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Got cuts in ocean from rock in Ko Lan beach.

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I was out the southern beach I believe in Ko Lan island and was walking along those rocks that hurt your feet. Anyway I slipped and scrapped the left side of my ankle and got some deep cuts. Took 15-20 minutes to stop bleeding form the biggest cut.


It looks OK healing. I was wondering if I should have any concerns here because I heard the water here is polluted.


Does anyone know what I could have cut my ankle on so easily?



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It could have been the rocks or glass.  I would definitely go to a clinic and get it looked at as it could already have an infection brewing.

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As it was bleeding for quite a while there isn't much change on an infection but still wise to get it checked out in a clinic . 

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Go to a clinic and take the antibiotics that they will give you. A friend of mine died from a similar incident in thailand


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You can die from a cut anywhere ... if it gets infected and you don't do anything about it.

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I live in the tropics and our water is not poluted, nevertheless, anyone who gets a significant wound in the sea os hit with a broad range of antibiotics, and at the very least prophylactic intravenous ceftriaxone. You may think salty sea water is clean, but it is in fact a beautiful medium for bacteria and other microorganisms, moreso warm tropical waters.You really shoul do yourself a favour and visit a clinic. If you don't, watch the wound very carefully, any sign of reddening, swelling, puss or it just not healing, get yourself to some sort of clinic pronto.

Nous sommes tous Charlie

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Calm down…buy a bottle of surgical alcohol to disinfect the cut and some iodine and dressings.


Then go sit at a beer bar buy a ho a drink and get here to patch you up.


Play on.

Price discussions are killing my mood and my illusions.

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I live in the tropics and our water is not poluted, nevertheless, anyone who gets a significant wound in the sea os hit with a broad range of antibiotics, and at the very least prophylactic intravenous ceftriaxone. You may think salty sea water is clean, but it is in fact a beautiful medium for bacteria and other microorganisms, moreso warm tropical waters.You really shoul do yourself a favour and visit a clinic. If you don't, watch the wound very carefully, any sign of reddening, swelling, puss or it just not healing, get yourself to some sort of clinic pronto.

And stay out of the ocean until it is COMPLETELY healed.


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that long to stop bleeding and I'd be considering stitches given the depth, hit the pharm for antibacterial cream of some sort

"I'd pork her. Or, if her religion forbade pork, I'd beef her. If it turned out she was a vegetarian, I'd give her an extra firm slab of tofu."



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i'm more worried about stubbing a toe on the streets of pattaya


keep it clean as you can, betadine and a new dressing everyday, take the dressing off when in your room let it dry out.


you're more likely to die from reading "wacky ducks" posts.

Member since Dec 06.

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Best treated with Sangsom, applied internally.


Well, jokes aside, at the very least slap some disinfectant on it and cover it to prevent more crap getting in. Cuts you get in the water take ages to heal, probably much because of all the biomatter in there. Try cutting yourself on living coral for instance, it's an excellent way to get a majorly annyoing infection.


I wouldn't automatically go see a doctor just from something like that, but keep a close eye on it. It's not unlikely that you could need some professional help.

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