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tgf of 5 years refused holiday visa 3 times


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Im really not trying to be funny but seeing as i don't know all the details...........

I dont know if your with her full time and living here as an expat or if you have only been visiting her for a few weeks every year. If your only visiting her every year, are you sure she's actually got a proper job?? This might sound obvious but i know a few people who were led to believe their girls had real jobs only to find out it was all lies and of course the embassy staff can see straight through micky mouse documents.

If she has a proper job, how does she manage to get time off to spend with you? Most Thai employees generally get 1.5 days off per week and maybe 10 days over Songkran. If its her own business her paperwork and tax forms should be bulletproof and good enough for the embassy????

Just saying..

LOS. Gotta Love It.


...... without legal immigration status, mainly from eastern European, African and the middle east shithole counties..


what I cant understand and would like to know .....



Yes unbelievable anyone from shit hole countries voluntarily seek asylum without any back groud check of the nationals hospitality. Could television be a source for more understanding why they commit such stupid act?


If the OP wants meaningful advice he needs to post the exact wording of the refusals.  Until they are addressed, she will continue to be refused.  (Or just use an agent).


Im really not trying to be funny but seeing as i don't know all the details...........

I dont know if your with her full time and living here as an expat or if you have only been visiting her for a few weeks every year. If your only visiting her every year, are you sure she's actually got a proper job?? This might sound obvious but i know a few people who were led to believe their girls had real jobs only to find out it was all lies and of course the embassy staff can see straight through micky mouse documents.

If she has a proper job, how does she manage to get time off to spend with you? Most Thai employees generally get 1.5 days off per week and maybe 10 days over Songkran. If its her own business her paperwork and tax forms should be bulletproof and good enough for the embassy????

Just saying..


I agree, Living here in Thailand with your girl can make the difference.

I had no problem at all filling in application for my girlfriend and get all the documents required together.

I only put one photo of the two of us together (They don't want a bloody photo album)

We have been together 4 years and she does not work.( Got enough on her plate looking after me. lol)

They do like to see how much funding is allocated for the trip.

They do like to see joint bank account as this could be evidence of living together. Supply them with as much banking evidence as possible.

Put the letter of invite in.


Hi Guys


Sorry for the delay in replying, having a 2 month old son can take its tole out on free time :Surrender1:

Visa applications are predominately about documentation and presentation and over the years I have read plenty of refusals, sometimes the Embassy can get a bee in their bonnet about an applicant.


First refusal is normally lack of documents and presentation, second is normally you not adding to make the application stronger or reapplying too soon so in a way telling them they are wrong which is something you should not do even if you think you are correct,

Third application is John who works with Jimmy and Frank at the Embassy is not going to go overturn what they have just told you!!


Refusals are not always what they really mean their can be something behind the wording that you are not aware including just not enough documents.


Visa companies can be of use due to mainly experience in seeing these things daily and experience dealing with the Embassy and having an invaluable way of knowing how they think.


OP I am prepared to help you if required to look at the refusals and documents supplied and tell you my opinion on what you should do and how to go forward, you are a PA member and I am here to help if you need.


Kind regards




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Several friends of mine took the agency road and failed. So I decided to have a go myself as all got conned by the no win no fee.


6 month Bank statements

6month payslips.

6 moth phone records.

Evidence of support and letter from her boss saying she had a job to come back to.

Letter from her parents hoping for a better life for her but that I am good man and treat them well.

Letter from payroll stating how long I had worked and steady income.

Letter from boss stating everybody knew about her and I would phone her almost daily at lunch. 

Letter from my mother.

Many dated pictures over a long period. Now here is where a lot of guys fall down. Go up to her village take pictures of the pair of you with her family. Bring mother to Pattaya more pictures. Take mother on boat trip more pictures. Take mother to play pool more pictures Finally lots of pictures of you all eating. Only minimal pictures of bars.

I submitted 200 pictures with different hair do's.

Copies of both passports and in particular all your visa stamps. Do this in colour not B&W

Long letter from me saying how we met continued relationship hopes for the future.. Talk about your life job family.

