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Forum downtime


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Just a quick warning (as requested by members before.) The site may or may not go down for five minutes or so as our hardware is upgraded. We have a linux server which i believe you can upgrade stuff hot. Anyway if need be a quick shut down should only take five minutes.


This will happen at some point within 72 hours.


We are increasing our RAM from 512mb to 2 gig.






Ah I have just received this message...


Dear Bryan,


We will need to take your server offline for possibly couple of periods of

around 15 minutes.


Please advise when would be the best times to try and arrange for this to



We cannot gurantee to meet exact times but we will try our best to meet doing

this in a certain time range.


Please note that if you choose out of hours for both of these, we will not be

able to complete this in one night.

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Dear Bryan


Your hardware upgrade to a total of 2GB has been completed with just one

downtime needed after all just now.





So guys there should be no more slow downs!!

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