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Tonic in Thailand

Laid Back Larry

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I post this in the Section for Health Issues and Fitness, as I consider a Gin & Tonic before dinner a health promoting matter, physically or psychologically - take your pick. However, I have been in many, many 7 - 11¨s all over Thailand and NEVER once found that they sell Tonic although they usually carry Gin in their limited alcoholic beverage portfolio.


 In Bangkok I have to search in order to identify the Big C or the Tesco Lotus which offer Tonic, When I find it I have learned to by  a case .oor so to keep a personal stock under the staircase in the house. I stayed in the Dusit Thani and the Amaru hotel respectiely in North Pattaya on several occassions with my famiily and the wine store up the road did not carry it, nor 7 - 11. In Patts I wouldn't know where to find it.

I usually fond it in nay of the "Central plaza" and in Tesco LOtus where there are Farangs in the area shopping. FOr those of you who know of a Tonic Supply point please add to the list here.

Read about Laid Back Larry's road to LOS and life thereafter - here:



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Sailor Bar Soi 8 give you a can of tonic with your gin.


And it means you buy 2 more gins to finish the can :)

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Try a family mart, another 7-11 or a tesco Lotus. Plenty around. I don't have any trouble getting tonic.

As much as I love all things Australian, I got to get me action of the asian persuasian.

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Family mart always had Schweppes indian tonic.

'I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day. '


~Frank Sinatra


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