Now there is one major reason for failure and that is Thais are very family oriented and Thailand does not like letting its citizens go. So emphasise for understanding of her family needs talk about a sim card for making calls home on a daily basis and refer to returning to Thailand. Now I did talk about long term plans such as my other half getting working visa's for the UK but I made it clear that I was intending to retire in Thailand and my wife would be taken care of via my 2 pensions. Not massive but enough.


I filled out the online visa form and made the appointment. My other half had on a nice stylish yet simple dress (NOT A SEXY ONE) Very little makeup and minimal jewellery. I would also recommend one of those office skirt shirt flat heel combinations. Hide any tattoos. Go with her to the Visa building. You have to wait outside but she was sent out several times with questions that was already in the paperwork. Allow 3 weeks for the paperwork but a week should be sufficient. Go collect the visa do not let them send it out via post.

The visa application asks the same questions several times just repeat yourself when asked.


Thais love paperwork so bombard them with it.


So total cost to me was few hours work a set of ink carts and 3700THB for the Visa and an afternoon in Bangkok.


So visa first time and a happy TGF.


I also ended up marrying her in Thailand a upon her return and did not use an agency for that. Total cost 7000 THB.






The illegals arrive in overcrowded little boats, or stowaway in the back of enormous trucks, hiding in crates or covered over with continental cabbages.  


Several friends of mine took the agency road and failed. So I decided to have a go myself as all got conned by the no win no fee.


6 month Bank statements

6month payslips.

6 moth phone records.

Evidence of support and letter from her boss saying she had a job to come back to.

Letter from her parents hoping for a better life for her but that I am good man and treat them well.

Letter from payroll stating how long I had worked and steady income.

Letter from boss stating everybody knew about her and I would phone her almost daily at lunch. 

Letter from my mother.

Many dated pictures over a long period. Now here is where a lot of guys fall down. Go up to her village take pictures of the pair of you with her family. Bring mother to Pattaya more pictures. Take mother on boat trip more pictures. Take mother to play pool more pictures Finally lots of pictures of you all eating. Only minimal pictures of bars.

I submitted 200 pictures with different hair do's.

Copies of both passports and in particular all your visa stamps. Do this in colour not B&W

Long letter from me saying how we met continued relationship hopes for the future.. Talk about your life job family.

Now there is one major reason for failure and that is Thais are very family oriented and Thailand does not like letting its citizens go. So emphasise for understanding of her family needs talk about a sim card for making calls home on a daily basis and refer to returning to Thailand. Now I did talk about long term plans such as my other half getting working visa's for the UK but I made it clear that I was intending to retire in Thailand and my wife would be taken care of via my 2 pensions. Not massive but enough.


I filled out the online visa form and made the appointment. My other half had on a nice stylish yet simple dress (NOT A SEXY ONE) Very little makeup and minimal jewellery. I would also recommend one of those office skirt shirt flat heel combinations. Hide any tattoos. Go with her to the Visa building. You have to wait outside but she was sent out several times with questions that was already in the paperwork. Allow 3 weeks for the paperwork but a week should be sufficient. Go collect the visa do not let them send it out via post.

The visa application asks the same questions several times just repeat yourself when asked.


Thais love paperwork so bombard them with it.


So total cost to me was few hours work a set of ink carts and 3700THB for the Visa and an afternoon in Bangkok.


So visa first time and a happy TGF.


I also ended up marrying her in Thailand a upon her return and did not use an agency for that. Total cost 7000 THB.

Arcouk agreed people do do it themselves, but some are too busy in their own business or lifestyle and would prefer the help, also if they are overseas they would like their TG to get assistance, this is why we dont get paid till the job is done,

Posted Image


Okay, Key Visa has checked in, and the expert advice has been given to the OP.




Now somebody explain this Yorkshire thing to me.


Just curious.


Okay, Key Visa has checked in, and the expert advice has been given to the OP.




Now somebody explain this Yorkshire thing to me.


Just curious.

