood pressure  and cholesterol under control.   Get a good doctor


Next get some exercise, 4 days a week are better than 6 days.  Lose weight if you need too.


Improve your diet, with fruits, veggies and more fish, less red meat.  


Ask your Dr about daily low dose aspirin and if your cholesterol is high, ask about Crestor over lipitor.  Crestor may be able to open up your blood vessels a little bit, which can help a lot.


Have your Mom take care of her blood pressure and cholesterol too.


As for herbs and supplements be careful.  These have been looked at and are no more than possibly effective. If they had something in them that could be proven to work, Big Pharma would find a way to sell it to you and a high price,


The word natural does not mean safe or effective or better.  There are endless 100% natural and organic toxins and poisons.  


Anti-oxidants are now old science and have through large studies proven to not extend life. Recent work has shown that anti-oxidants do not get into the part of cell where they might be useful.  High doses can be harmful.


A glass or two of an Australian Shiraz couldn't hurt.


Watch out for the quacks that would press and starch your earlobes with a hot iron.


Good luck

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