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Brilliant taxi service - Meow

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Hi Guys,


I too have booked her Jan :)


Regards, Atlas.



It's good you're helping Meow get the word out but might her fear about stepping on toes be well founded?


Who knows....


But anything that helps her and maybe gives a nudge to the others that may have become complacent with the quality of cars and level of service offered - can only be a good thing


How many drivers does she have doing the airport runs for her,surely its not a lone venture.


Totally off topic..but the hottest girl I've ever been with in thailand was a freelancer in Hollywood, Patong named Meow :)


Shit. Bet she got lots of booking now . I wonder if she would have this much bookings if she wasn't HOT lol . Would still love to see a pic . It might make me switch drivers .



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Totally off topic..but the hottest girl I've ever been with in thailand was a freelancer in Hollywood, patong named Meow :)

Does she own a Camry ?



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its BETTER to be PISSED OFF then PISSED ON!!!..




Shit. Bet she got lots of booking now . I wonder if she would have this much bookings if she wasn't HOT lol . Would still love to see a pic . It might make me switch drivers .

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Does she own a Camry ?

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Yup, as they say a picture is worth a thousand words (or tens of thousands of baht in this case)

GFE: Gull Friend Experience


Official Pattaya Song


Shit. Bet she got lots of booking now . I wonder if she would have this much bookings if she wasn't HOT lol . Would still love to see a pic . It might make me switch drivers .



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Does she own a Camry ?



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Yes she does own a Camry


Here is a pic. She sends it with her email so I do not think she would mind. This might send her business thru the roof.



if she is a good driver......it will be a bonus....555


Ok, she is HOT.


I'll book her next time!!!


Of course we'll hear the obligatory, "seen hotter in Pattaya" remarks.


Wonder how many guys will try to "save" her  :)

GFE: Gull Friend Experience


Official Pattaya Song


Time for me to get a new taxi driver I'm thinking !! Lol u know how I am with supporting the new entrepreneur and all.



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its BETTER to be PISSED OFF then PISSED ON!!!..


Yes she does own a Camry

U know the girl lovelos2mutt is talking about ? Lol



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its BETTER to be PISSED OFF then PISSED ON!!!..


Thanks mr T, it was good while it lasted :P .


She should call herself Mrs. T (for tease).

GFE: Gull Friend Experience


Official Pattaya Song

Posted (edited)

pretty sure she still does some work for MrT.

apart from being pretty boring driving up and down between swampy and pattaya it's not without cost. last time she dropped me at swampy i asked her if she had changed the tyres yet.

the answer was yes, just over 2 months ago and the cost? 20,000 bht for a complete new set.

as to the photo, gotta be an old one.

Edited by striderman

pretty sure she still does some work for MrT.

apart from being pretty boring driving up and down between swampy and pattaya it's not without cost. last time she dropped me at swampy i asked her if she had changed the tyres yet.

the answer was yes, just over 2 months ago and the cost? 20,000 bht for a complete new set.

as to the photo, gotta be an old one.

What ?! Is she fat now or something ?



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its BETTER to be PISSED OFF then PISSED ON!!!..


What ?! Is she fat now or something ?



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no. she is very nice. sporting a set of braces which means eating is not as nice so she has lost a bit lately.


Does she own a Camry ?

Not as far as I know! I met her the night before I was going too pattaya for 10 days. I then came back to Patong but she claimed to have gone back to BKK for a few days. Sadly I never saw her again


I kept her number and tried getting in touch when I went back to phuket a year or so later but no luck. I know Los is filled with great girls but to date she remains the only girl I'm truly sad not to have seen twice


Now whenever I get a number I make a point of asking for email etc too !


how many have fallen in love with her?

GFE: Gull Friend Experience


Official Pattaya Song


how many have fallen in love with her?

I think you fancy her  :GoldenSmile1:....... i do,shes lovely.


how many have fallen in love with her?

Does not matter as long no one start giving her 2000bt tip ! Lol



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its BETTER to be PISSED OFF then PISSED ON!!!..


Used her services 2 days ago because of this thread and I can only recommend her. Will be using her again for my next trip. Her taxi services I mean!


I used her taxi while I was there this month after reading this thread

I took her taxi from Pattaya to Bangkok hotel (sukhumvit)

It cost 1100 Baht Tolls Included, she collected me herself in her black Camry

Its a clean and comfy ride

She speaks good English, she said she lives in Pattaya


Then I asked her to collect me from Bangkok to pattaya about a week later

It was also 1100 Baht Tolls included. This time an OLDER gentlemen collected me had little English

he was driving another Camry which was silver and it was clean and comfy


I later asked her to take me to the airport from Pattaya

It was 900 Baht Tolls included

This time was a younger male driver who was in a mini van

He spoke good English

Again clean and comfy


I used email for all contact and she replied within a few hours

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