Assuming you're serious in asking, best I can think of is similar to texan vs us maybe. It's one of the northern counties of england, with a distinctive accent. A really broad yorkshire accent is halfway unintelligble to the rest of the uk :P. Sometimes it's like it's own little country.  I know it's a lame explanation, but it's one of those facts you know rather than can really describe.


The illegals arrive in overcrowded little boats, or stowaway in the back of enormous trucks, hiding in crates or covered over with continental cabbages.  


Like this?

Continental cabbage.jpg


Assuming you're serious in asking, best I can think of is similar to texan vs us maybe. It's one of the northern counties of england, with a distinctive accent. A really broad yorkshire accent is halfway unintelligble to the rest of the uk :P. Sometimes it's like it's own little country.  I know it's a lame explanation, but it's one of those facts you know rather than can really describe.


Well, I am serious. I'm not trying to stir shit, I just don't understand the lack of capitalization and punctuation. That's all.


Christ, I've spent a fair amount of time in Cajun country. Can't understand a damn thing they say, but it's easy to read what they write.


I was trying to help the guy. What's up with the lack of capitalization and punctuation?


Again, I'm just curious. How is that a regional thing?


Just out of curiosity -- and don't take offense -- is English your native language?


You can't really write properly -- capitalization, punctuation, etc., -- did you fill out her app?


This might be the problem... just sayin'



It should be correctly


Get the inside track with an ex UK embassy liason. call my Visa gal ann 085 396 3903


Given that you have 3 refusals I would say that your brain is not wired correctly to prepare a good application (no offence meant). If you want her to go to the UK I strongly recommend you engage someone to help you.

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My moto for 2017: Don't argue with an idiot. Don't argue with.....


Try these people ILVS International Law and Visa Service  02 254-8894, 086 7005858 or email [email protected] I used them some years ago I think they are in the same building as the UK Embassy in Bangkok. Probably not the cheapest around but did get the desired result. They will go through all the paperwork with you and make sure everything is correct before presenting it to the UK Visa service, took about one week. I know the RULES have been tightened over the last years, and 3 rejections make it harder. The only downside is no visa no refund. Good luck  


I have offered to look at the OP'S documents free to try and help him through his problem then he can go his own way,




I am sorry for the capital letters but paying up front is ludicrous in Thailand, why?? take the chance, PAY WHEN THE VISA IS GIVEN if they don't do this service then don't use them!!!




I am going to become a plumber and come to your houses and ask you to pay for a boiler before i have fitted it and never return!! how's that sound "crazy" well there you go,

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I am not saying this is the case, but, there seems to be something holding the visa back. I have had 2 different ladies visit me in the states, takes a while, but both went thru, no problem. I suggest you check with the local police dept and see if anything is there that would raise a red flag. She is in her 40's, she could have been a very different person in her 20's.


the one occasion I know about               2 refusals  where caused by some police trouble in previous years, seems a shady past can come back to bight even in the visa business    but then again who among us has not got a shady past    not to many I would think


Pay a Professional to do the work.

You must be doing something wrong.


One refusal would be more than enough for me to call it quits and call in a professional, but just stumbling blindly ahead into three refusals may have buggered your chances for good, even with an agent handling a future fourth application.


First thing theirs nowt wrong with Yorkshire folk  :GoldenSmile1: , even the wife is now talking Yorkshire Thai. after being here 3 month.   My GF got turned down twice, with exBF, because he left her to do it alone. On our first visa, I explained i knew that she had applied twice before, and was refused, at least she didnt lie to me and told me. My friends GF was also refused twice, the reason being he was self employed, and although he had accounts to prove he earned £60,000 a year, he was £16,000 overdrawn, the reason were that he was unable to support.her The most stupid thing was when he applied on the 3rd time he withdrew £4,000 to go overdrawn by £20,000 and put the 4k in a separate bank account and informed them that this was set aside to support her while she was here. This one was granted  Yet another friend was granted one, without much history and only seeing her once, and the relationship was only 3 months old, they applied with out providing much information, so I dont think its the amount of information, you send but the credibility of the information you do send


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