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The limit, uploading pictures

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Hey guys, can anyone of the guys incharge answer me on this one. Why can I only upload 500kb in each topic, that is like 1,5 pictures! Now it says in that Pattaya Beauties topic that I have already used 476 kb and i have only uploaded 1 picture! I know i can crop the size, but anyway if i do that it will still be at least 250kb, that means if the limit is only 500kb i can only upload 2 pictures....or..


So i guess the question is:


* Can the members only upload 500kb in each topic or?

* Am I doing something wrong...

* If the limit is 500kb for each topic howcome some members have uploaded several pictures in each topic and are not having this problem.

* It actually says in this topic as well that i have already used 476 kb so can only upload the remaining 24kb...


Thx for any answer on this one guys

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Upload your pics to a hosting site like imageshack (for the naughty pics a different host is recommended) and put the links into your post.

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I use www.flickr.com for all my photos, its easy to use & a lot quicker! There is a thread on how

to use flickr HERE

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  • 3 months later...
Me too

My friend, you seem to be in a mad hurry to get into the Trusted Members Zone. Me too? That is not even a one-liner, in my opinion. :MonkeyFight:

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