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Scumbag alert


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Looks like a Nice Christian Lad you can trust with your life~~~

No place on the Planet like Pattaya..Don't let your meat loaf


Forget identifying him by the tattoo, that schnoz would be impossible to miss.


Looks very trustworthy ... how stupid you have to be to hand this guy your passport ? 


Also, who thinks it's a good idea to bloody someone and then go to police expecting sympathy or an arrest of the man for prior offenses?

GFE: Gull Friend Experience


Official Pattaya Song


Also, who thinks it's a good idea to bloody someone and then go to police expecting sympathy or an arrest of the man for prior offenses?


I couldn't agree more - he should waterboarded the turd by flush toilet until he handed over the girlfriend's  passport.


Looks like Sinkorswim haaaaaaa

I have to keep reminding myself its a job :GoldenSmile1:
At Babydolls we are serious about fun







Nice one Daveo !! I trust the hallowed grounds of a well known bookshop in Soi Chaiyapoon will not be hosting this particular undesirable. It never fails to amaze me how gullible some people are when entrusting their personal documents to a complete scrotum !!


Happy New Year to you and the family - probably catch you on the 10th.


Someone should set up a meet and greet with this guy,and half a dozen of us."wink wink"


Passport-scammer.GIF   I dont think that anyone having seen his photo would easily forget him.


Thanks for pointing this human trash out !

In the beginning was the word and the word was "In" :ThumbUp6:


See what tailoring leeds too....


Sent from my Transformer TF101 using Tapatalk 2


Nice one Daveo !! I trust the hallowed grounds of a well known bookshop in Soi Chaiyapoon will not be hosting this particular undesirable. It never fails to amaze me how gullible some people are when entrusting their personal documents to a complete scrotum !!


Happy New Year to you and the family - probably catch you on the 10th.

Look forward to it



Thanks for the heads up Dave.  I'd like to think I'm not stupid enough to hand my passport to anyone but hey, nice to know if I ever spot him in a cafe taking papers from anyone.  I can offer unsolicited advice.   :GoldenSmile1:


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